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Académie des sciences, 231–2, 236, 254
Académie française, 214, 243
Adelaïde de France (daughter of Louis XV), 143, 396
Aelders, Etta Palm d’, 493–4
Aiguillon, Duc d’, 332
almanac (1791), 370–2
altimeter, invention of, 235
America, Declaration of Independence, 305, 333
American War of Independence, 14n, 200–2, 209, 238
Ami du peuple L’ (newspaper), 339–40, 377, 382, 383, 398, 409, 415, 426
Ancien Régime, 3–4, 376, 458, 482, 489, 514
Andlau, Jeanne-Françoise Aglaé, Madame d’, 143
Anglo-French War (1778– 1783), 200–2
Angremont, Louis Collenot d’, 442, 443
Anne d’Autriche, 11, 12
Aquin, Antoine d’, 38
Argenson, Marquis d’, 72, 73, 227
aristocracy: in Louis XIV’s Versailles, 23–4, 38–45; Louis XV’s reforms of, 63–5, 100–3; pre-revolutionary, 171–2; flee France after 1789, 330–1; support for the monarchy after the Revolution, 361
Arlande, François Laurent d’, 234–5
Arouet, François-Marie see Voltaire
Artois, Henri d’, 515, 516
Assemblée des notables, 211–13, 214, 246, 288
Assemblée nationale see National Assembly
Augeard, Jacques-Mathieu, 361
Augustus III, King of Poland, 110
Austria, France declares war (1792), 415
Austrian War of Succession, 74, 75
Baillaud-Varenne, Jacques-Nicolas, 431
Bailly, Jean Sylvain: National Assembly delegate, 295–7, 299, 303, 315; elected Mayor of Paris, 316; support for Louis XVI and continuation of the monarchy, 315–20, 397; and royal family’s removal to Paris, 350, 358; and the Dames de la Halle, 341–2; horror at mob violence, 327–30; on Louis XVI’s attempted escape, 403; role in 17 July 1791 massacre, 408–10; execution, 463; painted by Léon Cogniet, 500
balloons see hot air balloon, invention of
Balzac, Honoré de, 170n
Banque Générale, 53–5
Barnave, Antoine, 407–8, 463, 505
Barrière, François, 184
Barry, Jeanne du, 98–9, 103–4, 105, 111, 116, 132–3, 139, 156, 464
Bart, Jean (female mariner), 77
Bastille Day, first celebrations of (1790), xii, 365–8
Bastille prison, 72, 87–8, 96, 101, 104, 126, 158, 200, 218, 284, 304–5; storming of the, xii, 304–5, 306, 312–18, 518
Beauharnais, Vicomte Alexandre de, 332–3
Beaumarchais, Pierre-Augustin Caron de, 103, 149, 201, 208, 364; as watchmaker to Louis XV, 79; rise and literary career, 79n, 92, 96–100; acts for Louis XVI in American War, 201; The Marriage of Figaro, 243–5, 246–7
Beaune, Jacques de, 7
Beauvais, Bishop of, 297
Belley, Jean-Baptiste, 508
Benaben, Commissaire, 471, 474
Benoist, Antoine, 38n
Berry, Marie Louise Elizabeth, duchesse du (‘Jouflotte’), 49–50
Berthoud, Ferdinand, 78
Bertier de Sauvigny, Louis Bénigne François, 327–9
Besenval, Pierre Victor de, 312
Besnard, François-Yves, 169–70
Bézout, Étienne, 239
Bicêtre prison hosptial, massacre in, 427
Blaizot (bookseller to Louis XVI), 370–2
Bluche, François, 169
Böhmer, Auguste, 156, 158
Bonnay, Charles-François de, 367
botany, Louis XV’s promotion of, 79–80
Boucheporn, Claude-François Bertrand de, 182
Boucher, François, 68, 69–70
Bougainville, Louis-Antoine de, 77–8, 80, 239
Bouillé, François Claude Amour de, 167–8, 388–9, 390–1, 398, 400
Bourbon, Louis Henri de, 331
Bourbon, Louis Joseph de, 330–1
Bourbon, Palais de, 520
Bourbon dynasty, 14
Bourbon whiskey and biscuits, 14n
Bourbon-Conti, Louis François de, 97
Bourbotte, Pierre, 446
bourgeois, 164–5, 167–8
Breteuil, Louis Charles Auguste Le Tonnelier de, 389
Brienne, Etienne Charles de Loménie de, 213–16, 217, 218, 220, 224
Brienne military academy, 237–8
Brissac, Duc de, 113
Brissot, Jacques Pierre, 414, 458
Britain: and the American war, 201–2; industrial goods, 208–9, 484 see also England
