One Final Note
Congratulations. You did it. You stuck it out, you took the time, dedication, and the energy to enhance your life and I am proud of you! You made a commitment to read the material and you followed through. In this day and age, with so much happening to us all at such tremendous speed, I fully realize and appreciate how precious your time is. Of the endless number of self-help books out there, you were willing to invest some of your hard-earned money and take a chance on this one, and that means the world to me. I only hope you are willing to extract and implement parts of this book that apply to your life now and to come, so as to make a significant difference in you. That is my sole desire.
In the first section we learned that all of us, every single person on this planet, face difficult situations of one degree or another, and that we cannot move forward unless we free ourselves from the shackles of our past. We know that unless we have the knowledge, courage, and constant discipline to maintain our distance from negative settings, there is a chance—but not the excuse—that we can become a carbon copy of that environment. That above all, bad things happen to decent folks every single day, and feelings of animosity or revenge, at any level, do no one any good and can either take away our wholesomeness or kill us a little bit each and every day ... until we become what we once detested.
We realized that if we have no goals or even the slightest amount of ambition, we will end up going nowhere. That what truly matters for nearly all of us is actually the everyday simple things that are so readily available. That for everything in life we desire, we have to be willing to forfeit something for our cause. And we know that achieving enormous goals requires unyielding dedication and patience, coupled with a fair amount of luck.
That in the end, the sincere appreciation of who we are and what we have thus far should suffice, and that anything extra that comes into our lives is a bonus, which can only make our lives the more enjoyable. That diligent labor is important, yet making the most of our days by doing things that make us feel fulfilled is just as vital. That a sustained, proactive environment not only nurtures, but can be used as a shield so we can live with less turmoil and fewer distractions. How a slight amount of negativity is not only inescapable, but in fact can be used as a catalyst to better ourselves. That a steadfast, strong, positive attitude inside ourselves or when we deal with the world around us makes all the difference.
We see that America is truly the land where God has shed His grace on thee. Yet perhaps the extraordinary thing about America is not solely its boundless opportunities for one and all, but the guaranteed, undisputable right of the pursuit of happiness. It by no means implies the absolute right for an auspicious life, but rather to simply live a life as we choose. If one wishes to fulfill this promise and be happy, America is a phenomenal place to be.
Every single one of us knows something about resilience. As you were reading, did you tell yourself, Hey, I’ve been through worse than that,” or “If that person can do it, then I certainly can too!? Did you find that you in fact have some of the same persevering traits as those who were used as examples? Did you rediscover that even in the midst of adversity you are not counted out unless you say so? That no matter the past or present situation, you in fact have ownership to your life and deserve to live your life on your own terms?
However, if there was one theme that I want to shine throughout this book, the singular thread that I hope you will weave into your life is the fact that nothing can dominate the hunger, the unstoppable drive, of the human spirit. Nothing. Not the test of time, any technology mankind can devise, or any form of oppression—no matter how monumental. Nothing comes close to matching the determination from within you! If you walk away with nothing else, please take that knowledge with you. The only element stopping you is you.
But now that our time together is through, I must emphasize that now it’s up to you. Now is the time to follow through, to go the distance, to activate yourself on what you have now acquired. As I have previously stated, this book, myself, or others you know can only propel you so far. If you feel excited, ready to jump up and tackle the world, understand that that stimulation will soon fade. Don’t get me wrong; being enthusiastic is great, but don’t get so wound up that you use up all your energy ahead of time. Or if you hit a few bumps in life, or run into a roadblock, you turn away, flee, and give up. Personally, I think you’ve come too far to do that.
My advice: Stay on course. Take a stand and implement a change. Just be consistent in your endeavors. Want it, crave it, do it ... on a daily basis. Like brushing your teeth whenever you get up each day and before going to bed: take the time required to hit those hard-to-reach places, then walk away with something to smile about. Dedicate yourself to your changes, so they become a part of your life.
Again the changes may seem small and even insignificant. When we brush our teeth, we don’t always walk away with a blinding radiant smile, but imagine not only how our smile would look but the overall condition of our mouths and gums if we did not consistently brush? Trust me, overall you will be so much better off by stepping out of that comfort zone and applying yourself in a positive direction. I’m not going to sugarcoat this: You will teeter and even fall, but simply stand up, brush yourself off, and be all the wiser next time.
I fully realize Help Yourself has dealt with some fairly serious topics. My intention was to show you that life, even with all its fury, does not have to be so arduous. That even in the midst of chaos, the world is not going to end. With positive perseverance, things do get better. And how can you be an astute businessperson, a loving, guiding parent, an intimate partner, a good student, or live your life as an everyday productive person if you do not take care of your most important asset: yourself?! The answer is you can’t. So as much as you apply yourself, don’t forget to stop and pick more daisies along the way. Enjoy! Go out and have an ice cream, and hold the hand of someone you love. Do it today!
I only ask one more thing from you: Please don’t let it end here. Digest what you can and skim through the parts when you need more clarification or that extra shot in the arm. Just don’t quit on yourself. Remember that all of us are worthy and we all deserve to be happy. All you have to do now is do what has to be done. As the beloved Ms. Winfrey once stated, Now that you know better, do better.
As I close, please permit me to say that it has been an honor for me. I pray the time we spent together will enable you to live your life with a little more dignity, honor, and sense of conviction. If you ever think you are unworthy, that you’re reaching too far, that you will never be happy, do me this favor as you read these words:
Imagine a small boy who lives in the bottom of a cold, dark basement. A lonely, terrified child with yellowish skin, wounds and bruises all over his body. A child with no one and nothing to turn to, who is either doomed to die or destined to spend the rest of his life in a living hell. This was the life for a child called “It.”
After everything, against all odds, if that little boy can now live a happy, fulfilled, productive life, with all due respect, what is stopping you? In the end there is little that is insurmountable if you are simply willing to help yourself.
With all of my heart I wish you Godspeed on all your journeys and God’s blessings on your endeavors. I wish you my very best. Live a good life. Be happy.
Dave Pelzer