Aaron (biblical figure), 73, 74

Abraham (biblical figure), 47, 59

Act of God, An (Javerbaum), 45

active listening, 207

Adelphi University, 142

ADL. See Anti-Defamation League

afikomen, 210

African Americans, 77–78, 144, 145, 150, 163, 248n85


intermarriage and, 195

Israeli-Palestinian conflict, opinions on, 171

peoplehood concept and, 92–93

agnosticism, 6, 45, 48, 56, 241n25

AIPAC. See American Israeli Public Affairs Committee

AJC. See American Jewish Committee

Akiva, Rabbi, 50

Albright, Joseph, 40

Albright, Madeleine, 39–44, 78, 123, 223

Aliyah, 84, 98, 251n20

Alpines (racial classification), 63

alt-right, 130, 149

Altzman, Russ, 72

American Israeli Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), 173–174, 175, 176, 177, 183, 187, 279n20

American Jewish Committee (AJC), 129, 143, 146, 149, 154–155

American Jewish Congress, 143

American Revolution, 135

ancestry. See descent/ancestry

Anderson, Benedict, 89

Andrews, Beth, 119–120

Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 143, 150–151, 153, 157, 158, 182

anti-Semitism, 3, 6, 7, 16, 82, 94, 95, 129–164, 222, 224

American Jews’ concerns about, 129, 149, 151–153, 261n1, 272n139

as an attitude, 146–148, 154–157

challenge of decline in, 130, 163

from colonial period to 1880, 134–138

current day, 148–149

falling of barriers, 143–144

hate crimes and incidents, 150–153

hostility toward Israel and, 158–161

immigration and, 140–143

institutionalized, decline of, 129, 144–146, 149

intermarriage linked to decline in, 192–193

racial, roots of, 61–62

reasons for US dearth of, 161–164

shared responsibility to fight, 88, 95

social segregation and, 138–140

sources of in US, 130–133

stereotypes and, 154–157

Zionism as a response to, 83

Aryan, The (Lapounge), 63

Aryans (racial classification), 63, 65

Ashkenazim, 71, 72, 73, 246n58,59

assertiveness, 207

Associated Press, 40

atheism, 45, 48, 56, 241n25

Atlantic, The, 148

Auschwitz concentration camp, 40, 123

Azoulay, David, 182, 284n53,54

Balfour Declaration, 251n21

Baptist Church, 270–271n132

bar/bat mitzvah, 2, 3, 4, 183, 212, 216

Barnard College, 142

Bar-Yehuda, Israel, 101

Batnitzky, Leora, 82

BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) movement, 158–161, 173, 177–178, 179, 181, 281n33, 283n48