Brittany: Chouan uprisings, 469–76; invaded by Britain (1795), 511; revolt (1718), 58–9
Broglie, Victor-François de, 330
Brunswick, Karl Wilhelm Ferdinand, Duke of, 420
Brunswick Manifesto, 419–20
Byron, Lord, 231
cahiers de doléances, 268–78, 279, 290, 298, 311, 386, 453, 489
calendar, republican, 434–6
Calonne, Charles Alexandre de, 172, 206–12, 213, 215
Cambacérès, Jean-Jacques-Régis de, 513
Campan, Henriette: on the composer Gluck’s visit to Marie-Antoinette, 141–2; on the expense of hairdressing, 144; on Louis Philippe, Duc d’Orléans, 340; on Louis XVI, 120, 128, 179; on Louis XVI’s visit to Paris (1789), 319, 321; on Marie-Antoinette, 111, 118, 146, 152–5, 243; and the ‘necklace affair,’ 158; in Paris with the royal family (1789), 359, 361, 362, 366–7; on popularity of Louis XVI, 113, 337; on Versailles etiquette, 133–6
Canal du Briare, 9
Carlyle, Thomas, v, 61, 301
Carmes, convent of, massacre in, 427
Caron, Pierre-Augustin see Beaumarchais
Carrier, Jean-Baptiste, 473–4, 476
cartography, 76–7
Casanova, Giacomo, 69–70
Cassini, César-François, 76–7
Castries, Charles Eugène Gabriel de La Croix, Comte de, 208
Chabot, Comte de (Guy-August de Rohan-Chabot), 88
Chalotais, Louis-René de, 101–2
Chambers, Ephraim, 81
Chamillart, Michel, 34
Champion de Villeneuve, Clément Félix, 441
Charles, Jacques, 233, 235
Charles Ferdinand, Duc de Berry, 286
Charles X, King (formerly Comte d’Artois): scandalously linked to Marie-Antoinette, 121, 148–9; disrespect for the court at Versailles, 140; accuses Louis XVI of stinginess, 184; extravagence of, 206; establishes factory at Javel, Paris, 232; rumoured to scheme against Louis XVI, 262; at the États généraux, 286; flees France (1789), 330; plots counter-revolution from abroad, 389–91, 413; reign of, 515
Charlier, Louis-Joseph, 495
Chastelet, Paul Hay du (fils), 172
Chateaubriand, François-René de, v, 250–1
Châtelet, Emilie de, 91, 489
Chaumette, Pierre-Gaspard, 498
Chavannes, Jean-Baptiste, 504
Chérin, Bernard, 237
Chirac, Jacques, 51n
Choiseul, Claude-Antoine-Gabriel, Duc de, 400, 402
Choiseul, Étienne-François, Duc de, 104, 105, 114
Chouan uprisings, 469–76
Clemens Wenzeslaus von Sachsen, 413–14
Clement XIII, Pope, 85–6
clergy, 168–71, 260, 276–7, 363–4
Clochetière, Jean de la, Captain, 144
clockmaking, 78–9, 123
Clugny de Nuits, Jean Étienne Bernard Ogier de, Baron, 188–9
Cogniet, Léon, 500
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste, 19, 21
Compagnie d’Occident, 54
Compagnie perpétuelle des Indes orientales, 54
Condé, Louis de Bourbon, Prince of, 13
Condé, Louis Joseph, Prince of, 389–91, 413
Condorcet, Nicolas de, 499, 503
confiscation of property, 372–4
Constitution (1791): drafted, 297–8, 307, 346–7, 365, 375, 382, 387–8; signed by Louis XVI, 410–11
Constitution (1793), 482–3
Constitution (1795), 487–8, 489, 498
Constitution (1799), 513
Conti, Armand de Bourbon, Prince of, 13, 15n
Conti, Princess de, 68
Convention Nationale, 424–5, 426, 431, 433, 434, 455–8, 461, 476, 485–6, 495, 507
Cook, James, 77–8, 239
Corday, Charlotte (Marie-Anne-Charlotte de Corday d’Armont), 465–6
Cordeliers (political faction), 383–4
cordon bleu, 140n
Corny, Louis de, 320
Correspondence littéraire, philosophique et critique (journal), 145, 249, 252
Corsica, 182
corvée (unpaid labour), 173, 187, 194, 215, 272, 333
Cottereau, Jean, 470, 476
Courrier de Versailles, Le (newspaper), 339, 342
Couturelle, Comte de, 131
Crédit municipal, 198n
currency, revolutionary, 373, 483
Damiens, Robert-François, 72–3, 85
Dansard, Claude, 492
