Chapter 14
Horrible Humans
Why did Mary hold up an ax to her sibling?
She always wanted a half sister.
What’s the difference between Gross Grandma’s cooking and a pile of slugs?
Gross Grandma’s cooking comes on a plate.
Why are executioners so smart?
Because they always watch the noose.
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Huron who?
Huron my toe! Ouch!
Bar of soap: “Sometimes I think I have the worst job in the world.”
Toilet paper: “Think again.”
Did you hear about the restaurant where you could eat dirt cheap?
Who wants to eat dirt?
What did one booger say to the other?
You think you’re funny, but you’re snot.
Why did Ned’s mom say he ate like a bird?
He kept eating worms.
What happened to the mad scientist who fell into the bubbling acid?
He became absorbed in his work.
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
One shoe.
One shoe who?
One shoe bathe once in a while?
What do you call a knight who picks his nose?
Sir Picks-a-lot.
Why did Jimmy tell his sister she reminded him of the sea?
Because he made her sick.
Seriously Sick
Did you ever hear the saying “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water”? Long ago only one bathtub full of water was used to bathe an entire family. The oldest went first, so by the time the baby was bathed, the water was so dirty you could hardly see him.
What do you call a man with no arms or legs holding up your car?
Why did everyone tell the old hag she looked like a million bucks?
Because she was green and wrinkled.
Why do stabbing victims hate the ocean?
They don’t like to pour salt in their wounds.
How do you make a handkerchief dance?
Put a little boogie in it.
Why did the leper go back into the shower?
He forgot his head and shoulders.
Why did the sword swallower switch to pins and needles?
He needed to lose weight.
What is it called when someone gets hit in the face with slime?
Foul Language
This is a clear, sticky substance that builds up on your teeth. It is made up of leftover food and mucus. If you don’t brush regularly, it will spread to your gums and tongue. It can cause cavities, gum disease, and really bad breath. Ew!
What do you call a man who sticks his right hand in an alligator’s mouth?
What do babies with dirty diapers and security officers have in common?
They are both on duty.
What did the magician say to the fisherman?
Pick a cod, any cod.
Seriously Sick
Have you ever wondered what people did before indoor plumbing? If you lived in a crowded city, you peed and pooped in buckets kept in your bedroom. When the buckets were filled, you’d simply throw the nasty mix right out your windows and into the street! Now, there’s a good use for an umbrella.
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Urine who?
Urine my way!
What happened when Jimmy’s mother said she was going to take him to the zoo?
His father said not to bother—if the zoo wanted Jimmy, they could come and get him.
What did one toilet say to the other?
You look a little flushed.
Why did the drummer bring the chicken to band practice?
He needed new drumsticks.
Little Johnny: Mother, do you have holes in your underwear?
Mother: No, of course not.
Little Johnny: Well, then how do you get your feet through?
How do you get to the hospital in a hurry?
Stand in front of a bus.
What did the audience do when the comedian bent over too far?
Cracked up.
When a knight dies in battle, what do they put on his gravestone?
Rust in peace.
What has a broom and flies?
A janitor covered in poop.
How come Johnny’s mother used to say he was going to drive her to her grave?
Well, you don’t expect her to walk, do you?
Seriously Sick
Earwax in your ear canal helps block out all the nasty stuff trying to get in there. You know, like dirt, dust, small insects, even germs. You’ve got over 2,000 glands in your ear working hard to make this wax.
How do you know if someone has a fake eye?
It usually comes out in conversation.
What happens to writers who don’t make it to heaven?
They become ghost writers.
How did the man in the electric chair pay for his last meal?
He charged it.
Why do doctors study a lot before prescribing medicine for bad skin diseases?
They don’t want to be rash.
These two sloppy slurpers are both eating bowls of soup. Can you find the 10 differences between the two?
Strange Soup
Some people make soup out of some pretty weird ingredients! Unscramble the letters at the bottom of this page to find the names of four different and unusual soups. Would you eat these?
A man in India named Radhakant Bajpai gets the award for the longest ear hair in the world, at over five inches long. Now, imagine that ear hair falling into your peanut butter sandwich. That gets a solid ten on the Gross-o-meter scale.
What are the two things that stopped Sheila from becoming a ballerina?
Her feet.
How do you make a baby drink?
Stick it in a blender.
Did you hear about the woman who thought she had the face of a sixteen year old?
Her husband told her to give it back.
What did the poor person do when he couldn’t afford shoes?
He painted his feet and tied his toes together.
Pete: My doctor said to drink some tea after a hot bath.
Bob: Did you drink the tea?
Pete: Well, I haven’t finished drinking the hot bath yet.
How did Sally Picker hurt her finger?
The school bully broke her nose.
Did you hear about the constipated musician?
He couldn’t finish his last movement.