Beecher, Henry Ward, 265n68

Belitz, Hannah, 231

Ben-Ami, Jeremy, 176

Ben-Gurion, David, 98–99, 102, 103, 109, 255n8,9

Benkler, Yochai, 231

Berenson, Zvi, 106–107, 108, 259n69

Berlin, Isaiah, 102, 103

Berman, Marshall, 13–16, 19, 24, 30, 222–223

Beth Adam, 48–49

Bible, 32, 36–37, 80

Big-Tent standard, 10, 116, 117–127, 224

categories of people included in, 119–123

critiques, questions, and answers, 123–127

defense of inclusiveness, 118

origin of term, 260n3

premises of, 117–118

binational consociational democracy, 278n19

birth control, 52

Birthright Israel, 214–215, 281n34, 294n34

Blakeslee, Spencer, 151, 157

Bloch, Henry, 146, 269n125

blood libel, 132, 267n96

blood purity, 60, 61–62, 65

Bloom, Ariana, 231

Blum, Gabby, 231

B’nai B’rith, 60, 143

See also Anti-Defamation League

B’nai B’rith Youth Organization (BBYO), 213

B’nai Jeshurun, 200

B’nai Keshet, 283n48

b’nai mitzvah, 216

Boas, Franz, 64

Boesky, Ivan, 148

books and reading (for children), 210–211, 219

Books of Moses, 50

Borowitz, Eugene, 48, 240n17

Boston Psychoanalytic Society and Institute, 28

Boston Review, 148

Boundaries of Judaism, The (Hartman), 115

brachycephalic racial category, 63

Bradman, Neil, 74

Brandeis, Louis, 85–86

Brandeis University, 196–197, 214, 216

BRCA1 and BRCA2 genetic mutations, 76

Breaking the Silence (BtS), 283n48

Bronfman, Charles, 215

Brother Daniel case, 104–110, 111, 116, 122, 123, 257–259n46,53,59,62

Brown, Erica, 86, 88, 89, 93, 94, 95

Brudney, Alicia, 231

Buchdahl, Angela Warnick, 38–39, 223

Buddhism, 123, 261n16

Burek, Josh, 231

burial (in Israel), 98, 181

Burt, Caroline, 215

Bush, George W., 170

Butler, Judith, 160

Butler, Susan, 57–58

Camp Thunderbird, 213–214

Canavan disease, 59

cancer, 76, 247n81

Carroll, James, 61, 62

Carvajal, Doreen, 121–122

Case for Jewish Peoplehood, The (Brown and Galperin), 86

Catholicism, 61–62, 93, 122–123, 132, 193

See also Brother Daniel case

Caucasoids (racial classification), 63

Center for Jewish Genetics, 75, 76

Central Conference of American Rabbis, 198

Central Synagogue, 38

Chabad, 214, 36–37

Charlottesville, VA rally, 129, 149, 152

Chertok, Fern, 196, 231

children, 203–219

building a Jewish identity in, 207–215

of intermarriage, 110–112, 119, 195–197, 203–205, 214, 225

negotiations between spouses/partners and, 203–207

role of grandparents and extended family, 215–219

Chilton, Mary, 57

Chilton Club, 57

Christianity, 121–122, 131–133

anti-Semitism decline in, 147

in colonial period, 136

Erikson’s relationship to, 22–26

faith role in, 45

intermarriage and, 193, 205

See also Catholicism

Christmas, 2, 9, 204, 205, 290n1

Christmas trees, 2, 4, 9, 198, 204, 291n2

Chyet, Stanley, 135

Citizenship Law of 1952 (Israel), 98

City College of New York, 143

Civil Rights Act of 1964, 144

Civil War, 136–137, 163

Clinton, Bill, 40, 167, 170

Cohanim, 73–74

Cohen, Asher, 100

Cohen, Haim, 101

Cohen, Shaye, 32–36, 231

Cohen, Steven, 79, 96

Cohen Modal Haplotype (CMH), 74

Cohn, Haim, 108

Coles, Robert, 16

Columbia University, 64, 142, 146

Columbus Platform, 250n16, 251n32

Community Federations, 86

Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, 175

Congregation Shearith Israel, 134

Conservative Judaism, 120, 166, 175, 212, 217

founding of, 53

halacha and, 53–54

intermarriage and, 9, 54, 192, 199–201

matrilineal principle and, 37, 54

Orthodox Israelis on, 183, 184, 185, 186–187

percentage of US Jews practicing, 54

Constitution, US, 135


to Judaism, 31, 32, 101, 103, 113, 114, 125–126, 183, 198, 199, 217, 285n1

from Judaism to another religion, 31, 61–62, 121–123, 131–132 (see also Brother Daniel case)

