1.1 After Niko Tinbergen, “Social Releasers and the Experimental Method Required for Their Study,” Wilson Bulletin 60 (1948): 6–52.
2.1 Courtesy of the American Philosophical Society Library.
2.2 From T. H. Morgan, “Localization of the Hereditary Material in the Germ Cells,” Proceedings of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences I (1915): 420–29.
2.3 Courtesy of the American Philosophical Society Library.
2.4 Courtesy of the American Philosophical Society Library.
3.1 Courtesy of Seymour Benzer.
Courtesy of Seymour Benzer.
3.2 Courtesy of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives.
3.3 Courtesy of Seymour Benzer.
3.4 Courtesy of Seymour Benzer.
4.1 Courtesy of Manny Delbrück.
4.2 Courtesy of Ross Madden, Black Star, and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives.
4.3 Courtesy of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives.
4.4 From Seymour Benzer, “Genetic Fine Structure,” Harvey Lectures (1960): 1–21.
4.5 Courtesy of Seymour Benzer.
6.1 Courtesy of the Cajal Institute.
6.2 Francis Galton, Inquiries into Human Faculty, 120.
6.3 Courtesy of Seymour Benzer.
7.1 Courtesy of the American Philosophical Society Library.
7.2 Courtesy of the Syndics of Cambridge University Library.
7.3 From T. H. Morgan, C. B. Bridges, and A. H. Sturtevant, “The Genetics of Drosophila,” Bibliographia Genetica 2 (1925): 1–262.
8.1 Courtesy of California Institute of Technology Archives.
9.1 T. H. Morgan and C. B. Bridges, “The Origin of Gynandromorphs,’ in Contributions to the Genetics of Drosophila melanogaster (Carnegie Institute of Washington, 1919): 1–122.
9.2 From Seymour Benzer, “Genetic Dissection of Behavior.” Courtesy of Scientific American and the estate of Bunji Tagawa.
10.1 Courtesy of Seymour Benzer.
11.1 Courtesy of Seymour Benzer.
Photograph of Hall and Rosbash, courtesy of Karen Fahrner.
Photograph of Benzer and poster from The Fly, courtesy of Jeff Hall.
12.1 Courtesy of Chris Hadfield.
14.1 Courtesy of Edward Lewis.
14.2 Courtesy of Seymour Benzer.
16.1 Courtesy of Eleana Sawateeva and Tim Tully.
Courtesy of Barbie Benzer.
17.1 Courtesy of Seymour Benzer.
Photograph of Feynman and Benzer, courtesy of California Institute of Technology Archives.
Photograph of Benzer and Watson, courtesy of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Archives.
18.1 Electron photomicrograph courtesy of Edward Lewis.
19.1 Courtesy of Laurent Seroude and Seymour Benzer.
19.2 Courtesy of the New York Academy of Medicine Library.