Chapter Five

Alistair stood on the balcony that overlooked the garden. A yellow wagtail pecked at the freshly turned dirt searching for worms. If Theron had died a hero, Alistair would probably give two shits that a bird was looking to feed its young from his son’s grave. Since Theron had allowed a lesser Gargoyle to beat him, one who not only preferred the company of men, but one who was mated to a human boy, Alistair couldn’t find it in him to worry over a bird. Theron was Alistair’s only heir, and now that he was gone, Alistair would need to find a strong male to carry on in his footsteps. Not that he planned on going anywhere anytime soon.

His nephew thought he would be persuaded to let this feud die down now that Kallisto was being held prisoner and being trussed up like a whore for the taking. Rafael severely underestimated him. Alistair’s feelings for his adopted daughter stemmed from his feelings for her mother. Alistair’s need for revenge was so much greater than mere feelings. His hatred for those lesser than his station, those pure bloods who cheapened the species by mating with humans and daring to produce offspring with them, had long fueled his need to see them all punished. Yes, he had taken a human lover, but not as a mate. Never as one to procreate with. Alistair had wanted the woman. He never needed her. She was a scratch to his itch. Nothing more. Now, his need to avenge his son, however weak he might have been, was surpassing his hatred for Jonas and his offspring and spilled over to his nephews and their Clan.

Alistair had to be careful in choosing someone to name as his successor. He would do it in such a way that whomever he chose wasn’t aware. He didn’t want anyone to get any ideas that Alistair was ready to step down or that he wasn’t fit to lead the Greeks. This was him being proactive, just in case. He had thought Carter would have made a good second-in-command, but the Goyle disappeared when Dante rescued Isabelle. Security footage had been erased, so Alistair didn’t know if Carter left of his own volition or if he’d been caught in the crossfire during that fiasco.

Movement at the far end of the property caught Alistair’s eye. Sergei, Kallisto’s lapdog, was moping around. He should send the human away, but Kallisto had found him useful. When the male was within earshot, Alistair called out, “Sergei, I would like to see you in my office.” The human nodded and turned toward the pathway leading inside the villa. By the time Sergei made his way inside, Alistair was sipping on a glass of brandy. “Have a seat.”

Ever since Sergei delivered Theron’s body to Alistair along with the message from Rafael, he hadn’t dared to look Alistair in the eye. He kept his chin down and his eyes averted. Smart human. “I have a job for you. I want you to travel back to the States and get Kallisto out of the Pen.”

Sergei’s head snapped up, his eyes wide. “I... I’m sorry, Sir, but how do you propose I do that? The penitentiary is guarded heavily by the Stone Society.”

“I want you to tell my nephew that I accept his truce. I will write the letter myself and affix my official seal to it. You will deliver the message to Rafael and demand Kallisto’s release.”

“Yes... yes, Sir. I can do that.” Sergei’s eyes lowered once again.

“You may take one guard with you. Please tell me who that will be so that I may call upon them for you.”

“Drago, Sir.”

“If I may ask, why would you choose him over any other Gargoyle to accompany you?”

“He is loyal to Kallisto and quite fond of her.”

“Is he loyal to me as well?”

Sergei lifted his eyes to meet Alistair’s. “Absolutely. It is the reason he is loyal to your daughter.”

“Very well. I will call him immediately. Pack your things. The jet will be ready within the hour.”

“Yes, Sir.” Sergei bowed his head to Alistair and took his leave.

Alistair picked up an old-fashioned quill pen and dipped it into a bottle of ink. He touched the nib to a sheet of vellum and put his plan into motion.


“Good morning, Brother. Have a good night?” Sixx asked, pulling himself up to sit on the edge of the pool as he took in Urijah’s mood.

“Yes, actually. I kicked Finley’s ass at video games for several hours.”

Sixx laughed knowing how competitive the Goyles could be. Family day at the manor had turned into game day marathons on more than one occasion. He preferred darts or billiards over the loud and fast-paced video games some of the Clan immersed themselves in. “I’m surprised you’re not bruised. Fin can be brutal.”