conversos, 61–62, 122

Corbin, Austin, 139

Cornell University, 142

Coughlin, Father, 141

Country Club, 57

covenant, 47, 81

Cowan, Paul, 205

Cowan, Rachel, 230

Curfman, Hope, 23–25

Dale, Jim, 231

Daniel Deronda (Eliot), 59

Daroff, Sophie, 231

Dartmouth College, 142

David (biblical figure), 32

Dearborn Independent, 141, 143

Declaration of Independence (Israel), 98, 254n3

Dershowitz, Alan, 8

descent/ancestry, 6, 74–75, 77–78, 222

Big-Tent standard and, 118, 125

peoplehood and, 91–92

remote Jewish, 121–122

See also matrilineal principle; patrilineal descent

developmental model of identity, 12

Dienstag, Isaac (author’s grandchild), 232

Dienstag, Joshua, 232

Dienstag, Sophia (author’s grandchild), 213, 232

Difficult Conversations (Stone, Heen, and Patton), 206

Dinnerstein, Leonard, 131

diseases, Jewish, 59, 75–77

Disraeli, Benjamin, 59

divorce (in Israel), 98–99, 181, 254–255n4,5

DNA. See genetic testing; genetics

Dobbs, Michael, 40, 41–42

dolichocephalic racial category, 63

Dor Yeshorim, 75–76

Double or Nothing? (Fishman), 193

dreidel, 210, 292n18

Dreyfus, Alfred (Dreyfus Affair), 84

Duke University, 142

DuPont, 145

Dutch West India Company, 134

East Jerusalem, 168, 169


commitment to, 225–226

discrimination in, 142, 144

religious, 211–213

Eichler, Israel, 182

Eiran, Udi, 5

Elazar, Daniel, 126

Eliot, George, 59

empathy, 207

employment discrimination, 145–146

endogamy, 7, 189, 190–191, 222

genetics and, 72

Orthodox Judaism and, 52

race and reinforcement of, 60

shift to, 32–35

See also intermarriage

Enlightenment. See Jewish Enlightenment

Entine, Jon, 74, 77

Episcopal Church House of Bishops, 147

Eretz Israel project, 170, 171

“Erik Erikson, the Man Who Invented Himself” (Berman), 13–16

Erikson, Erik, 11–30, 39, 43–44, 95, 123, 222–223

ambiguous national and professional identities, 26–28

author’s acquaintance with, 11–13

biological father of, 18–21

Christianity and, 22–26

death and cremation of, 24

developmental model of identity, 12

Gandhi’s Truth, 12

Life History and the Historical Moment, 13–16

personal identity and, 17–26

professional training of, 11

refusal to sign loyalty oath, 235n39

Young Man Luther, 12

Erikson, Joan, 11, 21–22, 23, 24, 27

Ethiopia, 165

ethnic/national identity

Big-Tent standard and, 122–123

decline in, 93–95

in Israel, 99–100, 256n12,13

peoplehood based on, 79, 83–86

See also race

eugenics movement, 63–65, 140, 244n35

Facing History and Ourselves, 226

Fair Housing Act of 1968, 144

faith, role of in Judaism, 45–49

FBI, 150, 152

Feldman, Marcus, 70–71

Feldman, Noah, 230

Fellman, Gordon, 22, 230

Ferdinand, King of Spain, 61

Final Solution, 66

financial crisis of 2008, 148

Fingerhut, Eric, 180–181

First Amendment, 162, 254n2

Fisher, Isaac, 183

Fishman, Sylvia Barack, 86–87, 92, 193

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 140

Ford, Henry, 133, 141, 143, 163, 266n83, 267n95

Foreign Policy, 183

Fourteenth Amendment, 136

France, 62, 161, 249n6

Frank, Leo, 140–141, 143

Freeman, Tzvi, 37

French Revolution, 82

Freud, Anna, 11, 19, 28

Freud, Sigmund, 11, 12

Friedman, Lawrence J., 17, 28

Furrow, Burford, Jr., 273n143

Gafni, Moshe, 182

Galanter, Marc, 109

Galperin, Misha, 86, 88, 89, 93, 94, 95

Gandhi’s Truth (Erikson), 12

Gans, Herbert, 93–94, 124

Gatekeepers, The (documentary), 187

Gates, Bill, 91

Gaucher disease, 59

Gavison, Ruth, 101

Gelbfish, Isaac, 231

General Order No. 11, 137

genetic testing, 70–71, 73–74

for diseases, 59, 75–77

Jewish identity not determined by, 78

genetics, 59, 70–77

Gentleman’s Agreement (novel and film), 147

Germany, 62, 162, 249n6

God, belief in, 45, 47–49

Goldstein, Eric, 59–60, 61

Goodman, Micah, 99

Grand Union Hotel, 138–139


helping to raise Jewish grandchildren, 215–219

Jewish status determined by, 120–121

Grant, Madison, 63

Grant, Ulysses S., 137–138, 163, 264n53

Graves, Philip, 133

Great Britain, 85, 162, 249n6

Great Depression, 141

Great Gatsby, The (Fitzgerald), 140

greedy Jew stereotype, 132–133

Green Line (Israeli-Palestinian), 167–168

Greenblatt, Jonathan, 153, 182

Grossman, Matt, 213

Hadassah magazine, 39

Haggadah, 56, 292n17

halacha (traditional Jewish law), 241n37

attitudes toward by denomination, 50–54

declining dominance of, 192

defined, 50

intermarriage and, 189, 192

in Israel, 101, 102, 182, 184–185, 257n31

matrilineal principle in, 31

sources of, 50

Halbertal, Moshe, 115, 230

hamantaschen, 210

Hamas Covenant, 133

Handbook of Identity Theory and Research, The, 28–29

Hanukkah, 2, 210

haplogroups, 71

haredi, 184, 241n32

Hartman, Donniel, 81, 115, 230

Hartman Institute, 99

Harvard Law School, 4–5, 212, 231