Danton, Georges Jacques: background and political activities, 382–4; The Marriage of Figaro and, 244; role in 17 July 1791 massacre, 408; flees to England (1791), 409; as Minister of Justice in the Convention Nationale, 426, 428; votes for the death penalty for Louis XVI, 451; and the Revolutionary Tribunal, 456; crushes the Girondins, 457; physical deformities of, 463n; political decline and execution, 466–8
Daujon, François, 433
David, Jacques-Louis, 386, 465n
Déclaration des droits de l’homme et du citoyen [Declaration of Men’s and Citizens’ Rights], 297–8, 333–4, 349, 497
Delalande, Michel Richard, 22
Delfaud, Guillaume-Antoine, 427
Desmoulins, Camille, 306–8, 463–4
Destez, Jacques, 401
destruction of historic buildings, 374–5
Diderot, Denis: Encyclopédie, 76, 80–6, 89, 96, 106, 248, 249, 250, 464, 490–1; imprisoned in the Bastille, 393; on slavery, 501
Dillon, Théodore, 415
Directoire (1795), 487, 510, 512
Dreux-Brézé, Henri-Évrard de, 295–7
droit de remontrance, 48, 101
Drouet, Jean-Baptiste, 401
Duhem, Pierre Joseph, 456
Dupuys, Jean, 6
Durosoy, Barnabé Farmian, 442–3
Duval-d’Esprémesnil, Jean-Jacques, 217
Duverney, Joseph Pâris, 97
economy, after the Revolution, 484
education system, 224–30
Elisabeth Charlotte, Princess, 33
Élisabeth of France (sister of Louis XVI), 362, 399, 403, 458, 469
Elisabeth-Charlotte d’Orléans, 110
Elysée, Palais de l’, 520–1
emigration, of aristocracy from France, 330–1
England: French alliance with, 52; medieval ‘estates,’ 161–2; Voltaire’s impressions of, 88–90 see also Britain
Enlightenment, Age of see Lumières, Les
états (‘Estates’), 161–3
États généraux, 163, 266–8, 270, 273, 275, 278–9, 280, 281, 284–95, 299, 306, 310, 314–15, 317, 377, 406, 427, 449, 453, 485
Fabre, Philippe-François-Nazaire, 435
Falkener, Everard, 89
Falkland Islands, 77
famines, 48
Fénelon, François, 227, 228
Ferrières, Marquis de, 394–5
Fersen, Axel von, 147–8, 354, 391, 399, 400
Feuillants, convent of, 423
Fitz-James, Charles de, 235
Flesselles, Jacques de, 310, 314
Fleury, Antoine-Hercule de, Cardinal, 62–3, 73, 74
Fleury, Jean-François Joly de, 205
‘Flour War’ (uprisings, 1775), 186
Fontenoy, Battle of (1745), 74, 181
Force prison, 198, 427, 428
Foullon de Doué, Joseph, 327
Fouquier-Tinville, Antoine Quentin, 460
François de Lorraine, 110
François I, King, 5–7
Franklin, Benjamin, 201, 235
Franz II, Holy Roman Emperor, 415
freedom of speech: before the Revolution, 241, 261, 269; during the Terror, 442–3
French and Indian War (1754–63), 201
French colonies, loss of, 75
French politics, 379–80, 521
Friedrich Wilhelm II, King of Prussia, 390, 391, 412
Fronde (French civil wars), 13, 101
gabelle (salt tax), 7, 173, 470
Gabory, Émile, 475
Gallifet, Gaston de, 516
Gamain, François, 444–5
Gaulle, Charles de, 303, 521
Gazette de Paris (newspaper), 326, 442–3
Genlis, Félicité, 112, 123–4
Gérard, Michel, 287
Giraud, Pierre, 440
Girodet, Anne-Louis, 508
Girondins (political faction), 455, 457–8, 463, 465, 467
Gluck, Christoph Willibald, 141–2
Goëzman, Louis-Valentin, 97–8
Goislard de Monsabert, Anne-Louis-Marie, 217
Gondi, Jean-François, Archbishop of Paris, 10
Gouges, Olympe de, 434, 464, 481, 496–8, 501–2
Grand Trianon, chateau, 151n, 288
Grande Peur, La, 324–5, 330
grandes écoles, 229–30
Grégoire, Henri, Abbé, 504–5
Grévy, Jules, 516
Guillotin, Joseph-Ignace, 293–4, 439–41
guillotine, invention of, 439–41
hairstyles, influenced by Marie-Antoinette, 143–5
Haiti (formerly Saint-Domingue), 501, 503–8
Halifax, England, 439
Harcourt, Princesse d’, 42
Hébert, Jacques-René, 459
Henri II, King, 7
Henri IV, King, 7–9, 41, 64, 89
Henrietta of England, 14–15
Hézecques, Félix d’, 120, 124, 127, 136–9, 146, 183, 204, 210, 219, 265, 285; on the États généraux, 287, 288, 289, 293
