Creating Your Own Positive Environment
Now that we know the importance of what we say to ourselves, I want to emphasize another way of deflecting negativity by surrounding yourself with a positive environment that you create. As we all know how detrimental a negative setting can be, most of us forget the extreme importance of an affirmative one. When facing the everyday sludge that life can throw at us, I think of a positive environment as a protective shield. Family, friends, loved ones, that close-knit group at work and at church, and other specialized organizations are the perfect outlet to draw inspiration, become motivated, and even gain a shoulder to lean on.
I cannot stress enough the importance of having someone not only to talk to or to listen to your fears and dreams, but someone who has the same qualities and holds the same set of values as you. As cute as opposites attract sounds, I recommend you use more discernment and look at the character of the individual.
As you know, you can’t go through life all alone. All of us need assistance and inspiration from time to time. While out in the middle of the ocean, Brad Van Liew drew strength from his wife and a small band of friends constantly pulling for him and, as Mr. Van Liew put it, in some cases giving him a kick in the pants.
We’ve all heard those seemingly insignificant words I’m proud of you, Don’t give up, You can do it, but isn’t it amazing the absolute power of those words coming from someone you know and trust? To me that’s the heart of a positive environment. Being with those you feel safe and secure with, enough to open up to, to expose your inner self, for the purpose of empowering you to become a better person. That’s the value of a positive environment!
If anyone knows about the benefits of receiving help from a realistic, nurturing environment among close family and friends, it’s Toni Braxton. Even though Ms. Braxton had two top-selling, multiplatinum albums and was the recipient of five Grammys, there was a time when she wasn’t sure she would ever record another album. When Ms. Braxton found herself in the middle of a bitter contract dispute with her record label, which in turn led her to file for bankruptcy, she was humiliated to the point that even her Grammy awards were stickered with price tags. Yet it was her friends and family who helped Toni with that little encouragement when she needed it. Record producer and ally Kenny “Babyface” Edmonds said to her, “You know how to produce yourself. Go do it.” For Toni to have someone like Babyface, whom she looked up to as a big brother in the business, “that made me feel real good.” With a little inspiration Ms. Braxton is now a stronger, wiser person and after four years has another top-selling album.
But a positive environment isn’t all candy canes, soda pops, and warm cuddles. As much as we use it to draw encouragement from, it can also be a hard dose of reality for us when needed. After years of living an internal hell, Oprah Winfrey’s life turned for the better when she moved in with her father, a caring but “no-nonsense”individual. Through the many interviews I’ve seen and read about Ms. Winfrey, she credits her father’s tough love for helping make her the woman she is today. While surrounding her with encouragement and praise, it is said that Ms. Winfrey’s father also made sure that Oprah read anything she could lay her hands on, and above all expected nothing but the best from her.
What’s great about a positive environment is surrounding yourself with those whom you trust, but is not about being told only what you want to hear. It’s the reality of the truth. As my lovely bride likes to point out, this is one of the many benefits of the institution called marriage. As much as I do as an author, presenter, and comedic storyteller, my wife is always happy to inform me when I have floundered; when I’ve stepped or am about to step past the edge. Why? Because she knows my capabilities and expects nothing less. And because we trust each other, I not only can open up to her all the more, but can value the sometimes-hard-to-swallow critiques that in the end keep me grounded, more focused, and a better person as a whole.
Real-Life Resources
But in today’s world there are a great number of folks who aren’t content with the invaluable everyday resources that are so readily available to them. Rather than take advice from people who actually, truly know them, these folks prefer to wait for the next motivational, all-knowing, quasi-immortal guru to sweep them off their feet and have them live in some distant paradise where they can dedicate themselves to their “conduit of peace.” Now, with all due respect, if that’s what adults unequivocally wish to do with their lives and they truly believe in that certain cause, and if it makes them happy, well, then, more power to them. I am only trying to emphasize how many times over the years I have seen seemingly lost people throw their lives and worldly possessions away in the vain hope of finding their way through to some divinelike environment. Why travel across the desert if your well is right in front of you?