Harvard Negotiation Research Project, 231

Harvard University, 11–12, 28, 142, 146, 159, 269n120

Haskalah movement. See Jewish Enlightenment

hate crimes, 150–153, 272–273n140,141,142,143

Hebrew language, 52, 98, 113, 185, 211

Heen, Sheila, 206

Heineman, Ben, 230

Hemingway, Ernest, 140

Herberg, Will, 193

Herzl, Theodor, 83–84, 88

High Holy Days, 2, 3, 4, 55, 211

Hillel (organization), 214, 228, 281–282n36,38,40, 283n48

Hillel (sage), 50

Hillel International, 178–181

Hillel Israel Guidelines, 179

hiloni, 185

Hilton, Conrad, 138, 139

Hilton, Henry, 139

Hitler, Adolf, 22, 27, 63, 65, 140, 266n83

Hobson, Laura Z., 147

Hoffman, David, 119–120

Hollinger, David, 95–96

Holocaust, 57, 78, 86, 94, 100, 104–105, 109, 130, 143, 144, 151, 165, 171

Albright’s family and, 40, 42, 43

racial justification for, 65–67

See also Nazism

Holub, Kathy, 232

Homburger, Karla Abrahamsen, 14, 17–20, 26–27

Homburger, Theodor, 14, 18–19

homosexuality/gays, 52, 53, 150

See also same-sex marriage

Hopkins, Ernest, 142

House of Mirth, The (Wharton), 140

housing discrimination, 142, 145, 268n109

How Judaism Became a Religion (Batnitzky), 82

“Human Life Cycle, The” (Erikson course), 11–12

Humanistic Judaism, 48, 240n20

identity. See Jewish identity

identity cards (in Israel), 99–100, 255–256n11,20

identity crisis

Erikson’s, 13–16, 21

Erikson’s development of concept, 12

iGENEA, 70

imagined community, 89

immigration, 85, 93

1880-1945, 140–143

diversity in, 162

scientific racism and, 64–65

Immigration Act of 1917, 65

Immigration Act of 1924, 65, 244n34

inclusiveness (peoplehood criterion), 87–88

ingathering of exiles, 84, 98, 102

Inquisitions, 61–62, 121, 134, 243n24

intermarriage, 92, 189–201

Big-Tent standard and, 118, 119–120, 127

children of, 110–112, 119, 195–197, 203–205, 214, 225

Conservative Judaism and, 54, 192, 199–201

by denomination, 192

genetic evidence for, 72

increase in, reasons and meaning, 190–194

in Israel, 102, 110–112

matrilineal principle and, 31, 37, 44

Orthodox Judaism and, 9, 192, 194, 198–199

peoplehood and, 95–96

perceived problem with, 194–197

prohibition of, 32–35

rabbinical responses to, 197–201

rate of, 7, 189, 191

Reform Judaism and, 8–9, 53, 119, 191, 192, 197–198, 199

status of non-Jewish spouse, 119–120

two schools of thought on, 190

by year of marriage, 191

See also endogamy

International Jew, The (Dearborn series), 141

international Jewish conspiracy myth, 133

International Psychoanalytic Association, 28

Intifada, Second, 179

Iranian nuclear program, 174, 176

Isaac (biblical figure), 59

Isabella, Queen of Spain, 61

Islam, 45, 46, 61, 132

Israel, 47, 86, 94, 96, 121, 149, 165–187

American Jews’ attachment to, 165, 276n1

anti-Semitism attributed to critics of, 158–161

author’s feelings toward, 165

BDS movement and, 158–161, 173, 177–178, 179, 181, 281n33, 283n48

children traveling to, 214–215

comparison with US Jewish community, 184–185

Declaration of Independence, 98, 254n3

Erikson on, 12–13

etymology of word, 239n12

homecoming and citizenship in, 98

identity cards in, 99–100

legal conflicts over Jewish status in, 97–114

Orthodox Judaism in, 7, 97, 98–99, 101–103, 112–113, 166–167, 181–187, 225

Palestinian conflict (see Israeli-Palestinian conflict)

personal status issues, 98–99

Registration of Inhabitants Ordinance, 99–100, 104, 107, 111–112

secular Jews in, by percentage, 185

self-declaration standard and, 100–101

self-declaration standard changed in, 101–103

shared support for, 88, 91, 95, 222

Six Day War, 95, 165, 168

War of Independence, 167, 168–169

West Bank occupation (see West Bank occupation)

Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 166, 167–181, 225

“ambivalent centrism” in US Jews, 176–181, 187

author’s views and work on, 4–5, 167, 171–172, 175

binational state solution, 278n19

divisions among US Jews on, 171–175

example of conflict among US Jews, 175–176

one-state solution, 172–173

reasons for lack of progress in resolving, 170–171

two-state solution, 167–171, 172–173, 174, 181, 187, 277n11

Italy, 162

J Street, 174–176, 279–280n21,24,26

J Street U, 178–181, 282n40, 283n48

Jacob (biblical figure), 47, 59

Jacobs, Rich, 175

Jaffe, Howard, 198

Javerbaum, David, 45, 48

Jerusalem, 168, 169–170

Jesuits, 62

Jesus Christ, 23, 26, 105, 123, 131–132, 136, 147, 157, 270n131

Jewish Agency, 183

Jewish Book Council, 211

Jewish Enlightenment, 81, 82, 249–250n7,9

Jewish Federation, 90, 215

Jewish head, 225–226

Jewish heart, 225, 226

Jewish heritage, 225, 226–227

Jewish holidays and rituals, 208–211, 218

Jewish identity

author’s experience, 1–5, 221–222

in children, building, 207–215

Erikson and (see Erikson, Erik)

