“Something is up. They all went to a villa along the coast. Katerina left a few moments ago but without Danny Mac and Kenann. Another vehicle has arrived. I couldn’t tell who was in the car. It doesn’t feel right Jake, I’m worried.” Mrs. Gage was calling from her car.

“You stay put and watch the villa. Moira and I will watch the lobby and see if Katerina returns. Maybe we can learn something here. I’ll call Judy to keep her ears and eyes open with Andy. Did you see a tail from Andy’s men?”

“Yes, they’re here too.”

“Good. Have they spotted you?”

“I don’t think so. We have stayed in the car so far and we are fairly secluded. They are trying to blend in as tourists walking along the coastline cliffs, but they are keeping a close eye on things.”

“That makes me feel better knowing they are there, to be quite honest. Do you think we should contact Andy?”

“No, not yet. They know as much, if not more, than we do. We have nothing to offer them at this point. And perhaps by working independently we can still be of service later.”

“Alright, Gabrielle. Give me directions to this villa in case we need to get to you fast.”

When he was satisfied that he knew how to reach her if needed, they disconnected, and he filled Moira in on the current situation as he dialed Judy. Judy took it all in and decided. She went down to the desk and used every feminine wile she could muster, and finally got Andy’s room number out of the desk clerk. She took a deep breath and headed for the elevator. Her nerve failed her as soon as she got out on his floor. She stood wringing her hands by a table with a huge arrangement of flowers, when he came out into the hallway putting on his suit jacket at a run. He saw her just as she was ready to turn and hide her face.

“Inge, what are you doing here?”

“Someone told me the spa was on this floor. but I could not find it.”

“Follow me. I’m in a bit of a hurry now but I can at least show you the floor on our way down.”

She followed him onto the elevator. “Have you had time to compose your letter to your friend?”

“Yeah, it sounded lame, but her answer was encouraging. Here’s the floor for the spa.”

“I’ve changed my mind. I think I’ll go shopping instead. Do you want to share a taxi?”

Andy seemed to consider this and decided it couldn’t hurt anything. “I have my own car. I can drop you in the shopping district on my way out of town.”

His car had been brought around and he got behind the wheel. They chatted about mundane things as he made his way through traffic, but both of their minds were racing. Andy let her out in the center of the block. She thanked him and waved him away. When she was sure he was concentrating on the road ahead she hurriedly hailed a taxi and pointed to his car. Thankfully the driver spoke English and she was able to tell him to follow the dark blue sedan and provided the license number. She followed him out of town along the coastal highway. When he finally pulled into a wide place used as a scenic overlook, she asked the taxi driver to continue on until they were out of sight of his car. She used the cell phone Mrs. G had provided and called her.

“Where are you, dear?”

“I followed Andy by taxi. I am around the curve past the overlook on the right side of the road.”

“I know the place. Pay the driver and we will be there to pick you up.” In just a few minutes, Judy was sitting in the air-conditioned limo with Mrs. G and Blade.

“Did you learn anything from Andy?”

“Not a thing. He came out of his room like a bat out of hell but cooled it when he saw me. He was definitely distracted but he never gives anything away.”

“Well, we shall send our little street urchin on a mission? What do you say, Blade?”


“Make your way down near the men by kicking stones or a can if you can find one. Be discrete, dear. Don’t let them know you are listening to them. Try to remember everything you hear. When you think you have heard all you can, head back to the car. Understood?”

“Yep,” and he opened the door and began looking for something to kick. Once he located a dented can in the alley, he made his way over to the short wall overlooking the coast and began to play. He made his way to the men standing at the overlook and appeared to ignore them completely as he played all around them. As he received the report from his men, Andy watched the little boy playing in the dirt.