Judy was relieved that her camel docilely followed the one in front of her. She had finally become adjusted to the rhythmic jerk and sway of the camel’s gait, but she doubted she would be able to steer the thing. Their caravan appeared nondescript in traditional black robes. Leo estimated it would take them a better part of the day to reach their destination. Judy settled in and tried to take her mind off the heat and smell of their hairy conveyances. Mrs. Gage turned occasionally to inquire how she was fairing. Judy hoped to maintain her relationship with Mrs. Gage after all this was over. She truly fascinated her. She allowed her mind to replay the events of the last several days. How was it possible that so much could change in such a short period of time? She couldn’t wait to lay eyes on Kenann again. Without knowing it, Kenann had been her lifeline since they had met their freshman year of college. With her gentle, goofy ways she had soothed and comforted Judy and made her feel safe. A wave of murderous rage rose up in her as she thought of Kenann getting hurt. Her hands fisted, and she clenched every part of her body at the thought. She would rip the head off anyone who stood in her way to get to Kenann. Her camel turned its head and grunted at her. She realized she was digging her nails and knees sharply into its skin. She laughed and said, “Sorry.”

“Excuse me, dear. Were you speaking to me?” Mrs. Gage had turned.

“No, to my camel.”

“My, the heat is getting to you,” and laughed. “We should be stopping soon for midday repast. Can you manage?”

“I’m fine Mrs. G. I was just thinking of what I planned to do to those people who were holding Kenann and I guess I was taking it out on my ride here.”

Mrs. Gage nodded and turned back in her seat. She certainly understood hatred and a need for revenge. Those sentiments had controlled her life for many years.

*     *     *

The witch doctor, as Kenann considered him, came to examine her in the promised few minutes. He and Pierre insisted that Danny Mac leave during the examination. He took one look at Kenann’s face and crossed his arms over his considerable chest and refused, daring them to try to throw him out. Something was happening with Kenann and he felt powerless to know what it was or how to stop it. He prayed silently, ignoring Pierre who sat waiting by the bedroom door. He called upon the protection and power of the Lord and felt strength, not of his own, fill his heart and was encouraged.

‘Thank you. Lord,’ he silently said.

After the doctor took her temperature and poked around on her awhile, he proclaimed, “She is fine. Just very tired. She must rest all day to be ready for the ceremony tonight. Give her this to drink in her juice.” He produced a packet of powdered substance.

“What is in it?” Danny Mac was suspicions.

“It is only a mild sedative. She appears nervous about the ceremony. It is understandable. But she must rest so please make sure she takes it.”

“All right.”

Pierre motioned for the doctor to follow him outside. “Well?”

“It is as you wish. Her temperature is elevated, and her abdomen is tender when palpated. She is ripe with fertility on this day. You must implant her with your seed tonight.”

*     *     *

Their caravan stopped at midday. They were getting into rockier terrain and found some shade on the lee side of a large outcropping. After eating and conversing, they all settled back to rest their eyes. Johnson and Whitaker never spoke to anyone except Andy. They sat off to themselves at the fringes of the group but kept vigilant watch. When Judy woke from her refreshing nap, they were still alert and on guard. Where do they get these guys? But she couldn’t help but be glad they were on their side.

They remounted and continued. They reached the last known GPS coordinates before sundown. They saw nothing out of the ordinary and were deflated. They had no other leads.

The men remaining back in Alexandria were monitoring Katarina’s conversations but were gleaning nothing useful. Danny Mac and Kenann could be anywhere now. Mrs. James had said very little for days, content to listen and observe. She cleared her throat, and everyone turned her way.

Speaking with a quiet confidence she said, “Can we move on and come back to watch this area after dark?” No one questioned her reasoning. They had no other course of action so this one seemed as good as any. When darkness fell, they tethered the camels, leaving them with Leo’s men, and walked the mile or so back on foot to the area. The desert is a cold place at night and Judy was eternally grateful for the long, concealing robe for covering. Luckily there was little moon or starlight visible through the clouds. With all but their eyes covered in black, they were virtually undetectable as they walked silently along. Andy, wearing night vision goggles, was able to keep them on course and avoid pitfalls in the rocky terrain. He heard the sound first and halted the group. He motioned for them to crouch down and hug their bodies to the base of the nearest rock. It did not take long for the rest of them to hear it too. A helicopter was making its way toward them and landed not fifty yards from where they crouched. Eight people disembarked and walked up to a rock face. The helicopter immediately rose and flew away into the night. Andy watched intently as one of the parties, pulled on what appeared to be a viney protuberance and a dark opening appeared in the rock face. The party entered, and the dark cleft filled in again.

“Well, I’ll be ...” Andy whispered. It appeared they had found what they were looking for. In a few minutes another helicopter was heard approaching and the same scene was played out. Andy had a plan. He quickly outlined it to the group. No one argued with him but waited silently as they heard him make his way over to the cliff face that housed the secret opening. Johnson and Whitaker also had the night vision goggles. In deference to his experience and rank, Johnson gave his set to Jake. Jake acknowledged them with a nod and placed them on. He could see Andy in position but well out of sight of the now concealed opening. When the next load of people made their way to the rock face, he could see Andy making ready and as they began filing into the doorway, he silently joined the back of the group and was swallowed up into the darkness beyond. Jake realized he had been holding his breath and let it out in a sigh.

“Well, now we wait and pray.” And he did.