Israel’s legal conflict over, 97–114

peoplehood limits for sustaining, 92–96

Jewish Outreach Institute, 260n3

“Jewish Question,” 81, 135

Jewish quotas, 3, 76–77, 142, 144

“Jewish race.” See race

Jewish social networks, 213–214

Jewish spark, 5

Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), 173

John, Gospel of, 131

John Paul II, Pope, 122

Johns Hopkins, 142

Johnson-Reed Act, 140, 244n34

Jones, Jack, 157

Joseph (biblical figure), 32

Josephus, Flavius, 59

Jost-Creegan, Kelsey, 231

Jubus, 261n16

Judah (biblical figure), 32

Judaism, 45–56

author’s fundamental tenets of, 47

behavior emphasized in, 50–54

children’s observance of, 211–213

conversion and (see conversion)

denomination by percentage, 54

faith role in, 45–49

Humanistic, 48, 240n20

limits of religious observance standard, 56

observance of, 6, 7, 55–56

See also Conservative Judaism; Orthodox Judaism; Reform Judaism

Judenstaat, Der (Herzl), 84

Kaback, Michael, 247n79

Kamenetz, Rodger, 261n16

Kansas City Country Club, 146

Kaplan, Mordecai, 48, 86, 102–103, 252n34

kashrut, 51, 241n34

See also kosher dietary laws

Kaskel, Cesar, 137, 264n53

Kaufman, Lisa, 231–232

Kellner, Menachem, 47–48

Kennedy, Randall, 230

Keppel, Frederick Paul, 142

Kerem Shalom, 119–120

Kibbutz Galuyot. See ingathering of exiles

Kierkegaard, Søren, 17, 22, 24

King, Mary-Claire, 70–71, 76–77

Knesset, 100, 104, 107, 108, 109, 111–112, 183, 184

Kogan, Eugene, 231

Korbel, Josef, 40

kosher dietary laws, 51, 53, 55, 185, 255n9

Ku Klux Klan, 69, 76, 147

La Jolla, CA, 145

Landau, Moshe, 108, 258n59, 259n62, 260n69

Lapouge, Georges Vacher de, 63

Law of Return of 1950 (Israel), 98, 100, 104, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 121, 257n31

