

aboriginal peoples, 113

adaptation, 163–170

adoption of new ideas, 43–44

advertising and consumerism, 57–64

Agricultural Revolution, 173–174


effect of fossil fuels, 179

    effect of globalization, 135–136

    effect on environment, 108

    as energy source, 20

    industrialization of, 112–113

All Things Pakistan, 154

Anderson, Kevin, 54, 144

Anthropocene epoch, 103–116

anthropocentrism, 113–114

Arab Spring, 125

austerity, 90–91, 98, 99

automobiles, 33–36


Bakken formation, 66

basic necessities

    centralized provision of, 92–94, 98–99

    local provision of, 94–98

    as safety net, 83–84

BBC, 155

behavioral changes, 110–114

The Better Angels of Our Nature (Pinker), 121–122

Bhutan, 63

Biello, David, 106

biofuels, 107

birth rates, 110

Blackout (Heinberg), 152

books, 149, 151, 158–159

boom times, 114–116

Brand, Stewart, 104

Brazil, 126

British Empire, 122

Brown, Harrison, 60


California, 133, 136, 137–138

Campbell, Colin, 7–8, 12, 13

Canada, 26

Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Piketty), 181

Captains of Consciousness (Ewen), 58

carbon capture and storage technology (CCS), 107, 139

Carbon Democracy (Mitchell), 123–124

carbon dioxide

    climate change politics and, 47–48

    effect on societal change, 179

    from gasoline, 35

Carrington Event, 153

cars, 33–36

Catton, William, 164

The Challenge of Man’s Future (Brown), 60

Cheney, Dick, 9

Chicago Sun-Times, 149

Chicago Tribune, 149

China, 135, 181


    decline of, 85–86

    effects of, 159–160

    loss of culture, 147–148

    See also industrial civilization

climate change

    evidence of, 75–76

    in infrastructural transformation, 176, 177

    localization and, 142, 144–146

    pause, 68–69

    places of refuge, 120

    politics of, 47–56

    public relations message, 37–45

Climate Protection Campaign, 145

Clinton, Bill, 10

coal, 107, 123–124, 139, 152

cold fusion, 107

Cold War, 121, 123


    characteristics of, 85–86

    stages of, 43

Collapse (Diamond), 156

The Collapse of Complex Societies (Tainter), 85

collapse preparedness, 99–100

commencement address, 73–81


    provision of necessities, 94–98

    resilience, 71

competitive adaptation, 164–168


    drivers of, 118–121

    violence and, 121–123

consumption, 31, 57–64, 110–111, 145, 182

cooperative adaptation, 164–170

corporatism, 182

crisis response, 122–123, 164–168

crisis-led theory of change, 126–131

Cuba, 128

Cultural Anthropology (Harris, Johnson), 175

cultural materialism, 172–173, 175, 180

Cultural Materialism (Harris), 172


    electronic media, 148–151

    end of civilizations and, 147–148

    loss of electricity, 151–158

    preservation of, 158–160


Daly, Herman, 29

Dancing Rabbit ecovillage, 31–32

dark ages, 114–116, 183

Darley, Julian, 9

Darwin, Charles, 162, 169–170

Davis, Daniel L., 25

death rate, 164

debt, 59

decentralization, 117–131

Deepwater Horizon, 75

deepwater oil, 23

Deffeyes, Kenneth, 8

democracy, 123–126

Democratic Party, 48, 53

democratic self-organization, 125–126

Diamond, Jared, 156

Diffusion of Innovations (Rogers), 43–44

digital publishing, 149

digitization, 149–151


    places of refuge, 120

    violence and, 122–123, 165

Dodge, Mary Mapes, 65

Dodson, Tim, 24

doomers, 130

Downey, Greg, 126

Dust Bowl, 120


Eagle Ford formation, 66

Earth, human impact on, 103–116

ecological slap-downs, 113, 115

economic growth

    climate change and, 53–55

    inequality with, 118–119, 135, 167–168

    peak oil and, 16

    role of fossil fuels, 86–88

The Economist, 25, 105, 106–107, 136


    alternative measurements, 63

    consumerism and, 58–59, 61

    effect of infrastructural change, 180–181

    financial crash, 67–68, 141–142

    future growth, 37–45

    globalization, 134–136

    high oil prices and, 13

    interest rates and, 30

    recovery statistics, 28–29

    strategies for simplification, 86–98

ecosystems, 108, 112

Ecuador, 93

Egypt, 100, 121, 148

electricity, 139, 140, 151–158

electronic media, 148–151

empires, 122

“The End of Cheap Oil” (Campbell, Laherrère), 7–8


    agriculture, 20

    the future and, 37–45

for globalization, 138–141

    inequality and, 167–168

    in infrastructural transformation, 177–178

    policies, 48

    requirements of, 107

Energy and Equity (Illich), 167–168

Energy Information Administration (EIA), 138

The Energy of Slaves (Nikiforuk), 124

Energy Policy, 51


    human impact on, 103–116

    society changes and, 171–182

environmental refugees, 120

EROEI (energy return on energy invested)