As mentioned in the very beginning of this book, no one has all the answers. And I highly advise you to stay clear of those who righteously claim they do. The truth is, those seemingly mundane words like, “Come on, don’t quit,” “Everything’s gonna be great,” “I believe in you,” are the ones that have an extraordinary impact on our lives!
Off the top of your head, how many teachers can you name? Now, how many of those close friends can you recall for every class you had in school, or those select few you were just dying to have a date with? I may be wrong here, but you probably came up with more teachers than those friends whom at the time you couldn’t live without. Why? Because they were the ones who truly had a genuine influence on your life. As much as we habitually draw from bad experiences, I think it’s time we turned that around and tapped—if not drilled—into those positive former experiences as well. You’ll find those experiences from everyday folks who know you, who don’t have all the answers or even the responses you wish to hear, but are definitely the folks making a world of difference in your life today!
So don’t wait for the next guru messiah to provide you with divine guidance for every one of life’s encounters. That’s not going to happen. For me, what I’ve found that does in fact work every single time is drawing strength and encouragement from myself and a close group of folks that I have a relationship with. Those folks whom I trust and whose opinions I value.
In all my years of helping others I’ve met so many who said, “I gotta meet Oprah, so she can help me!” Or “When I see Arnold, he’ll become my workout coach!” I realize this may sound obvious, and not to burst anyone’s bubble, but it ain’t gonna happen! Even with the slightest of chances of bumping into Ms. Winfrey, Mr. Schwarzenegger, Colin Powell, or even someone else who may have had similar experiences to yours, they can only give you a fraction of their time. And even if they throw you a piece of advice such as “Keep a good spirit,” “Maintain a healthy body for a healthy mind,” “Pursue a solid education,” or “I’m sorry you went through that situation, too,” there is no way you can have an ongoing affiliation with folks such as these. Again, too many individuals put their faith in others rather than in themselves or what’s in front of them and readily available. I freely admit that every one of those folks deserves respect, has an incredible message to share with the world, and can help inspire us to better ourselves, but that’s as far as it goes. Do you have Oprah’s cell phone number and can you call her anytime you wish? Can you page Colin Powell whenever you feel the need? No, you can’t. But you can turn to a family member, someone at work, or that one close friend of yours, for advice. A twelve-step sponsor is only a phone call away. A hug of encouragement is just an arm’s reach away. But believing in yourself is the first step.
After all I’ve just said, if folks still only place little value on the ordinary positive surroundings, then I ask how was I—after the extreme negative environment I’ve been subjected to—able to become a kind and loving husband and father, and a decent member of our society? With years of enduring psychological and physical torture from my deranged mother, and even while in foster care when certain individuals went out of their way to brag openly about my limited chances of any “normal social adjustment” (while being kind enough to bestow their own credit on my inner determination), it was in fact my foster parents who took me into their homes—when no one else would have me—and who not only made me a part of their family, but gave me a strong sense of values that I could draw from. As a teenager, when I stepped out of line, my hard-nosed social workers would scold me by asking, “Aren’t you better than that?” While in the air force, when I had to take a pre-algebra class for the third time, there was this one instructor with the patience of a saint who said the one thing that enabled me to understand the workings of numbers, even though he had stated the same thing to me a hundred plus times before. It has been and always will be true that the resources of a positive environment are what are in and around you. If you can pick and choose who and what to stay away from when it comes to staying clear of a negative setting, you can certainly take advantage of selecting from a positive one.
I believe that for every single negative you hear about yourself, it takes dozens of positives to counter that one appalling spoken word or that singular bad experience. In my case, I was able to absorb, to draw from every single seemingly ordinary constructive event, which in turn propelled me to become the person I am today. That is the honest-to-God truth! It wasn’t meeting some Hollywood celebrity, pretentious radio talk-show host, or that onetime weekend walking on coals that left such an extraordinary effect on my life. All of those may have somehow affected our lives, but fleetingly at best. And you deserve better than that.