“Tell me about it. At one point, I put the sofa cushion between us when I got tired of his elbow hitting my ribs.” Urijah’s smile was indication that he really didn’t mind his best friend getting physical. “Are you ready for training, or do you have plans for today?”

“I wouldn’t mind getting a little sparring in. I am biding my time until Friday when I go see Rae. Until then...”

“Why Friday?” Urijah stretched his long legs out in front of him, crossing his bare feet.

Sixx twisted his body around so he could stand. He made his way to where Urijah was sitting and began drying off. “Friday is her birthday. I’m delivering the surfboard to her as not only a present but an icebreaker of sorts. I’m hoping she’ll be so excited about finally getting her dream board that she’ll let me in the door without calling the police.”

“Do you really think she’d call the authorities?”

“I have no idea what she’ll do. She was always feisty. I can’t imagine that would have changed.” Sixx wrapped the towel around his waist. “How long until training? Do I have enough time for a shower and some lunch?”

“A couple of hours, so yes. I want to stop by the armory and check on Banyan before I head to the field.”

“I was going to ask you about him last night, but you abandoned me for Finley. What’s up with the two of you?”

“I already told you, we’re just friends.”

“No, I mean you and Banyan. He watched you like a hawk at the gathering. Do you two have a past? He’s recently relocated from New Orleans and you lived there. I thought maybe you... I don’t know.” Sixx didn’t know what to think.

Urijah bristled at the comment, but kept his face blank. “We ran in the same circles some years ago in the French Quarter. Nothing more.”

Sixx let it go. It was obvious Uri didn’t want to elaborate. “Are you hungry? I’m going to make myself a sandwich.”

“How about I make lunch while you shower?” Uri offered.

“Sounds good. I’ll have one of whatever you make for yourself.” Sixx made it easy on Uri as far as what he fixed. He wasn’t picky when it came to food. He left Uri sitting on the patio and retreated to his shower. Sixx couldn’t help but wonder what Uri and Banyan had gotten up to in their past lives together. It didn’t matter now if they had been friends or lovers, because Sixx was pretty sure his surly housemate and Fin were mates whether Uri wanted to admit it or not. That was going to be something if they were. Something for the ages.

After sharing a quiet lunch, Sixx hopped in the passenger seat of an SUV Uri had borrowed from Finley. When Sixx asked him about it, Uri explained he needed the larger vehicle to transport their weapons. Yeah, a bunch of swords wouldn’t fit in the Bugatti. Neither would a longboard. He appreciated Sinclair’s thoughtfulness, but Sixx was going to have to see about another mode of transportation while he was there. When he lived in California before, he’d driven a Jeep. A Jeep that Rae more often than not ended up “borrowing” for one reason or another. With thoughts of his mate riding down the beach with the top off, wind blowing through her hair, Sixx knew he would be heading to the Jeep dealership later that day. But first, the armory.

The building that would soon house the Stone Society’s armory on the West Coast was undergoing major renovations so Uri could forge weapons without having to transport them across the country. With the possibility of a war, Rafael wanted to ensure every Gargoyle had the best weapon possible at their disposal, and Urijah was the Goyle to provide such a sword. He forged each one separately, not using mass production to make the process go quicker. When their lives were on the line, Urijah would not cut corners.

Sixx followed Urijah into the belly of the building. Banyan was talking with the work crew. When he finished whatever instructions he was giving, he walked over and held out his hand.

Sixx shook it and said, “Banyan, good to see you again.”

Urijah left the two of them alone to speak to the workers himself.

“And you as well. Did Uri bring you as a buffer?” he asked, a slight smirk highlighting his rough good looks. For such a large Goyle, he spoke softly. His speech wasn’t rushed, more like he worked hard to keep it slow, enunciating each word.

“Does he need one?” Sixx asked, tilting his head.

“Maybe a mediator would be more like it. He does not trust me with this project.”

Knowing Uri like he did, Sixx could see the Goyle not wanting to hand over the reins to anyone where the armory was concerned. “No offense, but he is going to be the one using the equipment. I can’t imagine I would trust anyone else with such an important job, either.”