Why did the little boy bury his parents?
He wanted to grow a family tree.
What do you call the first person to ever discover fire?
What did Sven say when his brother Hans fell off the cliff?
Look Mom, no Hans.
What happened when the girl found out her future husband had a wooden leg?
She broke it off.
What usually runs in big families?
Long before doctors knew about germs, they would do surgery without washing their hands first. Hospitals were deadly places. Having a doctor stick his dirty fingers into a gaping wound while spreading thousands of germs rates a nine on the Gross-o-meter scale.
Foul Language
This is a fancy word for stinky breath. If you eat lots of garlic or other strong-smelling foods and you start to notice people backing away from you, chances are you’re suffering from a bad case of halitosis. Try brushing your teeth more often and carrying some breath mints in your pocket from now on.
Did you hear about the kid who missed his mother?
His father told him to take another shot.
What’s worse than a plain old fart?
A fart with a lump in it.
What do you call a restaurant where everyone picks their nose?
Booger King.
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Stella who?
Stella ’fraid you’ll poop in your pants?
What did one virus say to another?
Stay away, I think I’ve got penicillin.
What time is it when you sit on a sharp object?
Why was the cross-eyed teacher so upset?
He couldn’t control his pupils.
What’s the best way to talk to someone with bad breath?
From far away.
What do you do when your nose goes on strike?
What do you call a person who makes two trips to Europe and doesn’t bathe?
A dirty double-crosser.
What’s the hardest part about sky diving?
The ground.
What did the caveman say when he saw bugs crawling on his dinner?
Mmmm . . . appetizers!
Where’s the proper place to save rotten toenails?
In a nail file.
What’s the difference between a window shop and a poke in the eyes in Italy?
One makes Venetian blinds and the other makes Venetians blind.
On what day of the week do lions eat people?
To find the answer to this gross riddle, fill in the words that answer each description below. Then read down the shaded column. We left you some S-C-R-A-P-S to get you started!
1. To chew with a crackling sound
2. To chew noisily
3. Flesh of an animal used as food
4. Take little bites again and again
5. To eat richly on a special occasion
6. One who is eating
7. What you do after you chew
8. Not neat; messy
What do you call a person with three ears, four eyes, and warts all over his face?
Did you hear about the patient who complained that he needed something for his liver?
The doctor told him to try adding onions.
What did Sally see when her friend Dawn bent over?
The crack of dawn.
What did the lady say to the man who came to the door with a funny face?
Thanks, but I’ve already got one.
Fred: Whenever I take my girlfriend out for dinner she eats her head off.
Ed: Stop complaining. She looks better that way.
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Blue who?
Blue your nose on your sleeve again?
Why was the sword swallower arrested?
He coughed and killed two people.
How come the millionaire never showered?
He was filthy rich.
Why don’t burn victims like to eat in the hospital?
The food makes their skin crawl.
Why did the toilet paper run down the mountain?
It wanted to get to the bottom.
In the not-too-distant past, doctors would actually taste a patient’s pee to see if it was sweet. If it was too sweet, that meant the patient might have a disease called diabetes. Pee-drinking ranks a solid ten on the Gross-o-meter scale. Would you like a cookie with that?
What did one eye say to the other?
Between you and me, I think something smells.
What do you get when you mix tacos and a person who’s not feeling so good?
I don’t know, but you’re standing in it.
What’s it called when you pick your nose and hide it for later?
The pick and save.
What do you call a person with no arms or legs floating in the water?
What was the farmer able to prove when the chicken got run over by a steamroller?
That it had a lot of guts.
Did you ever see the movie “Constipation”?
It never came out.
What am I?
I am a disease that infects your nose. You’ll feel mucus building up and getting really goopy as I make it a breeding ground for bacteria. Soon the mucus will start to rot and turn into green or black crust. Your nose will begin to stink.
What am I?
Why did the kids call Johnny “flat-face”?
Because he kept his nose to the grindstone.
What’s worse than two Siamese twins connected at the mouth?
Watching one of them throw up.
What do you get if you slime a telephone worker?
A smooth operator.
Why did the baby cross the road?
He was stapled to the chicken.
How do you stop a sleepwalker?
Cover the floor with tacks.
What’s worse than a boy who picks his nose?
A boy who picks someone else’s nose.
Do you know about Larry the Loafer?
He’s so lazy that he sticks his nose out the window so the wind will blow it for him.
What happens when you cross a judge with poison ivy?
You get rash decisions.
How do you catch dandruff?
Shake your head over a paper bag.
What happened to the thief who stole from the blood bank?
He was caught red-handed.
Where do butchers go to dance?
The Meat Ball.
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Wendy who?
Wendy sneezes come,
snot goes everywhere.