I fully realize that not all things work for or apply to all people. I’m sure, though in my heart I hope it’s not true, that there are some who feel they have no one to turn to for support that all of us need. For that I am truly sorry. There have been many, many times in my life, just as in everyone’s, when I have felt dejected and completely isolated. As crazy as this sounds, with all the 900 adult entertainment and psychic telephone services there are, I wish there were a 1-900-Have-a-Nice-Day line. Wouldn’t it be great to pick up the line, get something off your chest, and feel just a little bit better afterward, knowing you’re not alone, the world’s not going to end, and tomorrow is indeed another day? (This is one of the reasons I would love to have my own radio show!) Heck, in our hypersonic telecommunication age it might be a good thing! And yet, if one looks hard enough, there are in fact many outreach services readily available within one’s community. Help is there for those who seek it.
And, after all of this, if some folks still feel they do not have any positive elements in their lives, still feel alone and worthless, then with all due respect I say: “Get off your butt and help out others who are worse off than you!” For folks who think they don’t have enough, I recommend spending a few hours a week helping out at a homeless shelter. For those who believe they’re all alone, I advise manning the phones at suicide prevention or runaway hotlines. Once I had a person so wrapped up in his own despair that I took him to visit children diagnosed with cancer, AIDS, and other terminal diseases. Thankfully, afterward this gentleman sobbed, “What do I have to complain about?”
You and I are not alone. We are not the only ones with insurmountable troubles, for there is always someone somewhere who’s worse off than ourselves. Not to sound hard nosed, but I highly recommend the film Saving Private Ryan. After watching the first thirty minutes, I realized—even after all I have been put through—that I have nothing, and I mean nothing, to complain about. I don’t mean to confuse anyone, for it’s great and necessary to get things off our chests. And I highly recommend doing just that; however, I only wish to make the point that as individuals we have to make the most of what we have, and when you reach out to assist others, when you become that mentor to others, you are in fact creating your own positive environment!
Look at Oprah! She had serious issues, received everyday, commonsense guidance, and is now helping millions! Colin Powell, raised in the ghetto, worked incredibly hard to receive his education, and is now in charge of “America’s Promise, The Alliance for Youth” giving his all for other children to better themselves. Nelson Mandela was imprisoned for many years because of his race and his political views, yet became the president of the country that had persecuted him! It all began with the courage to make that change.
Creating your positive environment begins with the little things, so, as I have already advised, take consistent small daily steps. I again recommend the same for your own setting. Once a day, do at least three nice things for others. Just three little seemingly insignificant things every day for the rest of your life. Open the door for that person. When someone cuts you off in traffic, spare your energy by not giving him the bird. If you see someone who can use some spare change, buy her a Happy Meal. Feeling bad about your own esteem? Then compliment others: “And good morning to you, Denise. Love your hair!” “Hi, Bob, now that’s a sharp tie!” “Hey, girlfriend, where did you get those shoes?” “Hello, Matt. Nice toupee!”
That positive environment always has and always will begin with you! And it’s what you say to yourself that leads you either to victory or defeat; happiness or despair; mind over matter.
When you watch what you say when you talk to yourself, listen to what is being said. Again I know it sounds a little foolish, but do just that. Since listening is the most neglected of all communications skills and we now know the extreme importance of our initial internal thoughts, take it to the next step and improve your own position.
Start with this: Next Monday morning when you go to work, off to school, or do whatever you do, listen to what others say when they talk about themselves. Do they complain much about every single insignificant thing in their lives? Are they constantly making excuses? Are they happy? Do they seem fulfilled or content in any way? What about their body language? Watch their breathing. Is it strained or labored? Are their shoulders hunched over? Do they have bags under their eyes from lack of a sound sleep? Observe how these folks react with others and how productive they actually are. Given, on Mondays, for a fair amount of us, it’s hard to get back into the swing of things. And everybody has bad days and even a run of hard times, but over time folks like these are so despondent with themselves, they can barely accomplish anything outside of their problematic realm.
On the other hand, have you seen those people who are constantly chipper? Nothing gets them that down. When push comes to shove these individuals hunker down and do whatever it takes to accomplish their tasks. At times these folks seem so overly optimistic that you’re not quite sure if they’re on some unlicensed medication. They have dreams and wide-eyed ambitions, and even when bad luck or negative situations befall them, these people seemingly brush it off as if it weren’t a big deal. They have the eyes that always seem to be smiling. For them the glass is half full. They create their own environment from within. Their enthusiasm is infectious. And those are the folks whom you want to watch. They are the ones going places!