“He is not the only swordsmith in the world. Our fathers were of the same clan, and they learned the trade together.”

“Yes, but some are more naturally skilled than others,” Urijah spoke up from behind. Banyan snapped his head around so fast, it pained Sixx. Until recently, he had never known Uri to be hateful. Competitive, yes. Mean spirited? No. Something else was going on between these two. “Sixx, if you’re ready, I feel the need to spar.” Urijah was speaking to Sixx but his eyes were on Banyan, whose eyes never left Urijah. Definitely something else.

“I’m ready. Banyan, if you’re free one night this week, I’d like to have you over for dinner,” Sixx invited.

“That would be nice. Thank you.”

Sixx pulled his phone out of his pocket. “If you’ll give me your number, I’ll text you the address.”

“You can have my number to confirm the date and time, but I know where you live. I stopped by there with Finley a couple of times when he was checking on things.”

Sixx thought Urijah was going to lose his shit right then and there. The anger rolling off him was tangible. “I’ll wait outside,” he seethed.

Banyan chuckled then rattled off his phone number. “He really needs to get laid.”

“Are you offering?” Sixx asked, purely joking.

“I value my dick too much,” Banyan said, placing a hand over the mentioned area.

Sixx felt as though he’d stepped into some page out of a history book – one where Urijah and Banyan played major parts. After exchanging phone numbers, Sixx shook hands with the Goyle and took his leave. He had a feeling whoever sparred with Uri was going to have their ass handed to them, and he hoped it wasn’t him. Sixx had trained with Uri on a good day. While Sixx was no slouch, Urijah was one of the best with a sword he had ever seen.

Instead of being in the driver’s seat as Sixx expected, Urijah was sitting on the passenger’s side. Sixx slid into the SUV and turned toward his friend. “You okay?”

“Fine. But it’s probably better if you drive. I need to calm down.”

“I take it you’re not fond of Banyan.” It was a statement even though the question was implied. Sixx didn’t ask what he really wanted to know. It was obvious there was a past that went way beyond what Urijah had mentioned. We ran in the same circles. That didn’t explain much. As a matter of fact, it didn’t explain anything at all.

“You might say that. We have a past – one that’s best left there.”

“I won’t bring it up again.” Sixx didn’t want for Urijah to distance himself. He enjoyed being around the male, even if he was surly at times. They arrived at the private property where they could train without the public taking notice. Unlike the homes of the Clan in New Atlanta, none of the Goyles in Cali had property conducive to training, therefore Sixx had purchased several acres that were open yet secluded where they could train. Thane Sommers was the West Coast’s version of Julian and had installed the security system Julian designed. Now that it was in place, Thane was responsible for monitoring all activity, as he did with their homes.

Sixx helped Uri unload the weapons he’d brought from the East Coast, and after introductions were made, they got down to business. Sixx was glad to see Uri had put Banyan out of his mind for the few hours they sparred. Urijah was an excellent teacher. The Clan members knew how to wield a sword. It was something they were taught as soon as they transitioned for the first time. But Uri was an expert and was able to teach them moves and techniques they’d never been shown.

A small building had been erected on the grounds. It contained a kitchen, a large bathroom that included several showers, and storage area for the swords. Once the weapons were put away, Sixx said, “I need to go to the Jeep dealership. Do you mind dropping me off?”

“Not at all. I wondered how you were going to get your surfboard to the beach.”

“The Veyron’s fun, but not conducive to a surfer’s life.”

“Let’s hope things stay calm enough that you can enjoy the lifestyle you’re looking for.”

“You and me both, Brother. I want to focus on getting Rae back without having to look over my shoulder, waiting for someone to come snatch her up.” Sixx had four more days until he hopefully became part of her life. If she wouldn’t let him back in, he would watch over her from close by until he convinced her they belonged together. If that day never came, he’d still protect her.

Somehow, Alistair had figured out who some of the mates were already. If someone was watching Sixx closely, it wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that Rae meant something to him. And the fact Desi looked like his brother would make him an even easier target. He needed to at least get Rae to see the danger she and their son were in. He wanted to meet his son and check out his security detail. If he had to, Sixx would go on tour with the band and stand guard. The thought appealed to Sixx considering how much he loved rock music. He could convince Rae to go with them and make it a family thing. Family. It was something Sixx hadn’t known in hundreds of years.

