Kenann was being attended by young, dark skinned women sent to her loaded with white diaphanous material, jewels and perfumed lotion. She moved as in a dream while the women bathed and rubbed her with the lotion. The gown they draped over her head felt soft and luxurious against her skin. She wore nothing under it. They wound her hair into intricate braids around her head. Tendrils of hair curled around her face. They placed large golden intricately engraved bracelets on her upper arms bent in place with light pressure. They stood back and surveyed the result. Satisfied with her simple elegance, the women left as quietly as they came. Kenann stood motionless in the center of the room. Danny Mac found her this way several minutes later. Dressed in his own white robed material, he tried to keep his voice light.

“Kenann, are you ready for our command performance?’

She turned slightly and looked at him. His dark skin and hair looked exotic against the white material of the flowing robe. She was once again struck by the rugged beauty of his face. Her thoughts returned to the night ahead.

“What are we going to do about Blade?”

“We have it all figured out. Don’t worry about it.”

“Are you sure?’

“Yes. You just need to wow the crowd with your beautiful reincarnated self. Kenann, you are beautiful. Do you know that?”


“Well, trust me, you are. And I am proud of you.” He walked over and took her face in his hands. She smiled up at him and he was undone by her honesty and vulnerability. He managed to smile back and then lightly kissed her on the lips.

“Listen, when this is over, we are going to talk.”

Kenann could not respond. She was still concerned that Danny Mac was being affected by their situation and was not really in love with her. He had the power to destroy her heart and she was so scared to take that chance. She changed the subject.

“How much time do we have?”

He didn’t push her for a response. “About half an hour.”

“Where is Blade?”

“He’s getting things ready.”

“What do you two have up your sleeve?”

“An ingenious bit of trickery. We need to be watching for a way to get the three of us into the back without being followed.”

*     *     *

It seemed like hours since Andy was swallowed up in the black hole of the rock face. Several contingents came and entered before they saw Andy appear at the entrance and motion with his arm for them to come quickly. They didn’t hesitate. Andy grabbed each person as they came to the doorway and shoved them into a dark alcove near the opening. He motioned for them to be silent. In the next moment they saw a man appear and wait at the main entrance. It opened to the next group of arrivals and the man ushered them to an area half way down the hallway, where they were handed something before continuing. In a few moments, the area was quiet again.

Andy whispered, “Those people are being issued brown robes with hoods. I’ve been able to grab a few and watch what’s going on. They are taking them down to the end of this passage and then someone else is taking charge of the group and leading them off somewhere to the left.”

He grew silent again and they waited. The process repeated itself many times. They used the lull between groups to don the robes and make careful exploration. They discovered several deep alcoves along the corridor and slowly and systematically made their way toward the end. Johnson and Whitaker were amazed at the ability of this civilian group to move with such stealth. They were in the last alcove when they heard one of the men say, “That’s the lot of them. Let’s head down to the bottom level and watch the show.”

“Shouldn’t we keep watch up here?”

“Nah, I’ve engaged the locking mechanism. No one is coming through that door. Besides I heard they’ve got some dame claiming to be a reincarnated goddess. I’ve got to see this.”

The men left, and no one moved. They looked at each other and waited for Andy’s direction. He was at the front of the dark alcove on the alert, listening for any sign of movement. He pulled the cowl up over his head and ventured into the passage. He waited and then moved over to the balustrade. They saw him falter. When he returned to them, he was shaking his head.

“This place is beyond belief.” He briefly described what he saw. The others shared his amazement.

“I’m going to do a bit more exploring. Johnson, you’re with me. Whitaker, you and Jake stay here as the rear guard. We’ll be back as soon as we have a feel for the layout.” And they were gone. Andy was in his zone and completely focused on getting Danny Mac, Kenann and Blade back safely.

He spoke quietly into his mike. “Danny, we’re in.”

There were several moments of silence when a whispered voice echoed in Andy’s ear.


“We are on the highest most balcony.”

“How many men do you have?”

Andy chuckled and whispered, “We’ve got five men and three very extraordinary women.”

“Why am I not surprised?”

“Where are you?”

“We are here together waiting the start of the ceremony.” Danny Mac gave Andy instructions on how to help them now that they had arrived. Andy listened intently and indicated his understanding. He and Johnson made their way to the bottom level to comply with Danny Mac’s orders.

The others were getting restless waiting on their comrades’ return when Andy appeared in the entrance to their alcove. Johnson was not with him.

“Put your hooded cowl’s low over your faces and walk with me. Talk quietly among yourselves as we go along. Be casual. If we are stopped keep talking unconcerned. I’ll deal with anyone we meet.”

Mrs. James spoke. “Have you seen the kids?”

“No, but I’ve spoken to Danny and they are all fine.” He touched her hand.

Mrs. James smiled sweetly at Andy. He was a good boy.

They moved out into the dimly lit balcony and acted as Andy had instructed. They passed other groups of dark-robed figures moving about, making their way to the bottom floor. Andy jerked to a sudden stop throwing the others off momentarily. Jake gripped Andy by the elbow.

“What is it, son?”

“I just recognized a man from our own State Department.”

They had gathered around Andy trying to maintain a casual stance. Everyone reacted in their own way to this news. Johnson and Whitaker cursed, Jake invoked the Lord and Mrs. Gage indicated she was not surprised.

Jake spoke, “We have to stop this operation somehow.”

“That’s the plan, Sir.”

They continued their descent using the open stairway. Andy feared the small confines of the elevator would open them up for possible detection. They found Johnson on the main thoroughfare.

“Are we good?”

“Yes, sir.”