D. L. King
Fondle your balls. Now squeeze them. Grind your ass against that seat, baby. I want to see it in your face. I want to see just exactly what that butt plug is doing to you. You can do better than that. Squeeze harder; show me you mean it. Stroke that hard cock, Harris, and come for me. Yes, baby, come for me, that’s right.”
I groaned, and three good spurts of semen erupted from the head of my cock. I shuddered, opened my eyes and looked at Dawn’s face smiling at me from my laptop screen. I smiled back. Hot come quickly became cold spooge.
“Ooh, Harris, that was fun. I always thought vid cam sex would be crappy or unsexy, but that was fun. Did you think it was fun?”
“Hang on a sec,” I said. I turned away from the screen to grab a Kleenex. Mopping myself up, I looked at Dawn. “Yeah, it was fun. We should do it again. Next time I’ll make you come.”
“Who says I didn’t? Hey, you have that thing coming up. What did you decide, train or car?”
Dawn was talking about my film. I was a filmmaker—at least, that was my long-term plan—and I had to do some location scouting for my latest project. I wanted to check out some Bronx locations and maybe even one or two in Staten Island, but the problem was my choices were pretty remote.
I live in Brooklyn and I consider the entire city to be my oyster. I’ve always known that I could get anywhere I needed to go on the train, so I don’t own a car. ’Course, I never needed to go to remote locations in the two boroughs I know nothing about. Well, it seems you can’t get anywhere on the train, after all. I was going to have to rent a car for this.
“I asked Stan,” I said. Stan was a friend of ours who taught at a college in the Bronx. “He was virtually no help at all. As he put it, ‘I don’t usually cruise vacant lots and marshes.’ Hang on a minute.”
I stood up, turned around and braced myself against the seat of my desk chair.
“Mmm, very nice,” Dawn said.
“Well, if you like that, you’ll probably like this even better—or not,” I said over my shoulder. I wagged my butt and then reached between my legs, wrapped my fingers around the base of the stainless-steel plug in my ass and slowly pulled. I love the way it feels coming out of me—the pressure, the stretching, the emptiness. And it was fun taunting Dawn, who liked to be the one doing the extracting.
“Hey, who told you to take that out? I might have wanted to come over there and retrieve it myself—you don’t know.”
“Yeah, well, that’s what you get for wanting to have phone sex or computer sex or whatever. And I’m cold.” I walked away from the computer. I could vaguely hear her telling me what I could and couldn’t do in her presence. I came back wearing a pair of sweats.
“Hey! I don’t know if I like this. You think you can do whatever you want because I’m not there.”
She was pouting because I’d put on pants without asking permission but that’s the thing about using technology for sex. You can do whatever you want. There’s nothing the computer can do about it. Maybe she’d make me pay the next time we were together, but for now, I was king of my domain.
“So, this car you’re renting, does it have GPS?”
“No, I couldn’t afford it. I thought about it but I’ll just have to MapQuest stuff really well.”
“Well, if I come with you, we can use the GPS on my phone and I can be your navigator.”
Dawn and I have been together for five years. I think we’ll be together for another fifty. We haven’t taken the cohabitation step yet, but I love her dearly and it’s not too far off. She’s a little crazy and she’s more interested in watching films than in making them, but it would be good to have someone along to get lost with, so I said okay. After all, what could happen?
Scenes from The Bonfire of the Vanities briefly flashed through my mind.
“Great,” she said. “Hey, you know, that really was fun. Later.” The image of her clicked off.
It was kind of fun. I hadn’t thought I’d like it, as I really despise looking at myself on camera, on the computer. But this was different because I wasn’t looking at me, I was looking at Dawn, and she looked great. And she must not have thought I looked too stupid because I could see that she had enjoyed watching me, too.
I met Stan for drinks at our favorite downtown bar. Over a couple of vodka cranberries, he explained how to drive to the Bronx, but the words weren’t making sense to me. I don’t know if it was because I’d only heard about some of these streets on the morning traffic report or because the bartender liked us. And by liked us, I mean we were drinking tumblers of slightly pink vodka.
I told him not to worry about it, that I’d find my own way, and we stumbled out to get some dinner.
The following Friday, Dawn showed up at my place with pizza and beer. We spent most of the evening working out how to get from one place to another. She’d pulled out a subway map and put Xs in the general vicinity for each location, and then we’d figured out the most expedient route from place to place. We decided to head to the Bronx first and then, if there was enough time and light, go out to Staten Island.
Neither of us are exactly morning people, so it was a very quick fuck and right to sleep. Even so, I should have known something was up.