    effect on societal change, 178

    of fossil fuels, 12, 19–20

    of renewable energy, 51

    trends in, 25–26

evolution, 165, 167–170

Ewen, Stuart, 58

exploration, 25, 27

ExxonMobil, 73–78


Federal Reserve, 30, 68

financial crash, 67–68, 141–142

financial industry, 93

Financial Times, 25


    centralized provision of, 92

    in conflict, 121

    society changes and, 171–172

fossil fuel

    addiction to, 77–78

    costs of production, 51–52

    for electricity generation, 152–153

    extraction, 22, 52–53, 74–75

    in infrastructural transformation, 175–179

    role in civilization, 86–88

fossil fuel industry. See oil industry

fracking (hydraulic fracturing), 23, 50, 124–125, 138

French Revolution, 101

Friedman, Milton, 129


Gandhi, Mohandas, 60

gasoline, 27, 33–36

GDP (gross domestic product)

    alternative measurements, 63

    consumerism and, 59, 62

    deficiencies in use of, 29–30

geomagnetic storms, 153

Germany, 140, 173

Gilding, Paul, 128

Global Climate and Energy Project, 78

Global Village Construction Set, 143

global warming. See climate change


    climate change policies, 144–146

    development of, 134–137

    energy sources, 138–141

The God Species (Lynas), 104

governance, 123–126


    assessment of, 99

    decentralization, 84

    democratic self-organization, 125–126

    scenarios for simplification, 86–98

Graeber, David, 125–126

grain crops, 109

grassroots opposition, 180

Great Burning, 1–2

The Great Disruption (Gilding), 128

Greensburg, Kansas, 129

Greer, John Michael, 122, 181–182

gross, definition, 19

gross domestic product (GDP)

    alternative measurements, 63

    consumerism and, 59, 62

    deficiencies in use of, 29–30

gross national happiness (GNH), 63–64


Hall, Charles, 51

Hans Brinker, or The Silver Skates (Dodge), 65

Hanson, Jay, 8

Happy Planet Index (HPI), 63–64

Harris, Marvin, 171–175

health care, 92

Henderson, Leah, 97

Holmgren, David, 109

Hopkins, Rob, 9–10

household debt, 30

Hubbert’s Peak (Deffeyes), 8

Hughes, David, 66, 138

human nature, 110–114

hydraulic fracturing (“fracking”), 23, 50, 124–125, 138

hydrogen power, 140


ideologies, 180, 181–182

Illich, Ivan, 167–168

industrial civilization

    ecosystems and, 112–113

    simplification of, 86–98

industrial economy

    globalization, 134–135

    renewable energy and, 51

Industrial Revolution, 173, 175

industrial socialism, 183

inequality, 118–119, 135, 167–168


    elements aligned with, 182–184

    transformation, 172–182

integral fast reactor (IFR), 105–107

International Energy Agency, 74

International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 53

Internet, 149–150, 155–156

Iraq, 8–9


Jackson, Wes, 109

Jacobson, Mark, 41, 50–51

Jacubowski, Marcin, 143

Japan, 105, 128–129

jobs, 28, 92

Johnson, Orna, 175

Journal of Retailing (Lebow), 59


kerogen, 67

Klein, Naomi, 129


    electronic media, 148–151

    end of civilizations and, 147–148

    loss of electricity, 151–158

    preservation of, 158–160

Kopits, Steve, 25

Kropotkin, Peter, 165, 183

Kunstler, Howard, 10


Laherrère, Jean, 7–8, 13

Lakabe, 31–32

Lean-Green Anthropocene, 110–114, 116

Lebow, Victor, 59

leverage points, 44

“Leverage Points: Places to Intervene in a System” (Meadows), 44

Lewis, Mark, 25

librarians, 158–159

libraries, 150

Library Journal, 150

Lights Out (Makansi), 151

Limits to Growth, 60

Living the Good Life (Nearing), 60

Local Dollars, Local Sense (Shuman), 96


    politics, 144–146

    as solution, 94–99

    trends in, 133–134, 136–137, 142–144

The Long Emergency (Kunstler), 10

Love Your Monsters (Schellenberger, Nordhaus), 104

Lovins, Amory, 41

Lynas, Mark, 104


MacKay, David, 155

Madagascar, 125–126

Madrick, Jeff, 91

magazines, 149, 151

Makansi, Jason, 151

Marris, Emma, 104

Marx, Karl, 118

Maximum Power Principle, 110

Meadows, Donella, 44

mechanization, 21

metals, 178–179

Middle East, 124–125

minerals, 178–179

Mitchell, Timothy, 123–124

Mollison, Bill, 109

Monterey formation, 66, 138

Morgan, Tim, 25

Movimento Sem Terra, 126

Mutual Aid (Kropotkin), 165, 183


Napoleon, 101

National Association of Manufacturers, 58

National Farmers’ Market Directory, 133

natural gas, 139, 152

Nature, 51

Nearing, Scott and Helen, 60


    centralized provision of, 92–94, 98–99

    local provision of, 94–98

    for social stability, 83–84

neighborhoods, 96–97

neoliberal economic theory, 176

New Economics Foundation, 63

New Society Publishers, 8

New York Review of Books, 91

New York Times Magazine, 10

newspapers, 148–149, 151

Nikiforuk, Andrew, 124

nonprofit organizations, 95–96

Nordhaus, Ted, 104

North Dakota, 138

nuclear fusion, 107

nuclear power, 104–107, 139, 178

nuclear war, 153

nuclear weapons, 123


Obama, Barack, 19, 145

Occupy movement, 125

ocean thermal energy, 107

Odum, Howard T., 110

off-grid systems, 142–143

oil (conventional)