Hollande, François, 142n, 177, 521, 522
Hôpital Necker, 196–7
hospitals, 196–7, 253
hot air balloon, invention of, 233–6
Hôtel-Dieu (Paris hospital), 196
Howard, John, 197–8, 199, 200, 491
industry, suffers after the Revolution, 483–4
Invalides, Les, 310–11, 312, 313, 317, 321, 349
Jacobins (political faction), 387, 408, 442
Jaucourt, Louis de, 82–3
Javel, eau de, 232–3
Jeu de paume oath (1789), 294, 386
Jones, John Paul, 189
Joseph II, Holy Roman Emperor, 118, 120, 128, 147
Journal de Paris (first daily newspaper), 232, 245–7, 344
Jumièges, Abbey of, 374
Jussieu, Bernard de, 80
Keller, Rose, 94–5
Kéralio, Louise-Félicité de, 491–3, 494
Kersaint, Armand de, 432
Kléber, Jean-Baptiste, 472
Koblenz, Germany, 413, 419, 420
Korff, Theophila von, 391, 399
La Bruyère, Jean de, 28
La Fare, Anne-Louis-Henri de, 288
La Fayette, Gilbert de Motier, Marquis de: in American Revolutionary War, 201–2, 333; support for Louis XVI and continuation of the monarchy, 316; head of Paris National Guard, 327, 349–53, 393–5, 409; loses aristocratic title, 364; at the first celebration of Bastille Day (1790), 366, 367; compensated for loss of property, 374; critics of, 376–8; authority weakens, 397–8; sends riders after fleeing Louis XVI, 400–1; role in 17 July 1791 massacre, 408; recommends martial law, 416–17; on abolition of slavery, 505
La Motte, Comtesse de (Jeanne de Valois-St-Rémy), 155–7, 158–9
La Muette, Château de, 113, 234–5, 372
La Pérouse, Jean-François, 239–40
La Porte, Arnaud de, 442
La Rochefoucauld, Alexandre de, 256
La Rochefoucauld, Dominique de, 286, 297
La Rouchefoucauld, François de, 317
La Tour d’Auvergne, Godefroy-Maurice de, 26
Laclos, Choderlos de, 127n, 228, 275, 283
Lacombe, Claire, 495
Lally-Tollendal, Gérard de, 316–17
Lamballe, Marie-Thérèse de, 143, 149, 359, 428–9, 433
Lambert, Marquise de, 227–8
Lamoignon, Chrétien François de, 216
Launay, Bernard-René Jourdan de, 312–14, 318, 328, 344
L’Autrichienne en goguettes, ou L’Orgie royale (play), 148–9, 176
Lavaux, Christophe, 384
Lavoisier, Antoine-Laurent de, 236–7, 464
Law, John, 52–6
Le Bas, Philippe, 314
Le Breton, André, 86
Le Brun, Charles, 29
Le Mans, battle and massacre at, 471
Le Normant de Tournehem, Charles François Paul, 66
Le Nôtre, André, 19, 71
Le Peletier, Louis, 310
Le Roy, Pierre, 78, 123
Le Vau, Louis, 15–16
Lebrun, Charles-François, 513
Legendre, Louis, 417
Lenoir, Jean-Charles-Pierre, 242
Léon, Pauline, 495
Léonard (hairdresser to Marie-Antoinette), 135, 143, 358, 359, 400
Léopold, duc de Lorraine, 110
Leopold II, Holy Roman Emperor, 390–1, 398, 404, 415
Lepeletier de Saint-Fargeau, Louis-Michel, 451n
life expectancy (1789), 175
Limon, Jérôme-Joseph Geoffroy de, 419–20
literacy rates, pre-Revolution, 224
longitude, calculation of, 239
Lorraine, Charles-Eugène de, 330
Louchet, Louis, 468
Louis, Antoine, 440–1
Louis, Dauphin of France (son of Louis XV), 82, 110
Louis, Grand Dauphin (son of Louis XIV), 34
Louis Antoine, Duc d’Angoulême, 286
Louis Antoine, Duc d’Enghien, 331
Louis XI, King, 104
Louis XIII, King, 10–12
Louis XIV, King (the ‘Sun King’): absolutism of, 5–6; during his mother’s regency, 12–13; builds the Palace of Versailles, 14–22; treatment of the aristocracy, 23–5, 45; daily routine at Versailles, 25–35; personal hygiene of, 35–8; death, 47
Louis XV, King: during regency of Philippe d’Orléans, 47, 48, 58; crowned king, 60; moves court back to Versailles, 61–2, 63; redefines the nobility, 63–4; attempts to tax the aristocracy, 65; mistresses of, 65–71, 98–9; attempted assassination, 71–3; wars engaged in, 74–5; scientific interests, 76–80; bans Diderot’s Encyclopédie, 85–6; reform of the judiciary, 100–3; encourages Louis XVI’s relations with Marie-Antoinette, 112; unpopularity of, 73, 104–5; death, 106–7
