They arrived at the International Airport in Alexandria and disembarked with remarkable speed considering their growing number and the amount of things Mrs. Gage had to get through customs. She scurried them off to a private villa on the outskirts of the city near a large market and within easy access to bus transportation. She made everyone comfortable in private rooms except Jake who graciously accepted Blade as his ward for the duration. She gave them an hour to refresh themselves then asked that they return to the main floor parlor.

Upon their gathering in the spacious seating area of couches and overstuffed chairs Mrs. Gage once again took center stage.

“As some of you may have guessed, I have had some practice in what we are about to accomplish. So, let me assure you I am in charge. For your own safety, you must do exactly as I say. No exceptions. Understood?” Everyone nodded.

“Good, now onto our strategy. In just a few minutes we will begin assuming our respective disguises and going over each person’s agenda and assigned task. We know that Andrew O’Hanlon is in the city too, along with whatever entourage he has brought with him. We do not want to come to his attention as he will do his best to then thwart our efforts in some misguided attempt to protect us from harm. To the man, or should I say boy, we have all counted the cost to the best of our abilities and are willing to accept the risk. Now let’s begin the business of getting our dear friends back.”

“Blade, your very quick-witted suggestion to pose as a deaf, mute boy was inspired. You will be assuming the guise of a street child. Your biggest task will be to become as invisible as possible. Blend in and observe and listen. I will provide you with a dirty scrap of paper with the statement of your infirmities written in Arabic. You are to make guttural sounds if anyone approaches you and asks anything. Point to your mouth and ears and shake your head no. If you cannot make yourself understood, pull out this paper and show it to them. If anyone tries to write anything to you, shake your head no as if to say you cannot read or write as well. Understood?”

Blade sat mesmerized at the thought of the adventure before him and nodded. Mrs. Gage continued, “We will get you some dirty clothes and make you look the part.”

“Granny James, I have not decided what role we need for you. Bear with me for a few minutes while I sort out the others. All right?”

“All right.” She sat very straight with her hands folded in her lap.

“Jacob, I will be dying your hair dark and putting you in Armani. You will be a very wealthy business man vacationing here and looking for a little action. I am looking for a caricature of this type. Do you understand what I am saying?”

“I think so, Gabrielle.”

Judy smiled. Jacob already had all the action he could handle right here whether he knew it or not. Mrs. Gage turned to her.

“My dear, with Andrew in this city we will have to do an exceptional job at concealing your identity. I imagine he will have radar out where you are concerned.”

“I imagine he has radar out for anything in a skirt.”

“Maybe on a superficial level, dear. I could dress you down into a character like I am going for with Jacob but, as I mentioned before, my plan will be to use your beauty as a diversion. Since you are already a blond, I have a black wig for you and we will do a little magic with the make-up. Once I show you how to walk to disguise your identity, I think we will be almost ready.”

“But what to do with you, my sweet lady,” she tapped her pen against her teeth as she studied Granny James. She came over and reaching out her hand had Granny stand up and step out a pace or two. She circled her and pondered. Finally, she decided.

“A change of plans. But I will reveal all that in good time. Jacob, let me get you headed off to dye your hair. Angelina will help you.” Jake looked dubious, but he was accustomed to following orders, so he followed the quiet house servant out without a word.

“Mrs. James, you and Judy follow me. Blade, I will have someone come back for you with your clothes. Now they won’t smell very good, but you’ll be a brave little fellow, won’t you?”

“Hey, I like dirt.”

“That’s my boy. Will you be alright here for a few minutes?”

“Yep. I mean yes ma’am,” and was rewarded with a loving smile from Mrs. Gage.

The ladies trooped after Mrs. Gage like the soldiers they were quickly becoming. She quickly worked her magic on Judy, who now looked like a fashionable woman of haute couture. She received a quick lesson on a runway walk and affecting the bored look of a woman who is used to being watched. Judy then excused herself to check on Blade. Mrs. Gage turned to Granny.

“We have had little time to chat privately much less get to know each other, have we?”

“Well, my baby is out there somewhere, and I’m just glad you have a plan to get her back.”

“As I pondered a disguise for you it was hard because I have not had time to learn your personality or your ways. But as I studied you for a few moments, downstairs, I decided to change scenarios a bit and make you into a rich entrepreneur’s wife.”

Granny James’ only reaction was a raised eyebrow.

Mrs. Gage continued, “I realized I was being swayed by your moniker of Granny and not looking at you properly. How old are you if I may ask?”

“That’s no problem. I’m 68.”

“You can pass for a much younger woman you know.”

“Well, until now there hasn’t been much call too.”

“What I would like to do is pair you up as Jacob’s wife.”

“Why, land sakes, I’ve probably got more than 10 years on him.”

“It makes no matter. Either people will assume by your looks you are younger, or they will assume he prefers older women. Jacob is a brave and wonderful man, but I need a good intuitive woman with him to complement his strength while I am busy in other arenas. You are, what do they call it in your country, fey, aren’t you?”

Granny James didn’t bother to deny or confirm it as she knew Mrs. Gage already had the answer. Mrs. Gage went on.

“That will be very helpful in a country where you are not familiar with the language or the customs. If you can sense danger, you will be one step ahead. So, let me begin our transformation of you.”

“Is this going to hurt?” Granny James laughed.

They were reassembled into the parlor by the afternoon. Jake was looking a bit uncomfortable in a silk, grey Armani suit. Blade sat next to him smelling of things no one wanted to identify. Judy was stunning in her straight chin length black hair with bangs, short skirt and long boots. But the real transformation was Granny James. Her hair had been wound into a complex chignon and she wore a soft suit in a stunning silver blue. Her make-up was flawless, and her high heels were the exact shade of the suit. Mrs. Gage observed them for a few minutes while they all looked at her for their next set of orders.

“I simply cannot continue to call you Granny James, my dear. What is your first name?”


“Well, Moira, may I say you look absolutely stunning. Well, onto our change of plans. Jacob you will now become the entrepreneur husband of this fine women. We will get you two set up in the Metropole Hotel for observation purposes. Jacob, you will be known as an insatiable gambler, which will allow you to roam the main floor at all hours of the day or night. Moira, you will accompany him occasionally as the need arises, but you will also spend time in the bar. Can you hold your liquor?”

“I’m Irish.” Everyone laughed and the break in tension was a welcome relief.

“You will also be doing a lot of listening. Judy, you will be positioned at the Cecil Hotel. Hit the club scene and anywhere else a young attractive model would care to go. Blade, once I don my black traditional robes you and I will hit the streets ourselves. We will meet back here for our briefings on a regular basis. I will provide you with these details as we go. Any questions?”

Judy raised her hand, “Should I ignore Moira and Jake if we end up in the same place for some reason?”

“That’s an excellent question. And the best answer I can give is to use your instinct at the time. And once one of you commits to a certain scenario, the others can follow along as needed. You three are very bright and I trust your instincts in this matter. Any other questions?”

No one replied.

“All right then, I have identification papers for each of you with sufficient currency for a few days. Should you run into Danny Mac and Kenann or Andrew O’Hanlon try to remain calm and if possible do not give your identity away. Should they recognize you and appear to be on the verge of quizzing you, don’t let the situation become awkward and thereby raise unwanted suspicions. If this happens, take the upper hand by approaching them and asking what they are doing here etcetera, etcetera.”

She took one last opportunity to scan their faces. She lifted her teacup in a toast.

“Here’s to bringing our friends home!”