Danny pretended to drop a cuff link on the floor by the bed. He steadied himself by the mattress and was able to retrieve the GPS receiver and conceal it in his breast pocket. He decided it was time to check in with Andy who he hoped to God was listening.

He went to the door of the bathroom and talked loud enough for Kenann to hear through the door.

“Let’s go over everything so we’ll be on the same page.”

She called back, “Now?”

“Yeah, I’ll be leaving soon.”

“Okay. I’m all ears.”

He hit the highlights he thought Andy would need the most. “So far we know that Katerina brought me here to the Metropole to kill someone as yet unknown who is head over some secret organization that no one has ever heard of. She wants to be above suspicion, so she can step into the leadership of this said organization. He will be at this party tonight and I am to begin my observations in order to devise this assassination plan.”

Just then the door opened, and he lost his voice. Her white diaphanous gown flowed around her like a Greek goddess. She did not have any pins or ornamentation for her hair, so she allowed it to curl naturally which only enhanced the aura of ancient and bygone days. Danny Mac stood motionless.

“What?” Kenann looked pained. “Do I look stupid?”

Danny Mac swallowed. A woman who had no clue of her beauty could be a dangerous thing.

“No, Kenann. You look lovely.”

She beamed like a child. “Really? Cool! Do you think my angels will approve? I do sense them, you know.”

“I know.”

“You look yummy Danny Mac. Let me let you in on a well-known secret.” Danny shook his head in confusion in that logic.

“There is not a woman alive from 9 to 90 that can resist a man in a tux.”

“Including you?” Danny asked quietly.

Kenann got that flutter in her stomach again. What was she supposed to do? How much could she reveal of her heart and not be destroyed. She looked into his eyes as he waited patiently for her response and she couldn’t bring herself to be flippant.

She answered softly. “Including me.”

He took a step toward her. The hunger in his eyes caused her to catch her breath. The door opened, and they froze. One of the Arabic guards entered and spoke to Danny.

“The Boss said you are to come with me. The little lion is to wait here for Angelo.”

Danny took both of her hands in his.

“I’m going to have to leave you now. I will be nearby at all times. And you won’t be alone.”

Kenann understood that Danny Mac was talking about celestial protection and could feel that strength surrounding her. She smiled bravely and meant it.

“I’ll be okay, Danny Mac. Thank you for well, you know.”

He released her hands and brought his up to cup her face.

“We’ll get through this, Kenann, and then we have some talking to do, okay?”

“Okay.” She whispered. He gave her a brief hard kiss and left.

She stood motionless for several moments and then her thoughts began to race.

Okay, God. I know we aren’t really on speaking terms, but Danny Mac makes it seem so easy. Could you, like, show me what I am supposed to do. I mean about all of this and maybe even about You. I do feel the presence of strength and I do not believe that’s a coincidence. So, I guess I’m asking You to help me, okay? Well, that’s it for now. I, um, guess I’ll talk to you later.

She sat on the bed and waited to be summoned. She didn’t have to wait long. Angelo unlocked the door and came in. He had a scowl on his face and motioned for her to come with him. She was relieved to see his cocky attitude gone and wondered what had taken it away. She could not know that Katerina had given him strict orders to leave her alone. If they had any hope of controlling Danny Mac, she had to be off limits for the time being. It grated that Danny Boy was getting treated like a King and he was ordered around like a lowly servant.

Kenann followed Angelo down the hallway to the elevator. They got in together and he had yet to speak. She certainly had nothing to say to him, so they continued down to the lobby in silence. They turned down a wide corridor toward a large archway. Kenann could see chandeliers and white tuxedoed waiters milling among the ‘beautiful people’. She paused at the top of the stairs leading to the ballroom and scanned the crown anxiously looking for Danny Mac.

They saw each other at the same time and smiled. She took little notice of Katerina and the other distinguished man standing with them. He was almost as tall as Danny Mac with silver at the temples of his dark hair. He was staring up at her with rapt attention. He moved forward and stopped.

Katerina observed this with keen attention. Angelo took Kenann’s elbow at a signal from Katerina and led her down the steps. The other man followed her every movement and as she reached the ballroom floor, he came to her.