The alarm went off at seven, which is criminal on a Saturday, but we rolled out of bed, put on some clothes—sweats and a T-shirt for me, a cotton sundress for her. I made coffee and toasted some bagels for breakfast while Dawn finished getting ready. I grabbed our schedule and the map and Dawn grabbed a beach bag as we headed for the door. “Hey, what’s in that?” I asked.
“Just some stuff we might need,” she said.
“Like what?”
“Oh, you know, snacks, bottles of water, a notebook, a flashlight. Just stuff. You never know what you might need. It’s good to be prepared.”
We picked up the car and made it to the first location in about forty-five minutes. There was very little traffic and we only got lost once. We started in the southeastern section, right on the East River. It took a little doing to get down to the water where there were old pilings and tall grasses. Not a soul was around. Dawn followed me down to the water’s edge. I took a few pictures with my phone and wondered aloud how tall the weeds were. Dawn rummaged around in her beach bag and handed me a tape measure.
“Wow, thanks, that’s great.” I measured the weeds and she handed me a notebook and pen to jot the measurements down. “Okay, that’s it.” I started to head back up the bank.
“Where are you going?” she asked.
“Well, that’s it. I got what I needed,” I said. “We can go to the next place.”
“Not so fast, buddy. I didn’t get what I needed. Bring your little butt over here.”
I carefully made my way back down to the water’s edge. “Take your pants down and bend over,” she said.
“What? You can’t be serious.”
“Come on, there’s no one here. No one’s gonna see,” she reasoned. “And besides, you still owe me from the other day.” I gave her a questioning look. “On the webcam.”
I shook my head but did as she said. I figured she’d spank me for putting my pants on and we’d be on our way. First, I heard her rummaging in her bag again and before I knew what was happening, I felt her lubed-up finger at my asshole. I grabbed my pants and stood up. “What are you doing?” I asked.
“Just relax, Harris.”
“You can’t do that here!”
“Sure I can. Why not? Is there a law against it?” she asked.
“Well, as a matter of fact, yes, I think there is a law against it, and besides, you can’t do that here,” I repeated, this time with more conviction.
“There’s nobody here to see. But if you waste any more time, that could change, so I think you’d better just do as you’re told.”
When she got like this there wasn’t anything I could do but give in, so I slowly lowered my sweats again and bent over. Head up, eyes forward, scanning the horizon for unwanted company, I could feel her buggering me with her fingers. I started grumbling about now not being the time and work to do and other locations until I felt her fingers withdraw. I started to stand up. She pushed me back down with a firm hand to my lower back. “I’m not done yet. Cool your fucking jets.” It was then I felt the big, stainless steel plug go in—the one with the wide, flat base and the tiny neck. The one I couldn’t push out, at least not easily. “There, now, you can stand up.”
“What the fuck, Dawn?”
“Oh, stop grousing. We’re wasting time. Pull up your pants and let’s get to the next location.”
I stood up, feeling the plug seat itself inside me, and pulled my sweats over my half-hard cock, then looked back to see her packing up her beach bag and heading up the rise to the car. It was then I realized I was in for it. I should have known better than to agree to bring Dawn along to scout locations.
Actually, I’m used to running around with a plug in my ass. Dawn often enjoys plugging me and sending me out on errands, so it didn’t take much time to get used to the feeling. I followed her up and settled into the driver’s seat with a little groan and we were off to the second stop, a field under the Throgs Neck Bridge.
We pulled the car to the side of a deserted road. As we got out and began to walk toward the bridge supports, we were bombarded with mosquitoes and gnats. The ground was really marshy. I decided this wasn’t a location I needed, crossed it off my list and we headed back to the car. Our next stop was an abandoned manufacturing plant.
We parked between two buildings, the old, dirty windows on one side of the alley reflecting the graffiti and brick walls of the building on the other side. I took lots of pictures and made notes about how to get there and ideas for filming. Farther back, there was a secluded area with rusting machinery. I was taking pictures when I felt Dawn’s hand at my waistband. “What now?” I asked.
“Don’t worry about it. Just keep working. I’m starting to get a little hungry. Didn’t you say we’d have lunch on City Island?” She snaked her hand inside my sweats and pulled my cock and balls out the top.
“Jesus Christ!” I swore.
“There’s nobody here but the pigeons. Relax, Harris.”
I looked down to see what she was doing just as she produced a rubber cock ring. She put it in her mouth and began to stroke my cock. I watched as it expanded and lengthened and knew where she was going with this but was helpless to do anything about it. Actually, that’s not true. I’m bigger than she is and I could have easily overpowered her and manhandled her to the ground and…yeah, see, powerless to stop her.