Now for some, these folks might seem downright odd. But ask yourself: out of the two examples, whom would your rather surround yourself with?
As you know, the brain thinks in pictures rather than words and as you visualize something good or bad, the brain in a sense leads you in that direction. This is why it is imperative for you to control how and what you think! And to stay positive is to do exactly that. Taking control of the everyday turmoil, not allowing things to get you down, destroy you, or take away your passion for a fulfilled life!
When I think of one person who is the master of hard work, envisioning his own destiny years ahead himself, I think of Arnold Schwarzenegger. If you want to see someone with a confident attitude, watch this man whenever he’s on the television talk-show circuit.
Years ago, when I didn’t even know Arnold’s name, I happened to catch him on an afternoon talk show that went something like this: “So, Arnold, tell us about your latest film.” “You know I’m so excited to be here. I tell you, for years I worked hard on my body, chiseling every inch to perfection, knowing all the time that I would use it as a tool to get me into movies in America. For me that was my big dream. That’s why I’m a success. I see nothing in front of me but endless opportunity. In this film I push myself, I work hard to ensure I have the best body, for my fans expect nothing less. You will also see so much action, you’ll feel as if you’re in the movie yourself. I’ve never seen or been a part of anything like it. It’s just incredible. And now that I’ve established myself as an actor, I plan to explore new boundaries, different character dimensions, the works. In fact, in my next film ...”
Wow! As shamelessly “pluggish”as Mr. Schwarzenegger may be, listen carefully. He tells you where he was, what he has just accomplished, and what he plans on accomplishing next. “When I see it in my mind, it becomes crystallized, and I take whatever steps necessary to make it happen. I follow through!” The intensity of his eyes and his body language match his enthusiasm, not necessarily for the film he’s promoting, but more so on his attitude about his life in general. When he talks about his past, one of his hands is about knee level. Then when Arnold discusses what he has just accomplished, his hand rises to his chest. But by the time he tells the audience his goals for the future, his hand is just above his eyes and all the time his smile widens with each and every incline. Besides his lovely wife and children, Arnold claims his biggest asset is his limitless positive internal environment.
So what’s your internal environment like? When you observe others, what can you learn about yourself in the process? Do you needlessly rant and complain? Do you make infinite excuses? Do you find yourself too defensive? Or are you optimistic? When the going gets tough do you tell yourself that you will do whatever it takes to make things happen?
When you’re feeling blue, do you allow that to pull you down, or do you make the most of it? Do you go out of your way to brighten other people’s day, rather than wallow in your own abyss of doom and gloom? Again, it’s up to you. It’s all a matter of weeding out the bad and cultivating more productive thoughts. And just like pulling weeds, you have to get to the root of the problem; otherwise that weed, that self-doubt, that negative programming, will spring back up and choke off the flower that can blossom for you in the future. Be consistent. Apply that “weed off”whenever you feel the need. Every day see the brighter side of things. Continually tell yourself how lucky you are, how good your life is right now, and how things can only get better.
Don’t wait! Now, starting NOW—not tomorrow, next week, next month, or even next year—THINK DIFFERENTLY! Deflect all that exterior crap that you probably have little control over in the first place and begin by instructing yourself that things aren’t that bad. When others put you down, smile inside while telling yourself you are better than that. When others laugh at your delusions of grandeur, tell yourself you will give it all you have, you don’t mind paying the price, and how much you will enjoy the journey.
I promise you this: If you carry a bad attitude, you have no chance of being happy, let alone living up to your full potential and achieving your greatness. With a positive mind and a nurturing environment, what can you not truly accomplish? You keep a clear head and an optimistic attitude—day in and day out—and you will see a miraculous difference! This I guarantee!
The truth: You may not get the “brass ring,”but you will live a better life! Remember, it takes about twenty-seven separate facial muscles to frown and about nineteen to smile. So reach down deep inside. No matter how hard life hits you, no matter how long it takes, do whatever it takes. And smile, smile, smile!
I beg of you to take this with you always: Help Yourself ... to a life you are not only capable of living, but are worthy of living. It’s all in your mind ... that’s where everything matters.