“Pardon my boldness, Mademoiselle. I must confess your loveliness left me speechless. May I ask your name?”

At that moment Danny Mac was at their side and offered smoothly, “Monsieur Montefort, allow me to introduce my sister, Kenann.”

Danny Mac was pleased to see Kenann never missed a beat but extended her hand, which Mr. Montefort grasped, and promptly brought to his lips in a gracious kiss. She smiled demurely which Danny Mac knew was a very sincere response to this genteel behavior.

“Kenann, what an unusual name.”

“It was a combination of my,” she looked at Danny and corrected, “Our parents’ names.”

“Is this gentleman escorting you?”

She looked at Angelo and nodded.

“May I be so bold as to steal her from you this evening?”

Before Angelo could respond, Katerina interjected. “Of course, Pierre. You are our guest of honor. You only have to request your desires.”

Pierre Montefort beamed and extended his arm to Kenann who gracefully came to his side. She smiled up at him and was drawn into his obvious warmth and enamoration of her.

Katerina continued, “Shall we find our table and relax a bit before the dancing begins?”

“Yes, that would be perfect.” Pierre beamed down at Kenann.

Angelo drifted away, no longer needed. Kenann had no idea what was happening in this sudden turn of events, but she knew she was enjoying herself much more than she ever anticipated. This would give her the added benefit of being near Danny Mac since this man was obviously the man Katerina had targeted. She faltered as the implication of that realization hit her.

Mr. Montefort took her other elbow. “Are you alright?”

She said the first thing that came to her mind. “I’m a little hungry. I was so excited about tonight I just realized I haven’t eaten much today.”

He quickened their pace to the table and clucked over her like a mother hen until she was seated and one of the servants was dispatched to bring their food. Katerina sat across from them and made no indication of her earlier hostility toward her. But she was taking advantage of the situation with Danny Mac by stroking his arm and leaning into him at every opportunity. Now it was Kenann’s turn to want to claw her eyes out. Danny Mac must have sensed something and winked at her when they made eye contact.

“Mr. McKenzie, what brings you and your delightful sister to Alexandria?”

“I had some business here and Kenann tagged along.”

“Most fortunate for me that she did. How long will you be here?”

“I’m not sure. Kenann is recently graduated with her master’s and hasn’t begun looking for a job so I suppose she can stay with me as long as she wants.”

“And what do you say, young lady?”

“Danny Mac is a pesky big brother but as long as he is footing the bill, I will stay until he runs me off.”

Mr. Montefort laughed heartily and patted her hand on the table. Just then the waiters brought their food and they were busy with this endeavor. Once they had eaten and the dishes had been cleared away the band began to play. Mr. Montefort scooted back his chair and held out his hand to Kenann.

“Would you do me the honor?”

Involuntarily Kenann looked at Danny Mac who nodded. Mr. Montefort grinned at Danny Mac.

“I can see you are a very protective brother. I assure you my intentions are honorable.”

Without thinking Danny spoke from his gut. “They’d better be.” And then softened his words with a smile.

Once they had entered the dance floor, Katerina spoke. “Well, this is certainly an interesting development.”

“See if you can get Montefort to dance with you and find out what is prompting his attentions to Kenann.”


“Should I be?”

“Well, Pierre is a very skillful lover and usually gets what he wants.”

“Not this time.”

“Don’t you think that will be her decision?”

Danny Mac knew she was enjoying bating him, so he did not respond. “We need to find a way to spend time with Montefort without making ourselves obvious.”

“Well it appears we have it. You keep playing the protective brother and insist on tagging along. If I know Pierre, his questions about your plans were prompted by plans of his own for your little sister.”

At that time, they returned from the dance floor and they heard Kenann say, “You make dancing with you very easy Pierre. Thank you.”

“The pleasure was all mine, Mon Ami.”

“Well, how about letting your big brother drag you around the dance floor next?”

She sighed heavily. “Oh, I suppose if I have to,” and laughed. “Will you excuse us.”

