AN UNFORTUNATE FELLOW ONCE QUIPPED, “If my ship ever comes in, there’s sure to be a dock strike.” This list gives my choices for a first-class exegetical library, were my ship ever to come in. Money is of no concern here, scholarship is. The emphasis is less on expositional helps and more on comprehensive and detailed technical works from a variety of perspectives which will appeal to, or stimulate, the scholarly pastor, advanced student, and specialist. I am concerned to put an evangelical treatment or two up front and will separate the conservative and critical works with a dash. Works are generally listed in order of preference within the divisions of conservative and critical works, but that’s not to say I don’t prefer the first critical work listed to the second or third evangelical work (e.g. I’d buy Milgrom on Numbers after getting Ashley). I have attempted to keep the number of works to 8 – 10 per book. I admit that this dream list has been inspired by Appendix B in Longman’s 1995 commentary survey. It’s fun to dream.


OLD TESTAMENT Calvin, Keil & Delitzsch
GENESIS Wenham, Hamilton, Mathews, Collins — Westermann, Sarna, Brueggemann, Day (From Creation to Babel)
EXODUS Stuart, Hamilton, Enns — Childs, Houtman, Sarna, Fretheim, Propp, Dozeman
LEVITICUS Hartley, Wenham, Sklar, Kiuchi, Hess, Gane — Milgrom, Gerstenberger, Levine, Watts, Balentine
NUMBERS Ashley, Wenham, Cole, Harrison — Milgrom, Levine, Olson, Knierim-Coats
DEUTERONOMY McConville, Wright, Block, Craigie, Christensen (2001) — Lundbom, Weinfeld, Miller, Tigay, Nelson, Driver
JOSHUA Butler [], Howard, Hess, Hawk [], Hubbard, Pitkänen — Nelson, Dozeman, Rösel
JUDGES Block, Butler, Webb — Sasson, Schneider, Lindars, O’Connell, Boling, Frolov, Niditch, Moore
RUTH Block (ZECOT), Hubbard, Bush, McKeown, Hawk [] — CohnFrymer-Kensky, Campbell, Nielsen, Sakenfeld, LaCocque, Sasson
SAMUEL Firth, Youngblood, Vannoy, Gordon, Tsumura, Bergen — Klein, McCarter, Auld, Anderson
KINGS Wray Beal, Provan, House, Wiseman — Cogan-Tadmor, Hobbs [], Sweeney, Walsh, Long, Mulder, Brueggemann
CHRONICLES Dillard, Boda, Williamson [], Merrill, Selman — Japhet [], Knoppers [], Klein, Johnstone, McKenzie
EZRA/NEHEMIAH Williamson [], Fensham, Kidner, Breneman — Blenkinsopp, Klein, Clines
ESTHER Tomasino, Bush, Jobes, Grossman, Laniak, Baldwin, Firth — Berlin, Levenson, Fox, Clines, Berg
JOB Hartley, Longman, Wilson, Andersen — Clines, Seow, Habel, Gordis, Balentine, Janzen, Pope
PSALMS Ross, Goldingay [], VanGemeren, NICOT [], Bullock, Craigie, Tate, Allen, Wilson — Hossfeld-Zenger, Kraus, Mays, Gerstenberger
PROVERBS Waltke, Van Leeuwen, Longman — Fox, Murphy, Loader, Perdue, Clifford
ECCLESIASTES Bartholomew, Longman, Enns, Kidner — Seow, Fox, Schoors, Murphy, Crenshaw, Krüger, Whybray
SONG OF SONGS Hess, Garrett, Longman, Duguid, Estes — Murphy, Exum, Fishbane, Assis, Keel, Fox
ISAIAH Smith, Motyer, Oswalt — Williamson, Wildberger, Goldingay/Payne, Goldingay (Message), Paul, Beuken, Childs, Baltzer, Seitz, Westermann, Sweeney, Koole
JEREMIAH Lalleman, Mackay, Thompson, Wright — Lundbom [], Holladay, Fretheim, Allen, Stulman, McKane, Brueggemann
LAMENTATIONS House, Parry, Provan, Wright, Allen [] — Berlin, Salters, Hillers, Renkema, Dobbs-Allsopp, Westermann
EZEKIEL Block, Duguid, Hummel — Zimmerli, Greenberg, Joyce, Darr, Milgrom-Block, Allen, Hals, Cooke
DANIEL Baldwin, Longman, Hill, Steinmann, Young — Goldingay, Collins, Newsom, Lucas [], Montgomery
HOSEA Dearman, Stuart, McComiskey — Andersen/Freedman, Macintosh, Mays, Wolff, Ben Zvi
JOEL Dillard, Stuart, Barker, Strazicich, Allen — Wolff, Crenshaw, Assis, Barton
AMOS Smith, Stuart, Carroll R (2002), Lessing — Paul, Andersen/Freedman [], Wolff, Jeremias
OBADIAH Raabe, Block, Stuart, Niehaus, Jenson [], Allen — Wolff, Renkema, Barton, Watts, Ben Zvi
JONAH Youngblood, Stuart, Alexander, Jenson [], Nixon — Sasson, Wolff, Trible, Limburg
MICAH Waltke (2007), Jenson [], Allen — Andersen/Freedman [], Wolff, Hillers, Mays, Ben Zvi
NAHUM Longman, Robertson, Patterson, Christensen [] — Roberts, Spronk, Floyd
HABBAKUK Robertson, Patterson — Andersen [], Roberts, Floyd
ZEPHANIAH Robertson, Motyer, Patterson — Sweeney, Berlin, Vlaardingerbroek, Roberts, Ben Zvi, Floyd
HAGGAI Meadowcroft, Motyer, Kessler, Taylor, Petterson, Verhoef, Merrill — Meyers, Wolff, Petersen, Floyd
ZECHARIAH Boda, Wolters, Petterson, McComiskey, Klein, Merrill — Meyers, Petersen, Conrad, Floyd
MALACHI Hill, Clendenen, Stuart, Petterson, Verhoef, Merrill — Petersen, Glazier-McDonald, Snyman, Floyd