League of Nations, 85

Lee University, 142

Legacy (Ostrer), 72

Levi, Leo, 60

Levin, Richard, 146

Levine, Jim, 230, 231

Levinson, Sanford, 231

Lewittes, Adina, 200–201

Lewontin, Richard, 70–71

Liberal Judaism (Borowitz), 48

Lieberman, Joseph, 148

Life History and the Historical Moment (Erikson), 13–16

limpieza de sangre. See blood purity

Lincoln, Abraham, 137, 138, 163, 264n53

listening, 206–207

local discretion standard, 118

Look magazine, 7–8

Lowell, A. Lawrence, 142

Lustiger, Jean-Marie, 122–123, 259n68

Lutheran Church, 270–271n132

lynching, 140–141

Madoff, Bernard, 148, 271n133

Magid, Shaul, 96

Maimonides, Moses, 46–47

Malewitz, Lea, 231

mamzer, 34, 236n17

marriage (in Israel), 98–99, 112–113, 181, 254–255n4,5

See also intermarriage

Marshall, Louis, 143, 267n95

“mater certa, pater incertus” principle, 36, 38

matrilineal principle, 16, 30, 31–44, 45, 53, 54, 59, 77, 223, 224

arbitrariness of, 44

Big-Tent standard vs., 118

defined, 31

exceptions to, 236n27

in Israel, 100, 103, 110–112, 113

major benefit of, 44

overinclusiveness of, 39–44

roots of, 31–39

underinclusiveness of, 38–39

Matthew, Gospel of, 131

Mayer, Egon, 260n3

Mayyim Hayyim, 217

McClure’s magazine, 141

Mead, Rebecca, 194

Mediterraneans (racial classification), 63

Mendelssohn, Moses, 81, 82

Menorah Hospital, 90

Merchant of Venice (Shakespeare), 132–133, 262n16, 267n96

Messiah, 46, 123, 131–132

Meyer, Aviva, 231

Michaelson, Jay, 87

mikvah, 52, 217

Milken, Michael, 148

millennials, 196, 201, 288n31,32, 290n1, 294n31

Miller, Orlea, 231

millet system, 99

Ministry of the Interior (Israel), 100, 106, 111

Minow, Martha, 231

Mischlinge, 66, 244n37,38

Mishnah, 32–35, 50, 226

MIT, 159

mitzvot, 50, 241n31

Mixed Blessings (Cowan), 205

Mnookin, Allison, 1, 3, 4, 8–9, 189, 198, 232

Mnookin, Dale, 1–5, 8, 13, 57, 208, 226, 232

Mnookin, Jacob, 90, 232

Mnookin, Jennifer, 1–5, 221, 231, 232

Mnookin, Jimmy, 209, 216–217, 218, 219, 294n36

Mnookin, Wendy, 215–219, 231, 294n36

Mohammed (Islamic prophet), 46

Mongoloids (racial classification), 63

Montagu, Ashley, 67

Moses (biblical figure), 32, 37, 80–81

Must a Jew Believe Anything? (Kellner), 47–48

Myerson, Bess, 143–144

Naimark, Maria, 231

Nakba, 168–169

National Academy of Sciences, 71

National Insurance Law (Israel), 255n5

National Jewish Population Survey (NJPS), 196

National Origins Immigration Act of 1924, 140

National Religious Party (NRP) (Israel), 101, 102, 103, 111

National Religious settlers, 170, 171–172

Nationalist Socialist Party of America, 69

nationality. See ethnic/national identity

Native Americans, 78, 248n85

Nature, 70–71, 73

Nazism, 15, 17, 27, 40, 62, 65–67, 86, 133, 143, 144, 223, 243n18,24, 245n39

See also Holocaust; neo-Nazism

Negroids (racial classification), 63

neo-Nazism, 69, 129, 147, 149, 152

Netanyahu, Benjamin, 174, 175, 176, 182–183, 184, 280n31, 284n53,54

New England Holocaust Memorial, 152

New Immigrants, 64, 93, 140

New Israel Fund, 90

New Testament, 131

New York Times, 13, 18, 41, 42, 74, 76, 138–139, 153

New Yorker, 194

nontheism, 48–49

Nordics (racial classification), 63

Northwestern University, 142

Nostra Aetate, 270n131

NPR, 45

NRP. See National Religious Party

Nuremberg Laws, 62, 66

Obama, Barack, 170, 172, 176, 280n29

Ohio State University, 142, 283n48

Olcott, Cornelius, V, 8–9, 92, 232

Olcott, Cornelius, VI (Eli) (author’s grandchild), 232

Olcott, Hailey (author’s grandchild), 213, 232

Old Testament, 32, 59

oleh, 98

Omer, Corey, 231

one-state solution, 172–173

Open Hearts & Open Door, 291n10

Open Hillel, 179

Oral Law, 50, 235n9

Oranim College, 86

“ordinary meaning” standard, 107

Oren, Michael, 175

Ornan v. The Minister of the Interior, 256n12

Orthodox Judaism, 8, 46, 55, 73, 127, 171, 212

genetic testing in community, 75–76

halacha and, 50–52

intermarriage and, 9, 192, 194, 198–199

in Israel, 7, 97, 98–99, 101–103, 112–113, 166–167, 181–187, 225

matrilineal principle and, 37, 45

percentage of US Jews practicing, 54, 166, 184

Oslo Peace Process, 167, 280n31

Osnos, Peter, 231

Ostrer, Harry, 72

Oswald Rufeisen v. Minister of the Interior. See Brother Daniel case

Palestinian National Liberation Movement, 170

Palestinian refugees, 168–169, 173

Palestinian-Israeli conflict. See Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Passing of the Great Race, The (Grant), 63

