I love Jesus.

I love Him for many reasons, but most of all because He first loved me.

I wrote this book assuming that you love Him too, but I don’t want to end our coffee conversation without making sure you understand how much He loves you.

You aren’t the only one who’s ever felt lost or messed up or drifted away from all that is right and good. We all sin. We all miss the mark. And because He is perfect, our faults separate us from Him.

No matter how hard we work to play our part in our own rescue, we will always fall short. There is nothing we can do—no amount of good we can achieve—that will measure up to His standard of righteousness.

The good news is He didn’t just give you the gift of “you.” He knew you would need more than that to experience life to the fullest. Because our sin separates us from Him forever, He knew that you and I would need a partner in the rescue effort. He knew we would need someone who could reach down and give us the help we need to get back above ground and stay there.

So He became the gift. God wrapped himself in a human body and lived a perfect life on earth for you and for me.

He knew that we would not be able to live with impeccable goodness a hundred percent of the time. And since the only way to have a relationship with the God of the Universe is perfection, He sacrificed His perfect life for us.

He died. He willingly gave up His life because that was the only way you and I could live, live with Him, and live forever.

The only thing you have to do to experience an abundant life now and to have life forever is to accept His gift by believing that Jesus died in your place to rescue you from the effects of your sin. It’s that simple.

The best part is He didn’t stay buried. He got up out of the grave and is alive today. He is a master of the art of the rescue and would love for you to trust Him to help you in your own.

You simply have to invite Him to do so.

Would you like to know more about what it means to trust in Jesus Christ for your rescue effort?

Visit I’d love to show you the Way.