Instead of dropping him off, Uri walked around the sales lot with Sixx. Uri was drawn to a black four-door hard top with a four-inch lift kit. Sixx liked it as well, but Rae had always liked white vehicles for some reason. Luck was on his side that day. There was a white model that included the same bells and whistles as the black one. After negotiating price for a few minutes, Sixx entered the sales office to sign the paperwork.

Since he was paying cash, the process didn’t take hours like it did for someone trying to get financing. The salesman handed him the keys before the ink was dry, and Sixx was on his way with his new toy. He couldn’t wait to get home and take the top off.

Urijah had plans to meet back up with Finley, so Sixx decided to break in his new ride with a trip up to New Lomita. He stopped at home, removed the hard top, and stowed it in the garage. He took a shower and changed out of sparring clothes. Sixx tugged a baseball cap on backwards and slid his aviators in place. The Jeep had a satellite radio system, so he programmed his favorite stations in. With the music blaring, he headed out.

When he arrived on the street where Rae lived, Sixx cruised slowly so he could take in the houses around her. Most were small cottages like the one she lived in. He didn’t see any that appeared to house thugs or drug dealers. No one hanging out in the driveways. No cars slowing to make drug deals. The only out of place vehicle was his. He needed to be careful and not call attention to himself, but he had to be sure his mate was in a safe location.

He circled around to the next few streets in her neighborhood, especially the one that ran parallel behind her home. Again, nothing out of the ordinary. He made his way slowly in front of Rae’s house, not daring to stop in case she was to come outside. He didn’t want to chance her seeing him too soon. Then again, he was sending her flowers that would probably indicate he was back. At least that he was thinking about her. Unless she received flowers from other suitors, that was. Sixx didn’t want to think about Rae with another male, but the possibility was there. He’d left her alone for twenty-four years, so the likelihood of her remaining celibate in all those years was slim to none.

When he was satisfied the area was safe enough, Sixx headed north. He stopped at a surf shop to purchase surf wax. The longboard wouldn’t fit in the back of the Jeep without sticking out too far, so he also picked up a strapping system that would allow him to mount the board to the top of the Jeep.

Sixx decided to stop at one of the seafood restaurants on his way home. As soon as he stepped in the door of the establishment, he realized it was a bad idea. Cameras began flashing, and people began pointing. The name Desmond found his ears, and he knew then it was a case of mistaken identity. Fuck. He should have left the cap and sunglasses on. They all thought he was his son. Could they not see he had no ink covering his arms? His son had full sleeves, something Sixx was extremely jealous of. Were Gargoyles able to take ink, he would also be covered in the bright, colorful artwork. Instead of staying and pretending he was his son, he opted to leave the restaurant and cook something when he got home.

Was this going to be his plight if he decided to remain in Cali? Would he be mistaken for his son everywhere he went? It probably didn’t help that he had removed his sunglasses and his ball cap. Then again, if he hadn’t, would they have noticed the resemblance? It was possible he looked old enough to be Desi’s father, but he wanted to wait and see Rae’s reaction to his appearance before he stepped back out in public. That really sucked, because he loved going to a nice restaurant and relaxing. Not that he minded cooking, it was just he’d done it for so long. It was nice to have someone else cater to you every once in a while.

By the time he rolled up in his driveway, Sixx was not in the mood to cook. He grabbed several beers out of the fridge and put them on ice in a bucket. He found a box of flavored crackers in the pantry and took both to the patio. As soon as Sixx had stepped foot in the surf shop earlier, the memories bombarded his senses. He knew he wouldn’t be able to wait weeks to get his board out into the water. Hell, he couldn’t wait days. He went to the storage room and pulled his board down from its slot on the wall. He was going to break open the surf wax and give his old board a new coat. Just in case.

Before he got busy, Sixx plugged in his mp3 player and set it to shuffle through his chilling playlist. Sixx was in the mood to relax with several longnecks and his longboard.