AAA | Ἀρχαιλογιοκα Ἀνάλεκτα εξ Ἀθηνων (Athens Annals of Archaeology) |
ABSA | Annual of the British School at Athens |
AHB | Ancient History Bulletin |
AJA | American Journal of Archaeology |
AncSoc | Ancient Society |
AncW | Ancient World |
AncWar | Ancient Warfare |
AthMitt | Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung |
BCH | Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique |
BCIS | Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies |
CP | Classical Philology |
CSCA | California Studies in Classical Antiquity |
Historia | Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte |
JAAS | Journal of the Arms and Armour Society |
JBT | Journal of Battlefield Technology |
JHS | Journal of Hellenic Studies |
JMH | Journal of Military History |
JNAA | Journal of the Numismatic Association of Australia |
JRMES | Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies |
OpRom | Opuscula Romana |
PAPS | Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society |
RÉMA | Revue des Études Miltaires Anciennes |