    effect of prices, 26–27

    gasoline use, 27, 33–36

    gross vs net production, 19–20

    peak demand, 12–13

    politics and, 124

    production rates, 7–8, 11, 137–138

    in transportation, 54, 140–141

oil (unconventional)

    development of, 13

    production methods, 65–67

    production rates, 23

    profits, 24

oil industry

    costs of production, 51–52

    decline in, 14

    peak oil and, 16

    public relations, 73–78

oil sands, 23, 26

oil shale (kerogen), 67

Orlov, Dmitry, 43, 99–100

overproduction, 58


Pakistan, 154

“Pandora’s Promise” (documentary), 106

A Paradise Built in Hell (Solnit), 122–123, 165

The Party’s Over (Heinberg), 7–8, 11–15

Paton, Linnea Palmer, 73

peak oil

    criticism of, 11–15

    growth of movement, 7–10

    recognition of, 15–16

permaculture, 109

Petersen, Arthur, 69

petroleum industry. See oil industry

Pinker, Stephen, 121–122

Pleistocene epoch, 173–174


    of climate change, 47–56

    effect of infrastructural change, 180–181

pollution, 50

population, 100, 111, 161, 163, 164

Population Media Center, 110

Post Carbon Institute, 9, 10

post-carbon theory of change, 126–131

PR! (Ewen), 58


    conventional oil, 19–20

    exploration costs and, 25

    trends in, 26

    unconventional oil, 23–24

protests, 89, 119

public relations

    for climate change issues, 37–45

    consumerism and, 57–64

    of oil companies, 73–78


quantitative easing (QE) program, 30, 67–68

Quebec, 153


Rambunctious Garden (Marris), 104

refuge, 120

Reinventing Collapse (Orlov), 99–100

religion, 121

renewable energy

    characteristics of, 27–28

    the future and, 37–45, 139–140, 142–143

    in infrastructural transformation, 177–178

    as solution, 50–51

Republican Party, 48, 53

research studies, 49–50

resilience, 129, 31–32

resource pyramid, 21, 22, 24


    competition for, 119–120

    consumerism and, 60

    energy and, 107

Reuters, 24

revolution, 166

Rich, Celine, 9

Rocky Mountain News, 149

Rogers, Everett, 43–44


Santa Rosa, California, 133, 141

Schellenberger, Michael, 104

Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 140

Scientific American, 7, 106

Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 149

shale gas, 139, 152

Shell, 67

The Shock Doctrine (Klein), 129

Shuman, Michael, 96

Silicon Valley, California, 136

simplification, 117–131

skills, 31

Snake Oil (Heinberg), 152

social collapse, 83–84

social conflicts, 101–102, 117–131

Social Darwinism, 162, 169–170

social safety nets, 162

social services

    centralized provision of, 92–94, 98–99

    local provision of, 94–98

    for stability, 83–84


    core problems, 79

    effect of environment, 171–180

    simplification of, 86–89

    superstructure changes, 180, 181–182

solar power, 107, 139–140, 142–143

solar pulse, 153

SolaVis, 51

Solnit, Rebecca, 122–123, 165

Sonoma County, California, 133, 135–136, 145

Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit (SMART), 141

Soviet Union, 99–100

Spain, 140

Spengler, Oswald, 60

Standard Oil Company of California, 137

Stone, Robert, 106

support services, 83–84, 92–94


Tainter, Joseph, 85

tar sands, 23, 26

Techno-Anthropocene, 104–107, 110

Telegraph, 154–155

Tennyson, Alfred, 161

Texas, 138

Thatcher, Margaret, 124

theory of change, 126–131

The Theory of the Leisure Class (Veblen), 59–60

3-D printing, 143

tight oil

    EROEI, 12

    production rates, 23, 66–67, 138

Tillerson, Rex, 73, 76, 78

topsoil, 178–179

Toyota, 140

Transition Initiatives, 10, 31–32, 96

Transition Network, 44–45, 145

transportation, 54, 140–141

Tverberg, Gail, 51


Union of Concerned Scientists, 76

United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security, 120

United States

    debt, 30

    electrical grid, 152, 155

    end of empire, 122

    energy profit ratios, 26

    fluid consumption, 33

    resource conflicts, 119–120

    social safety nets, 162

US Bureau of Labor Statistics, 28

US Department of Agriculture, 133

US Energy Information Administration, 66

uprisings, 89, 119


Veblen, Thorstein, 59–60

Venezuela, 67

violence, 121–123


war, 121–123

water, 178–179

wave power, 107

wealth, 118–119

weapons, 123

wind power, 107, 139–140

World Governance Index, 99

World War II, 128


Yergin, Daniel, 12–13