Louis XVI, King: and the ancien régime, 3–4; affection for, xii–xiii, 176–7, 337; problems in consummating marriage, 113–19; character and habits, 119–24, 127–8; interest in clock and lockmaking, 122–8; obsession with hunting, 124–7; at Versailles, 136–42; gifts le Petit Trianon to Marie-Antoinette, 149–50; and the ‘necklace affair,’ 160; attempts at reform, 168, 184–218, 224, 264; governance of, 177–82; spending cuts, 182–4; spending on the royal household, 195, 209–10; and the American war, 200–2; loss of power, 218–19; progressive ideas, 233–6, 238–40; witnesses first balloon flight, 234; convenes the États généraux, 266–8, 289–97; death of son Louis Joseph, 291; addresses National Assembly, 315–17; visits Paris after the storming of the Bastille, 318–21; agrees to the Constitution and Declaration of Men’s and Citizens’ Rights, 346–7; leads first celebration of Bastille Day (1790), 365–8; attempts escape from France, 396–403; ‘Declaration to all French people’ (1791), 403–6; signs the Constitution (1791), 410; requests assistance from European allies, 412–13; confronts mob at Tuileries, 417–18; leaves Tuileries to take refuge with the National Assembly, 422–3; imprisoned in the Temple prison, 423, 433; correspondence with royalist émigrés, 443–5; ‘suspended from office,’ 423; trial, 445–51; execution, 451–3
Louis XVII of France (Louis-Charles, son of Louis XVI), 399, 460–1, 514
Louis XVIII, King (formerly Louis Stanislas), 93, 286, 331, 357n, 396; lack of issue, 116; character, 121; extravagance of, 206; flees France (1791), 404; plans invasion of France from Koblenz, 413; as monarch, 438, 514
Louise-Françoise de Bourbon, Princess, 520
Louis-Philippe I, King, 123–4, 374, 458, 515, 516
Louis Philippe (father of Louis–Philippe I), see Orléans
Loysel, Antoine, 161, 219
Lully, Jean-Baptiste, 28, 33
Lumières, Les, 76, 84, 86, 227, 240, 333, 390, 435, 489
Luxembourg, Palais de, 50, 396, 516; gardens, 50
MacMahon, Patrice de, 516
Macron, Emmanuel, 177, 379
Maillard, Stanislas, 344–5
Maine, Louis-Auguste de Bourbon, Duc de, 59
Maintenon, Marquise de, 27, 38
Maison royale (school for girls), 227
Malesherbes, Guillaume-Chrétien de Lamoignon de, 247–8, 464
Mallet du Pan, Jacques, 419
Malouet, Pierre-Victor, 179–80
Manuel, Pierre-Louis, 446
Marat, Jean-Paul: background and political ideas, 380–2; revolutionary tracts and journalism, 395, 397–8, 409, 419, 426, 442–3, 456–7; opposes military action (1791), 414; and September massacres, 428; and Louis XVI’s trial, 446; votes for the death penalty for Louis XVI, 451; skin disease, 463n, 464–5; death, 464–6
Maria Giuseppina of Savoy, Princess, 116
Maria Josepha, Archduchess, 110
Maria Theresa, Archduchess of Austria, 74, 110, 114, 117–18, 149, 156; advice to Marie-Antoinette, 131–2, 157
Marie, Queen consort of Louis XV (Marie Leszczynska), 62, 67, 110
Marie Anne de Bourbon, 15n
Marie de Médicis, 10, 11
Marie-Antoinette, Queen: birth and family, 109–11; opposition to her marriage to Louis XVI, 109–13; problems in consummating marriage, 113–19; early popularity, 129–32; reforms at Versailles, 133–42; hair-styles, 144–5; excesses of, 145–6, 151–5; rumours of infidelities, 145–9; and the Petit Trianon, 80, 150–2; and the ‘necklace affair,’ 155–60, 206; blamed for Revolution, 176–7; political alliances, 262; loss of popularity, 287; death of son Louis Joseph, 291; fear for her safety, 331; “let them eat cake”, 347; decides against fleeing Versailles, 348; linked with La Fayette, 376–7; plans escape from France, 391; attempted escape from France, 397–8; imprisoned in the Temple prison, 423, 429, 433; on limited influence of women, 488–9; trial and execution, 458–60