NEW TESTAMENT Calvin’s Commentaries (Torrance Ed.)
MATTHEW France, Carson, Nolland [], Keener, Hagner, Osborne, Turner — Davies/ Allison, Luz
SERMON ON MT. Guelich, Lloyd-Jones (for theology) — Betz
MARK Stein, France, Evans, Strauss, Guelich [], Edwards, Gundry, Bock, Witherington — Collins, Marcus, Boring, Focant, Moloney, Hooker, Cranfield []
LUKE Bock, Garland, Edwards, Green, Marshall [], Stein, Nolland [] — Fitzmyer, Bovon, Wolter (F), Carroll, Johnson
JOHN Carson, Köstenberger, Keener, Michaels, Thompson, Ridderbos — Barrett, Brown, Schnackenburg, Lincoln, Smith
ACTS Keener, Peterson, Schnabel, Walton (F), Bock, Witherington, Marshall — Barrett, Fitzmyer, Pervo, Johnson, Haenchen, Conzelmann
ROMANS Moo, Longenecker [], Schreiner, Kruse, Murray, Osborne — Cranfield, Dunn, Jewett, Fitzmyer, Hultgren, Käsemann, Wright, Keck
1 CORINTHIANS Thiselton [], Garland, Fee (2014), Ciampa/Rosner, Witherington — Barrett, Fitzmyer, Hays, Collins, Robertson-Plummer, Conzelmann
2 CORINTHIANS Harris, Guthrie, Barnett, Seifrid, Witherington — Thrall, Martin (2014), Furnish, Barrett, Matera
GALATIANS Moo, Schreiner, Longenecker, Bruce, Das — Martyn, Betz, de Boer, Dunn
EPHESIANS Thielman, O’Brien, Arnold, Hoehner, Robinson — Lincoln, Best, Barth, Schnackenburg, Fowl, Muddiman
PHILIPPIANS O’Brien, Fee (NICNT), Hansen, Silva, Bockmuehl [], Hawthorne (2004) — Reumann
COLOSSIANS Moo, Pao, O’Brien, Thompson — Dunn, R.M. Wilson, Barth/Blanke, Schweizer, Sumney, Lohse
THESSALONIANS Weima, Fee, Shogren, Wanamaker, Green, Beale, Marshall — Malherbe, Boring, Richard, Best
PASTORALS Mounce, Towner (NICNT), Knight, Fee, Kelly — Marshall/Towner [], Johnson on Timothy (AB), Quinn on Titus, Quinn/Wacker on Timothy, Dibelius/Conzelmann
PHILEMON Nordling — Fitzmyer, Barth/Blanke, Kreitzer
HEBREWS Lane (WBC), O’Brien, Ellingworth, Cockerill, Hughes, deSilva, Bruce, Guthrie — Attridge, Koester, Johnson
JAMES McCartney, McKnight, Moo (Pillar), Blomberg/Kamell, Davids (NIGTC) — Allison, Johnson (AB), Martin [], Laws, Mayor
1 PETER Jobes, Davids, Michaels, Selwyn, Schreiner, Grudem, Kelly — Achtemeier, Elliott, Horrell (F), Feldmeier, Donelson, Goppelt
2 PETER/JUDE Davids, G. Green, Moo, Reese (Jude) — Bauckham, Kelly, Neyrey, Donelson, Mayor
1 – 3 JOHN Yarbrough, Jobes, Kruse, Smalley (2007) [], Marshall, Stott — Brown, Schnackenburg, Lieu, Strecker
REVELATION Beale, Osborne, Mounce, Smalley, D. Johnson, Hemer, Thomas40 — Koester, Aune, Caird, Boxall, Charles


40. I believe there is need to include at least one dispensational commentary (especially in light of how many millions follow that theological system), and Thomas is the most scholarly. We should all be looking forward, however, to Fanning (ZECNT).