Once I was hard, she withdrew the cock ring, dripping with her saliva, and forced my cock and balls through. I reached for my pants and she said, “Wait. One more thing.” I must have groaned because she smacked my hard cock and told me to be quiet. She produced a roll of surgical tape and taped my now straining cock to my abdomen, then wrapped the tape around my hips, trapping my cock against my body. “This way, no one can tell you’re hard.” She pulled my pants back up and over the top of my cock. She traced the elastic of the sweatpants, where it met my skin. “But I only have to reach a little way in and”—she pushed her finger inside the waistband, scraped her nail against the stretched head of my cock and I jumped. Then she ran the tip of her finger through the precome. “Yeah, just like that.
“Did you take pictures of all those machines? Let’s see what’s around the other side of the building.”
“I don’t know if I can walk.”
“Sure you can. Let’s go.” And she was off down the road.
I waddled behind her until I got used to the feeling of my cock being bound. When I caught up to her I said, “You know, you could have used the belt with the cock cuff.”
“Nah, too much work lacing you into it. Today is all about stealth and speed. After all, you never know when we might run into people.”
I shuddered at the thought. A few more pictures and we headed to the car. “I don’t know if I can drive like this. I don’t even know if I can sit down.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, of course you can sit down. If you think you’ll be too distracted to drive, I’ll take over. We have one more site to look at before lunch, right?”
We heard voices and got to the car just as a group of guys came into view. I didn’t want to know what they were doing in this desolate location so I quickly slipped behind the wheel and Dawn got into the passenger seat and we took off.
“See, I knew you could drive.”
“Yeah, but the seat belt is killing me.”
“Poor baby. Turn left at the stop sign.” She guided us to the next location; this one was a maze of half-torn-down stone and brick walls with no roof. I loved it immediately. Loved the light coming from above and through the holes in the walls. I loved the rusted girders and twisted rebar. This would be a great location for the confrontation between the killer and the detective. My mind was on my work as I snapped photos and took notes. I was completely oblivious to what Dawn was doing until she began to pull my pants down again. “Got everything you need?”
I froze. “Um, yeah, I guess.” I felt surgical scissors slide under the tape by my cock.
“This’ll do,” she said. She cut my cock free and stuffed the tape in her bag. “Wouldn’t want to litter. Stroke your cock for me, baby. Now, bend over and brace yourself against the wall. Keep playing with yourself. That’s right.” I felt her fingers at the base of the plug. “Deep breath, Harris, and push. You know how to do it.” She tugged hard and my sphincter retracted as the bulb of the anal plug was expelled.
I started to rise again, cock in hand and still hard when she pushed me back down and I felt something else press against my gaping anus. “Always in a rush. I wouldn’t want to waste this beautifully opened hole,” she said as I felt the dildo slide in easily. “Bend your knees, baby, and raise your ass just a little. Yes, that’s it,” she said as she began to slowly fuck me. Somewhere along the line, while I’d been taking pictures, she’d slipped into her strap-on harness. Or maybe she’d been wearing it all along, under her dress. Maybe all she had to do was insert her cock.
She began to fuck me in earnest. “Play with yourself, Harris. I’ll let you know when you can come.” Her hands were on my hips as she thrust against me, burying her cock up to its silicone balls. She started with an even rhythm of hard, slow strokes but soon sped up, fucking the living shit out of me. “Grab your balls, baby, and pull down. You know what I want.”
I groaned as I pulled on my balls. They were extra sensitive from the vise of the cock ring. I braced myself as best I could as she pounded into me. I felt like I would burst right out of the ring when I felt her arm reach around, up under my shirt, her fingers stroking and teasing my nipples. Then she pinched one. I knew this combination well from past experience: her in my ass, my own hand pulling steadily down on my balls while she played with my nipples. This would push me over the edge in no time. A quick jack of the cock and…
“Oh god, please, may I, please Ma’am, please Dawn, can I please,” I begged.
“Yes, baby, you can come,” she replied. She almost said it too late as a string of semen shot from my cock to splatter against the wall in front of my face. “Ooh, good boy,” she said, driving her cock into me three more times as I collapsed, shoulder against the wall.
I heard the sound of a plastic zipper bag and then she pulled out of me. Less than a minute later, she was taking the cock ring off and pulling up my pants. I turned around and she was standing there like nothing had happened. I looked into the beach bag and saw a plastic bag containing her cock, shiny with lube, and my stainless steel plug. “I’m starving,” she said. “How far is it to City Island?”
We made it back to the car. She drove. I managed to give her the directions but it was difficult to pay attention, worrying about what she had planned for after lunch and the Staten Island locations.