
In elementary school, I devoured books. Everything from The Boxcar Children to Goosebumps to Jurassic Park. My parents constantly took me to the library, where I could find new books and worlds to get lost in. When I wasn’t reading, I was coming up with my own stories. Exciting adventures that took place in the Amazon, a thriller that sent the main characters racing across a farm and taking refuge in a silo, and a historical thriller featuring swashbuckling pirates.

My love for reading and writing has continued to grow. It has also made my dreams come true. Publishing books for readers to fall in love with brings so much happiness to my heart, it’s unreal!

Becoming an author and publishing books is something I couldn’t have accomplished without loads of amazing people who have helped me along the way.

I Hate You, Fuller James came to life thanks to my wonderful agents, Jennifer Wills and Nicole Resciniti. Their unwavering support in my journey is beyond appreciated. A massive THANK-YOU is owed to the best editor on the planet, Stacy Abrams! With her guidance, my manuscript transformed into something that I am so proud of, it makes me want to cry. I’m also incredibly grateful for Lynn Rush. My critique partner, agency sister, co-writer (on different projects), and friend, Lynn played a massive part in helping me shape this book. Another thank-you to my friends Ali Novak, Alex Evansley, and Kristi McManus. They’re always there to bounce ideas off and help along the way. They are the greatest!

Mad love for the rest of my #WattFam as well. We’ve all come so far and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us next! To the Sprinters United (Writing) crew, thank you for all of the motivation. I wrote this book in record time thanks to your help! Thanks to two of my biggest cheerleaders, Fiona Simpson and Andrew Cole-Bulgin! To my mom and dad as well as my mother-in-law and father-in-law, thank you! You all serve as such wonderful role models! Because of you, I work hard and find joy in life.

Thank you to the entire team at Entangled, led by the brilliant Liz Pelletier. I know that my books are in the best hands in the business. I love working with everyone and I’m excited for my future with this amazing publisher!

Lee Roy, you are such a caring husband and wonderful dad to our sweet Bells. Thank you for supporting me on my journey of becoming an author. Accomplishing my goals with you and our little family by my side is simply the best!

To my darling Bella Rose, this book came to life shortly after I found out that I was pregnant with you. For the first three months of your life, you kept me company as I wrote this story. Curled up on the couch with your fur siblings, typing away, with steaming cups of peppermint tea, I knew that I had a partner in this journey. Your first birthday will come shortly after this book is published. I hope that as you grow up, it brings you pride that your mommy loves you with her whole heart and has shown you that it is possible to live your dreams!

Lastly, I want to thank my readers. Without you, none of this would be possible! You literally inspire and motivate me each and every single day. The joy I get from writing for you is nearly unmatchable. I appreciate you all so much! THANK YOU!