

Tickets for the world premiere of Banana Pants, which were free, sold out in record time. Despite the suggestion from their director that they remain unseen, 3B couldn’t stop peeking out from behind the stage curtain, which was finally raised and then lowered, thanks to Miranda and Maude’s combined strength. In the audience were all the students and teachers of Mountain River Valley Elementary. Principal Fish was in a center seat, clutching not only the Official Rules of Mountain River Valley Elementary, but also another book called Official Rules for Elementary Theater. Donut looked at his mom several times. He was very happy to see her, but he was mostly checking on the boxes next to her.

There were five big boxes of Rainbow Sweeties from Miranda, a large container of tiny cupcakes from an anonymous supporter of the arts, and an enormous box of doughnuts that Hillary had bought with her own money. Everything was going to Maude’s house for the cast party after the show, but secretly Donut planned to eat most of the doughnuts himself.

Maude and Miranda were happy to spot their families in the crowd. QM and KD were there, along with Blake and Chef Blue. Walt was next to Michael-John, who was next to a group of kids who didn’t go to Mountain River Valley. Rosalie, in Michael-John’s lap, was making herself as small as possible, since chickens were not allowed in school. For one second, Miranda imagined Walt moving closer to Miss Kinde, but she threw that idea right out!


Which was kind of what had happened to Miss Kinde’s letter. The girls didn’t know it, but Miss Kinde had never even seen her secret love letter. Despite Miranda’s perfect placement, it had gotten mixed up in a bunch of old practice exams and was, at that very moment, getting shredded at a recycling center far, far away.


Just before showtime, Miss Kinde, in a fashionable banana sweater, strolled behind the curtain and gathered 3B around her. “No matter what happens tonight, I am extremely proud of you,” she said. “You worked very hard on the ideas you were passionate about.” She smiled. “But I am most proud of the ways you came together.”


3B nodded. They’d endeavored! All together!

“Are we ready?” Miss Kinde asked.

3B looked at one another nervously. But then Hillary smiled at Donut, who beamed at Fletcher, who smiled at Desdemona, who beamed at Agatha, who smiled at Agnes, who grinned at Norris, who smiled at Norbert, who beamed at Miranda, who grinned at Felix, who smiled at Maude, who actually grinned at Hillary. The truth was, 3B knew they weren’t really ready. Who could put on a play in two weeks? But as someone once said, “The show must go on,” and there wasn’t any more time. The audience was waiting.

“We’re ready, Miss Kinde,” Hillary Greenlight-Miller said, with more confidence than she probably had. “Places, everyone.”

Taking a deep breath and imagining all the doughnuts in his future, Donut walked to the center of the stage, his yellow pants billowing around him. The rest of 3B scurried to their spots.

Hillary looked at Maude and Miranda. “Fly crew: Curtain!”

Maude and Miranda saluted Hillary, looked at each other, and together, putting one hand over the other and pulling with all their might, Princess Miranda Rose Lapointsetta and absolutely not a princess Maude Brandywine Mayhew Kaye raised Mountain River Valley Elementary’s curtain high above the stage.

Perched on a rafter in the back of the auditorium, Norris shone a spotlight on Donut as Maude and Miranda secured the curtain.

“Break a leg!” Hillary Greenlight-Miller whispered. “But not really,” she added, crossing her fingers as tightly as she could.

Maude and Miranda clasped their hands together, smiled at each other, and waited for Banana Pants to begin.