Foul Language
This is yellow or greenish liquid that comes from your liver. Its job is to break down fats in your body. When it’s done doing its job, it becomes part of your poop. As a matter of fact, that’s what gives your poop its nice color.
Why was the fireman so upset?
He ran into an old flame.
Patient: Doctor, I threw my back out, what should I do?
Doctor: Maybe you can catch the garbage truck before it leaves.
What happened to the man who put his false teeth in backwards?
He ate himself.
How did the garbage man break up with his girlfriend?
He dumped her.
What kind of skin problem does a beekeeper have?
What’s the best cure for a headache?
Put your head through the window and the pane will go away.
What do people with weak bladders and people who wear old stockings have in common?
They both get runs down their legs.
Customer: The water in this glass is cloudy.
Waiter: Don’t worry—the water’s fine.
It’s just the glass that’s cloudy.
Why didn’t the photographer develop his pictures of the boogeyman?
He was afraid to be alone in the dark with them.
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Emma who?
Emma ’fraid you have an ugly face.
What do you call a vegetarian with diarrhea?
A salad shooter.
What did the first mate see in the toilet?
The captain’s log.
What did the drooling butler say to the guests when he answered the door?
Greetings and salivations.
If vegetarians only eat vegetables, what do you call humans that eat other humans?
What am I?
I can be found inside your mouth. I’m a slippery mix of mucus, protein, salt, and water. I help you chew and digest your food. Sometimes when you sleep I trickle out the side of your mouth.
What am I?
Did you hear what happened to the man who lost his left arm and leg in an accident?
He’s all right now.
What kind of underwear is good for putting out fires?
What does a liar do when he’s sleeping?
He lies still.
Think your toilet paper is doing a good job? Think again. The germs from human poop can go through over ten layers of toilet paper! That gets a solid ten (pun intended) on the Gross-o-meter scale. Don’t forget to wash your hands!
Why was everyone amazed when they saw the Catskill Mountains?
Because cats usually only kill mice.
Mother: Why do you play the same song on the piano over and over?
Son: I find it haunting.
Mother: It should haunt you—you murdered it!
What happened to the thief who fell into the wet cement?
He went on to become a hardened criminal.
Patient: Is there anything else I can do for my pimples?
Doctor: No, that’s zit.
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Goose who?
Goose see a doctor, you look horrible.
What kind of training do you need to be a garbage collector?
None, you pick it up as you go along.
Answer these
questions about
Bart’s bug
Are there
more spiders
or roaches?
If each fly has
6 legs,
how many
fly legs
are there?
Which mosquito
has just bitten
someone? How
can you tell?
Why did the office aide chop off her fingers?
So she could write shorthand.
Why don’t lepers like comedy shows?
It makes them laugh their heads off.
Did you hear about the constipated banker?
He couldn’t budget.
Why was the teacher so upset when her eye fell out of her head?
She couldn’t bear to lose another pupil.
Fred: My brother does great farmyard impressions.
Ted: What animal does he sound like?
Fred: He doesn’t, he just smells like a pig.
In 1981, a twelve-year-old girl named Donna Griffiths began sneezing and didn’t stop for 978 days. It was estimated that she sneezed a million times that first year until her sneezes slowed down to one every five minutes. A million snot rags ranks eight on the Gross-o-meter scale.
What do you call a person lying in front of your door?
Fred: This morning I gave my brother soap flakes for breakfast instead of corn flakes.
Ed: What happened?
Fred: He was so mad, he started foaming at the mouth.
What do you call a leper who has good luck?
A leper-chaun.
What do you call it when a boy vomits up his steak?
How did the woman feel after she got run over by a car?
How did the dunce burn his ear?
He got a telephone call while he was ironing.
There are three men in the bathroom. One is rushing toward the stall, one is on his way out, and the other is inside the stall. What nationalities are they?
Russian, Finnish, and European.
What’s the medical term for a lady who throws up all the time?
Girl hurl.
How many people does it take to wallpaper a room?
Two, but only if they are thinly sliced.
Did you hear about the girl who had long blonde hair growing down her back?
Pity it didn’t grow on her head.
How did the leper get into a car accident?
He left his foot on the gas pedal.
What am I?
I am a fungus that thrives in warm sweaty areas. My specialty is causing painful cracks and blisters between your toes. I lurk on all types of floors and in your shoes. If I want to be really nasty I’ll make one of your toenails my home.
What am I?
What did Jane’s mother say when Jane wanted to lick the bowl?
You must flush it like everybody else.
What happened to the man who flushed himself down the toilet?
He committed sewer-cide.
What’s the meaning of bravery?
A person with diarrhea chancing a fart.
Patient: My kidneys have been giving me a hard time.
Doctor: Well, just take them back to the butcher.
What do a Slinky and a school bully have in common?
They’re both fun to watch tumble down the stairs.
What happened to the man with amnesia when he farted?