Marie-Joséphine of Savoy (wife of Louis XVIII), 404n
Marie-Thérèse, Queen (consort of Louis XIV), 17, 39
Marie-Thérèse of France (daughter of Louis XVI), 399, 461
marine chronometers, 78
Marly, Château de, 42, 263, 293, 372, 375
‘Marseillaise’ (anthem), 422, 436–8
Marseille, 60
Matossian, Mary, 324
Mauduit, Colonel Thomas-Antoine de, 503
Maupeou, René de, 102–3
Maurepas, Jean-Frédéric Phélypeaux, Comte de, 50, 180, 192
medicine, study of, 230–1
Meilhan, Gabriel Sénac de, 203
Meister, Jacques-Henri, 249–50, 252
Mercier, Louis-Sébastien, 208, 241–2, 247, 254–5
Mercy Argenteau, Florimond Claude de, 114, 115, 116, 122, 130, 143, 152
Metz, 171, 331, 348, 388, 416, 418
military academies, 237–8
Miomandre de Sainte-Marie, 351
Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel de: National Assembly delegate, 296; support of constitutional monarchy, 377–9; works as spy for Louis XVI, 296, 378–9, 383n, 384; loses aristocratic title, 364; physical deformities of, 296, 463n; on slavery, 503; imprisoned in the Bastille, 393; death, 396–7
Mitterand, François, 240, 521
Molière, 15, 47, 242, 249
‘monarchiens,’ 380, 387, 406–7, 411, 414
Montagnards (political faction), 455, 456, 457, 465, 486, 536
Montbarrey, Prince de, 142
Montespan, Madame de, 59
Montesquieu, 86–7, 90
Montgolfier, Joseph-Michel and Jacques Etienne, 233–6, 281
Mopinot, Antoine Rigobert, xii–xiii
Morande, Charles Théveneau de, 98–9
Morris, Gouverneur, 264, 327
Motteville, Madame de, 39
Mounier, Jean-Joseph: National Assembly delegate, 292, 294, 304; on the Constitution, 297–8, 303; support for the constitutional monarchy, 316; persuades Louis XVI to accept the Constitution, 345–6, 347–9; on the removal of the royal family to Paris, 353; flees to Switzerland and condemns the Revolution, 464
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 245
Mur des Fermiers généraux, 207, 214, 308
Nantes, Brittany, 59–60, 472–3
Napoléon Bonaparte, 237, 238, 240, 364n, 461; on Louis XVI, 126–7; rise and seizure of power, 510–14; reinstates slavery, 508–9
Napoléon III, Emperor, 51n, 357n, 364n, 515, 521
National Assembly: formed at Versailles, 292–4; renamed National Constituent Assembly, 297
National Constituent Assembly, 299, 311, 323, 425; abolishes hereditary status, 364; draws up Declaration of Men’s and Citizens’ Rights, 333–4; draws up the Constitution, 297–8, 307, 322, 332–4; Louis XVI submits to, 315–17; moves to Paris, 358–9; publishes the Constitution (1791), 410–11; reforms of, 332–5, 362; supports Louis XVI, 352
National Guard, 367–8, 377, 382, 387, 388, 393–4, 403, 417, 486; formation of, 349
National Legislative Assembly, 411, 413, 421, 423, 425
navigation, 77, 78, 239
Necker, Jacques, 190–205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 220, 224, 231, 253, 264, 267, 273, 289–90, 293, 306, 307, 308, 310, 318, 327, 330, 373, 404
Nelson, Horatio, 512
New Orleans (La Nouvelle-Orléans), 56
newspapers: under Louis XVI, 245–7; revolutionary, 415
Nouailles, Adrien de, 48
Noyon, Bishop of, 36
Oberkirch, Baronne d’, 143–4, 145
Ogé, Vincent, 503–4
Ollières, Louis Nicolas Victor de Félix d’, 181
O’Murphy, Marie-Louise, 69–70, 74, 111
Order of the Holy Spirit, 140
Orléans, Louis Philippe, duc d’: good looks of, 121; present at first balloon flight, 235; disloyalty to Louis XVI, 217, 228, 274–6, 350–1; at the États généraux, 287, 289; and the ‘Réveillon affair,’ 282–3; joins National Assembly, 297; and the Dames de la Halle, 340; as ‘Philippe Égalité,’ 374, 424–5; votes for the death penalty for Louis XVI, 451; execution, 458