“Of course, my dear. Katerina and I will catch up a bit.”

Danny Mac and Kenann stepped onto the dance floor and turned to each other. The electricity between them was palpable. Danny Mac felt it sizzle and knew if they were not very careful Mr. Montefort would discover their deception or have serious concerns about family dynamics in America.

Whether it was the tension of the day or excitement of the moment, but Kenann shivered when Danny Mac splayed his left hand across her lower back drawing her to him.


“Oh no.” Kenann sounded breathless even to herself.

Danny Mac grinned wickedly. “Good.”


“I was starting to think you may be developing a thing for Pierre,” he could not keep the sarcasm out of his voice.

It was Kenann’s turn to grin. “Good.”

“You are doing great, kid. I can’t believe I’m proud of you for falling so easily into covert operations but I’m beginning to think you are a natural. I wish I had had you with me in Europe a few years ago.”

“What would you have done with me if you had?”

“Oh, let’s not even go there. I’m trying desperately to be good. If you put that mental picture in my mind, I may dance you out of here and not look back.”

Kenann was suddenly breathless. If she thought she had experienced passion before, she was mistaken. This was the most overwhelming feeling she had ever experienced, and it bordered on terrifying.

“Oh Danny Mac.” She felt tears well up.

“Hey, hey. It’s okay. Why the tears?”

“Oh, I don’t know. I’m feeling so many things and I don’t know what to do about them.”

Danny Mac drew her closer into his arms. “Listen. We’ll take everything very slow. One day at a time. Okay? Are you feeling pressure from me?”

She looked up into his face. “No. My fears are all about my feelings. Don’t pay any attention to me.”

The song ended, and he hugged her fiercely but briefly in what he hoped passed for a brotherly squeeze.

They came back to the table and both were feeling edgy trying to reconcile what was happening between them. Katerina was all smiles and joviality. Kenann thought Katerina was pretty good at this ‘covert thing’ too considering her raw resentment toward her not a few hours before.

“Pierre and I have been all abuzz with plans for tomorrow. He will only be in town a few days and he wants to spend them with us. Danny, I told him how protective you are about Kenann, so we have decided to make a foursome out of tomorrow. I told him I could clear my calendar and I assured him you should be able to as well. What do you say?”

Danny Mac made a pretense at hesitating and after a few moments said, “Let me make some phone calls and see what I can do. Mom and Dad would be furious with me if I let Kenann out of my sight for very long. They practically made me take a blood oath before we left.”

“Oh, I’m sure Kenann knows all about blood oaths.” Pierre gave her a knowing look.

Kenann looked at him quizzically. He took her hand and said, “Don’t worry Mon Ami. All will be clear soon. Shall we dance?”

Kenann found herself once again looking to Danny Mac for approval. Danny Mac smiled at her reassuringly and she got up and took Pierre’s proffered hand. When they were out of earshot Danny Mac turned on Katerina.

“What does he mean about blood oaths?”

“Calm down, lover boy. He’s talking centuries ago. Since you haven’t heard the whole story about our little cabal, it will seem strange to you, but Pierre is convinced that your stupid little friend is the reincarnation of Inanna. That’s the reason for his sudden and complete fascination with her.”

“Who or what is Inanna?”

“She was a goddess worshiped in ancient Sumeria – a forerunner of Isis. The reason you have never heard about her is part of the extreme secrecy of the people with whom we are dealing.”

“You have got to be kidding. What kind of whacked jobs are you dealing with, Katerina?”

“Don’t underestimate them, Danny Boy. This organization has been in existence for millennia.”

“What do you mean like some ancient cult?”

“I’d really rather not get into it right here. Let’s reconnoiter in my room later tonight and I can fill you in.”

“No, let’s not.”

“What’s the matter, Danny Boy, afraid?”

“No, I don’t trust you.”

“Are you sure it’s not yourself you don’t trust? How long has it been since you’ve had a real woman?”

He looked over at Kenann and Pierre on the dance floor.

“I’m beginning to think I never have.”

He didn’t notice the shock followed by complete venom that coursed through Katerina as she followed his gaze to Kenann.