It all came back to him.
How did Stinky Joe’s mom stop him from biting his nails?
She made him wear shoes.
How do you make anti-freeze?
Hide her sweater.
The Proper Way to Pick
Deep Sea Picking
This is when you pick your nose so deep it’s as if you were diving for buried treasure.
Fork Pick
This is when your fingers just aren’t long enough to get what’s up there, so you use a fork or other tool. This one is not recommended.
Lottery Pick
This is when you’ve been picking for days on end and finally hit the jackpot. Your excitement is so overwhelming, it’s like you’ve just won a million bucks.
Sad Pickings
This is when you pick your nose just because you are unhappy and it gives you something to do besides think about what’s making you sad.
Pick All Day
This is when you are absolutely obsessed with picking your nose. You use more than one finger and you just can’t stop picking.
Secret Pick
This is when no one is around and you pick your nose with freedom and joy. You get way up in there, and you even fling what you find all over the room.
Picking with Pride
This is when you’re in public, but you just can’t resist the urge to pick. So you pick proudly (and hope that no one notices).
The Fake-Out Pick
This is when you pretend you have an itch, but what you’re really doing is looking for boogers that may have strayed out of your nostrils.
Surprise Picks
This is when you sneeze and all of a sudden snot comes flying out of your nose and you have to clean it off your friend’s shirt. You didn’t even need to pick to loosen those boogers.
Flicking Your Pickings
This is when you use your boogers to taunt family members. You leave it on the tip of your finger and threaten to fling it if anyone comes too close.
Why was the boy’s mother horrified when he came home with a broken nose?
He couldn’t remember who it belonged to.
What did the doctor tell the patient with chronic diarrhea?
It runs in your family.
How do you say constipation in German?
What happened to the boy who ate a thermometer?
He was dying by degrees.
Why was the student so upset when she learned about the Dead Sea?
She didn’t even know it was sick.
What do you call a coward in the electric chair?
Extra crispy chicken.
What’s the best way to cure acid indigestion?
Stop drinking acid.
What do you do when someone rolls their eyes at you?
You pick them up and give them back.
Seriously Sick
The average person can pee anywhere from 1.5 to 3.5 pints a day. But did you know that sweat and urine are virtually the same thing? They both contain something called urea, which causes them to smell bad. Pretty gross, huh?
What do you call a bearded woman who grants wishes?
A hairy godmother.
Lady: Am I too late for the garbage truck?
Garbage Truck Driver: Nope, jump right in.
How do you turn an ordinary scientist into a mad scientist?
Punch him in the nose.
What kind of illness do roofers get?
Why should you never pee in a public pool?
The public doesn’t swim in your toilet so you shouldn’t pee in their pool.
What magic word do you have to say if you want to get rid of your scabs?
What happened to the hunter who was following tracks in the woods?
He got hit by a train.
What happened to the man who cut off his right butt cheek?
He was left behind.
Did you hear about the math teacher who was constipated?
He worked it out with a pencil.
What happened when the customer complained that his meal wasn’t fit for a pig?
The waiter said he’d take it back and bring him a meal that was fit for a pig.
Why did Silly Sam get a pain in his nose every time he drank a cup of coffee?
He forgot to take the spoon out of the cup before sipping.
Seriously Sick
Did you ever stick your nose in the bud of a rafflesia flower? This flower smells disgusting, like rotting flesh or spoiled milk. The rafflesia is such a stinker it’s even nicknamed the “corpse flower.” It’s better to give these flowers to your enemies instead of your loved ones.
What did the nice hangman say to his victim?
Is the noose too tight?
Why were the barber’s hands so dirty?
No one had been in for a shampoo all day.
What did the waiter say when the customer asked if the chef had pig’s feet?
I don’t know, he’s got his shoes on.
Should kids with the flu go to school?
It’s snot for you to decide.
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Warren who?
Warren earth did you get such
an ugly face?
How did the school teacher keep the boys on their toes?
He raised the urinals a couple of inches.
Did you hear about the Indian chief who drank twenty cups of tea and went to bed?
He drowned in his tea-pee.
Seriously Sick
Does it ever sound like a bulldozer is whipping through your stomach? Well, that sound comes from the digestive juices sloshing around in there. Your body makes about two gallons of that stuff a day, and it can stay there for up to four hours after you eat.
What do you call a man with mucus in his throat?
How do you keep from dying?
Just stay in the living room.
Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Stan who?
Stan back, I’m about to vomit.
Did you hear what happened to the plastic surgeon?
He sat in front of a fire and melted.
Why did everyone call Dirty Darrel a wonder child?
Because they all wondered when he was going to take a bath.
What’s risky?
Eating raisin bran when your brother can’t find his roach collection.
Why should you listen to your father when he tells you not to pick your nose?
Father nose best.