Passover Seder, 4, 55–56, 210, 218, 242n47

patrilineal descent, 32, 34, 38, 92, 197

Patton, Bruce, 206

Peck, Gregory, 147

Penn State, 142

peoplehood, 79–96, 165, 223–224

appeal of, 89–91

author’s experience of, 89–91

boundary question not answered by, 91–92

ethnic/national aspect, 79, 83–86

limits of without religion, 92–96

meaning of, 86–89

origins of dual collective, 80–81

religious aspect, 79, 81–83

Peoplehood Commissions, 86

Pesner, Jonah, 271n135

Pew surveys, 49, 79, 92, 93, 124, 148–149, 165, 195, 196

Phagan, Mary, 140–141

Philadelphia Conference, 250n15

Phillips, Benjamin, 196

Pianko, Noam, 88

Pilate, Pontius, 131

Pittsburgh Platform, 83, 250n16, 251–252n32, 292n15

PJ Library, 210–211, 219

“plain meaning” standard, 116

Plonit v. The Regional Rabbinical Court Tel Aviv, 254–255n5

pogroms, 84, 85

Pollack, James, 231

Pollack, Robert, 78

population, Jewish

Israeli, 186

US, 7, 130–131, 186, 193

Population Registry Law (Israel), 255n11, 257n31, 259n69

Portugal, 162

Portuguese Inquisition, 61–62, 134

post-ethnicity, 95–96

Pozen, Robert, 231

Prague Winter (Albright), 43

“Premarital Counseling Guide for Clergy” (Reform movement), 197

Prevention of Family Violence Law (Israel), 255n5

Princeton University, 142, 146

Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School, 4–5

Protestantism, 193

Protocols of the Elders of Zion (fraudulent document), 133, 141

public self-identification standard, 117–118

Purim, 210

Putnam, Robert, 193

quotas. See Jewish quotas

Rabbinic Center for Research and Counseling, 291n10

Rabbinical Assembly, 199, 200

Rabbinical Courts, 98

Rabbinical Courts Jurisdiction (Marriage and Divorce) Law, 254n4

race, 57–78, 223

anti-Semitism and, 61–62

as a badge of honor among Jews, 59–61

current US views on, 67–69

definitions of, 58, 68–69

the Holocaust and, 65–67

scientific racism and, 62–65, 140

See also ethnic/national identity

Races of Europe, The (Ripley), 63

Ratisbonne, Marie-Théodor, 259n68

Raymond, Melissa, 232

Reagan, Ronald, 88, 253n49

Reconstructionist movement, 48, 86, 103

Reform Judaism, 2, 4, 81, 120, 166, 175, 204, 212

halacha and, 52–53

intermarriage and, 8–9, 53, 119, 191, 192, 197–198, 199

matrilineal principle abandoned by, 37, 53

nontheistic approach and, 48–49

origins of, 53, 82–83

Orthodox Israelis on, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186–187

percentage of US Jews practicing, 54

Pittsburgh Platform, 83, 250n16, 251–252n32, 292n15

on Shabbat observance, 208–209, 242n40

size of in US, 53

Zionism and, 85, 86

Registration of Inhabitants Ordinance (Israel), 99–100, 104, 107, 111–112, 255n11, 259n62