Ormesson, Henri-François d’, 178, 205–6
Palais-Royal, Paris, 13, 49, 261, 275, 307, 314, 340
Panthéon, Paris, 378
Paris: Dames de La Halle demonstrate, 340–2; Louis XVI is moved to, 357–62; mob violence in, 326–30, 408–9; pre-Revolution, 252–5; storming of the Bastille, 306–18
Paris Commune (1792), 421–2, 426, 441, 468
Paris Commune (1871), 463, 515–16
Parny, Évariste de, 189
Pascal, Blaise, 369
Pasquier, Étienne-Denis, 241
Pellenc, Jean-Joachim, 419
Pelletier, Nicolas-Jacques, 440
penal system, reforms under Louis XVI, 197–200
Pétion, Jérôme, 418, 458
Petit Trianon, chateau, 80, 149–52
Philip V, King of Spain, 58, 59
Philippe I, duc d’Orléans, 33, 39
Philippe II, duc d’Orléans, regency of, 48–54, 56, 57, 59, 60, 61, 101
Pillnitz, Declaration of, 391
‘Plaine’ (political faction), 456, 468
Polignac, Yolande de, 148, 331
Pompadour, Madame de (formerly Jeanne-Antoinette Poisson), 65–9, 77, 79, 99, 145, 180, 271
Ponceludon de Malavoy, Grégoire, 23
Pontcallec Conspiracy, 58–60
Pope, Alexander, 89
population, of France, 163
Pottet, Eugène, Histoire de Saint-Lazare, 309
prison reform, 197–200
Proyart, Liévin-Bonaventure, 385–6
Puiraseau, Joseph de Verneilh, 165, 166n
Que la fête commence (film, 1975), 60n
Quinette, Nicolas-Marie, 446
Racine, Jean, 30
rationing, after the Revolution, 485
Ravaillac, François, 9–10
Réaux, Louis Gabriel Taboureau de, 190, 191
religion, in pre-revolutionary France, 248–52
Renaudot, Théophraste, 36
Réveillon, Jean-Baptiste, 233–4, 281–4
Revolutionary Tribunal, 441–3, 457, 458, 462, 472
Reyre, Abbé Joseph, 226
Richelieu, Duc de, 232, 240
Richelieu, Maréchal de, 127–8
Ridicule (film, 1996), 23
Rimbaud, Arthur, 481–2
Robert, Anne-Jean, 233
Robert, Hubert, 150–1
Robert, Nicolas-Louis, 233, 235
Robert, Pierre-François-Joseph, 493
Robespierre, Augustin, 468–9
Robespierre, Maximilien de: rise of, 385–7; role in 17 July 1791 massacre, 407, 408; opposes military action (1791), 414–15; denounces the monarchy and National Assembly, 421; assumes office in the Convention Nationale, 426; and Louis XVI’s trial, 445; votes for the death penalty for Louis XVI, 451; and the Reign of Terror, 461, 462–3; Danton opposes, 467–8; arrested and executed, 468–9
Rochambeau, Jean-Baptiste de, 202
Rohan, Louis-René de, Bishop of Strasbourg, 155–8, 160, 169
Roland, Jean-Marie, 432, 445
Romme, Gilbert, 435
Rouget de Lisle, Claude Joseph, 436–8
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 92, 123, 124, 150, 225, 347, 490
Rouyer, Jean-Pascal, 465
Rozier, Jean-François Pilâtre de, 234, 236
Sade, Marquis de, 92–6, 393
Saint-Cloud, Château de, 360, 397–8, 512–13
Saint-Domingue see Haiti
Saint-Germain-en-Laye, royal palace, 6, 13, 14, 124, 183
Saint-Lazare, Convent of, 308–9
Saint-Méry, Moreau de, 359, 502
Saint-Paul-des-Champs church, Paris, 374–5
Saint-Simon, Claude de Rouvroy, duc de, 10
Saint-Simon, Louis de Rouvroy, duc de, 23, 24, 29, 32; on the French banking crisis, 54, 56, 57; on Philippe d’Orléans, 49, 51; on the Poncallec Conspiracy, 59
Salpêtrière prison hospital, massacre at, 428
salt tax, 7, 48, 173
sans-culottes, 431, 433, 468
Santerre, Antoine Joseph, 392–4, 395, 417, 421–2, 426, 452
Sarkozy, Nicolas, 521
Sartine, Antoine de, 239
Sauce, Jean-Baptiste, 401
Sauvy, Alfred, 162n
Savenay, massacre at, 472
Savigny, Abbey of, 374
Savoie, Marie-Adelaïde de, 43
Schmidt, Johann Tobias, 440–1
Second World War, 517
Séguret, Joseph-François-Régis de, 125