Reich, David, 74–75

“repairing the world” doctrine. See tikkun olam

restrictive deed covenants, 142, 145, 268n109

Revelle, Roger, 145

Rich, Frank, 41, 42

right of return (Palestinian), 169, 170–171, 173

Rights of Victims of Crime Law (Israel), 255n5

Ripley, William Zebina, 63

Rivlin, Reuven, 88

Roosevelt and Stalin (Butler), 57

Rosenbloom, Seymour, 200

Rosh Hashanah, 2, 55, 210

Rothschild, Zalman, 231

Rudenstine, Neil, 269n120

Ruderman, Jay, 284n54

Rufeisen, Oswald, 104–110

See also Brother Daniel case

Russia, 162, 165, 249n6

Russian Revolution, 133, 140, 249n6

Rutgers University, 142

Sabbath. See Shabbat/Sabbath

Sacks, Jonathan, 88, 225, 227

Salant, David, 231

Salomonsen, Valdemar Isidor, 18, 19, 27

same-sex marriage, 53, 54, 200

Sanders, Bernie, 148, 271n135

Sapiro, Aaron, 267n95

Sarna, Jonathan, 138, 161, 163

Sasson, Theodore, 196

Saudi Education Ministry, 133

Saxe, Leonard, 8, 195, 196, 197

Schulweis, Harold, 48

scientific racism, 62–65, 140, 243n18, 244n30

Second Intifada, 179, 280n31

Second Vatican Council, 147

Seder. See Passover Seder

Seidler, David, 231

Seligman, Jesse, 139

Seligman, Joseph, 138–139, 265n68

Sellout: The Politics of Racial Betrayal (Kennedy), 230

Sephardim, 72, 73, 121–122

sexual relations, 52

Shabbat/Sabbath, 51, 54, 55, 208–209, 210, 211, 218, 219, 242n40, 255n9

Shakespeare, William, 132–133, 262n16, 267n96

Shalit, Benjamin, 110–112, 259–260n69

Shapiro, Edward, 143–144

Shapiro, Harold, 146

Shapiro, Irving, 145, 269n116

Sharansky, Natan, 284n57

shared past and future (peoplehood criterion), 88

shared responsibility (peoplehood criterion), 88, 95

Shas, 184

Shelley v. Kraemer, 145, 268n109

Shelton-May, Caryn, 231

Sher, Gilad, 230

Sherman, Wendy, 176

Shin Bet, 187

shiva, 191

Sh’ma, 39

Shonk, Katie, 231

Shultz, George P., 253n49

Shweder, Richard, 230

Silberg, Moshe, 106, 107–108, 258n53, 260n69

Simana, Shelly, 231

Singer, Peter, 91

Sittenfeld, George M., 12, 90, 142, 232

Six Day War, 95, 165, 168

Solomon (biblical figure), 32

Somerset Club, 57

Southern Poverty Law Center, 152

Sovern, Michael, 146

Soviet Jews, 88, 95, 113, 253n49

Spain, 61–62, 162

Spanish Inquisition, 61–62, 121, 134

Stalin, Joseph, 57

Standards of Partnership (Hillel International), 179

Stanford University, 90

Statement on Principles for Reform Judaism, 252n32

“Statement on Race, The” (UNESCO), 67–68

status quo deal, 99, 255n8,9

Steele, Claude, 157

Stein, Ilan, 231

Steinhardt, Michael, 215

Steinitz, Maya, 231

stereotypes of Jews, 154–157

sterilization, compulsory, 65, 244n35

Stone, Alan, 229, 231

Stone, Doug, 206

Stuyvesant, Peter, 134

sukkah, 210, 218

Sukkot, 210, 218

summer camps, 213–214

Summers, Larry, 146, 159–161

Sun Also Rises, The (Hemingway), 140

Supreme Court (Israel), 103–112

Brother Daniel case, 104–110, 111, 116, 122, 123, 257–259n46,53,59,62

Ornan case, 256n12

Plonit case, 254–255n5

Shalit case, 110–112, 259–260n69

Supreme Court (US), 69, 145, 148

Susser, Bernard, 100

Sweden, 162

Switzerland, 162

symbolic ethnicity, 93–94, 124

Talmud, 50, 225

Taoultsides, George, 231

Tay-Sachs disease, 59, 75–76, 247n77,79

Temple Isaiah, 198

Ten Commandments, 50, 81

Tenants’ Protection Law (Israel), 255n5

Terezin concentration camp, 40

terrorism, 168

teshuvah, 211

theism, 47–49

“Thirteen Fundamental Principles of the Jewish Faith” (Maimonides), 46–47

Thomas, Mark, 74

tikkun olam, 53, 226, 294n2

Tillich, Paul, 22

Times of London, 133

Torah, 32, 36, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 73, 208, 211, 212, 225

traditional Jewish law. See halacha

Truman, Harry, 144, 268n103

Trump, Donald, 149, 152, 169–170, 172

Turner, Fredrick Jackson, 64

23andMe, 70–71

two-state solution, 167–171, 172–173, 174, 181, 187, 277n11

tzedakah, 211

tzedakah box, 209

Union for Reform Judaism, 175, 183

Union League Club, 138, 139

United Nations, 167, 169

United Nations Economic and Social Council (UNESCO), 67–68

United Nations Security Council, 172

United Nations Security Council Resolution 2334, 278n15

United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, 99

United Torah Judaism, 184

unity (peoplehood criterion), 88

University of California Berkeley, 28, 180, 235n39

University of California Berkeley Law School, 1, 11

University of California San Diego, 145

University of Cincinnati, 142

University of Haifa, 47

University of Illinois, 142

University of Kansas, 142

University of Minnesota, 142

University of Texas, 142

University of Virginia, 142

University of Washington, 142

US Golf Association, 269n123

usury, 132

“Vanishing American Jew, The” (Look article), 7–8

Vatican Council, Second, 147

“vehicle” in the park problem, 116–117

Vienna Psychoanalytic Society, 28

Voting Rights Act of 1965, 144

Wade, Nicholas, 74

Wallerstein, Judy, 11, 13

Wallerstein, Robert, 11, 13, 22–23, 25

Walzer, Michael, 79

War of Independence (Israel), 167, 168–169

War of the Jews (Josephus), 59

Washington, George, 135, 263n31

Washington Post, 40–41, 42, 43, 180

Watson, Tom, 146, 269n125

Wattenberg, Ben, 64

Waxman, Chaim, 90

Waxman, Dov, 166, 176

Weintraub, Benjamin, 231

Weizmann, Chaim, 85, 86

Welsh-Horst, Michelle, 232

Wertheimer, Jack, 79, 96

West Bank occupation, 7, 158, 166, 167, 177, 276–277n5,6,12, 281n31

Israeli opposition to, 187

Jewish settlements, 168, 170, 171–173, 174–175, 187

origin of, 168

West Jerusalem, 169

Western Wall, 73, 182–183, 184, 187, 284n55,57

Wharton, Edith, 140

white supremacists, 129, 152

Windmueller, Steven, 143

Wine, Sherwin T., 240n20

Wise, Isaac Mayer, 163

women and gender roles, 52, 54, 200

World War I, 140

World Zionist Organization, 85

Yale University, 28, 142, 146

Yiddish, 82

Yisrael, Agudat, 99

Yom Kippur, 2, 55

Yosef, David, 182

Young Man Luther (Erikson), 12

Zanuck, Darryl F., 270n129

Zionism, 8, 81, 98, 99–100, 109, 143, 185

AIPAC and, 174

American Jews’ attitudes toward, 85–86, 165

opposition to, 158–161

origins of, 83–84

peoplehood concept and, 83–86

Zionist Organization of America (ZOA), 86, 172–173, 175, 278n18