Sentuary, Françoise-Augustine, 189
September massacres (1792), 427–33
Seven Years War (1756–63), 75, 77, 101, 105, 202, 239
Sèze, Raymond de, 447, 449
Shurman, Anna Maria van, 490–1
Sieyès, Emmanuel-Joseph, 291–2, 294, 304, 316, 485, 492, 512, 513; What is the Third Estate? 279–80, 290
slavery, 500–9
social conditions, in pre-revolutionary France, 161–72
Solages, Hubert de, 305
Sombreuil, Charles François de Virot de, 311
Sonthonax, Léger-Félicité, 506–8
Soulavie, Abbé de (Jean-Louis Giraud-Soulavie), 122–3, 146
Sourches, Marquis de, 35, 40
Spain, war with France (1718–1720), 52
Spanish War of Succession, 47
Stendhal, 25
Swift, Jonathan, 89
Swiss Guards, 308, 313, 422, 423, 459
Tahiti, 77–8
taille (tax), 173, 193–4, 212, 215
Talleyrand, Charles-Maurice de, 169, 174, 367, 374
taxes: imposed by François I, 6–7; imposed by Louis XIV, 47–8; imposed by Louis XV, 75, 101; Louis XVI’s attempts to reform, 187, 194, 215–16; National Assembly reforms, 333; pre-Revolution, 172–5, 258, 272, 275
Temple prison, Paris, 423, 429, 433, 447, 452
Terror, Reign of, 461–77
Testard, Jeanne, 94
Thévenin, Charles, 367–8
Thiéry, Luc-Vincent, 252–4
Third Estate (tiers état), 162, 163, 266, 268, 279–80, 290–7
Third Republic, 516
Thouin, André, 435
Thouret, Jacques-Guillaume, 363
Tilly, Alexandre de, 223
Toulon, Napoleon defeats rebellion (1793), 511
Tourzel, Louise-Élisabeth, Marquise de, 399, 423n
Toussaint Louverture, François, 506–8
Tuileries, Palais des, 113, 126, 235, 307–8, 318, 357–8, 394, 417, 421–4, 512, 514, 515
Turgot (Anne Robert Jacques Turgot, Baron de l’Aulne), 172, 181–2, 184–9, 191, 214
Turreau, Louis-Marie, General, 475–6
Tussaud, Madame (formerly Marie Grosholtz), 429
Uzès, Duc d’, 30
Vallière, Louise de la, 14–15
Varennes, royal flight to, 398–403
Vaublanc, Comte de, 144–5
Vendée, La, 469–76
Vergennes, Charles-Gravier de, 178, 179, 181, 201
Vergniaud, Pierre Victurnien, v, 423, 458, 464
Versailles (town), 18–19, 43–5, 370–2; massacre at, 429–30
Versailles, Palace of: as hunting lodge for Louis XIII, 10–12; built under Louis XIV, 14–18; life at Louis XIV’s court, 23–46; abandoned during regency of Philippe d’Orléans, 48–9; during reign of Louis XV, 61–2, 63, 65, 71, 74; under Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette, 4–5, 133–42, 210; gardens and grounds, 19–22, 79–80; stables, 183; Petit Trianon chateau, 80, 257; Menus-Plaisirs, 183, 212n, 288, 292; described by Arthur Young (1787), 256–7, 262; National Assembly formed at, 292–4, 297, 299, 315–17; last days of, 336–40; Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette’s departure from, 350–4
Versailles, Treaty of, 17
Victoire de France (daughter of Louis XV), 396
Villette, Charles de, 450–1
Vincennes, Château de, 49, 392–5
Visconti, Primi, 23
Voltaire, 3, 62, 102, 214, 246, 254; imprisoned and exiled, 87–8, 91–2; Lettres philosophiques, 88–91; recommends British style constitutional monarchy, 90; praise of Louis XV, 106–7; advises against education of the poor, 225–6; Louis XVI allows return to Paris, 242–3; criticism of Marat, 380–1; misogyny of, 489–90
Washington, George, 285
watchmaking, 78–9
Westermann, François Joseph, 472
Wilberforce, William, 120
William the Conqueror, 120
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 496n
women: and the cahiers de doléances, 277–8; demand equal rights, 491–500; education of, 226–8; Parisian Dames de La Halle march to Versailles, 337–8, 340–6; rights ignored by the Revolution, 488–91
Yorktown, Battle of (1781), 202
Young, Arthur, 137, 190, 297, 303–4, 307, 322–3, 325–6, 330, 489; Travels in France, 255–63
Zola, Emile, 173
Zweig, Stefan, 141