Chapter Twenty-Three

“He did what?” Sergei yelled into the phone.

“He couldn’t get to the mate, so he nabbed the kid,” Drago explained.

“I fucking heard you the first time! Call his stupid ass and tell him to let the boy go. He was supposed to plant listening devices, nothing more. Fuck my life. That stupid bastard has probably ruined any chance we had at getting Kallisto back. FUCK!” Kallisto had warned him, and Crane had gone rogue, just like she said. “You know what? Give me his phone number. I’ll call him myself.” After Drago called out the digits, Sergei hung up and began pacing the small hotel room.

“Stupid motherfucking Gargoyle,” he growled. He would never say that to the male’s face, because he valued his own head intact. Still, why had the idiot thought it a good idea to kidnap the kid? And a rock star at that? Jesus, Mary, and the ass Joseph rode in on. Sergei had a meeting with Rafael Stone later that afternoon. He and Drago had broken into the office per Achilles’ orders. The break-in spurred Rafael to return home to New Atlanta. If he knew Desmond Rothchild was missing, there’s no way he would release Kallisto. He was going to have to put on his best poker face when dealing with Rafael Stone.


The first day after Desi disappeared, Desirae was still hopeful. Michael payed the florist a visit but came back empty-handed. Crane had brought the vase with him and had given the woman some bullshit story about how the vase was special. She stuck two dozen roses in the bugged container and had the old man deliver the flowers to Rae. It was amazing what a little bit of cash could buy. Other than that, Michael stayed glued to his phone and laptop. Desirae listened in on his phone call with the King. Rafael arrived home to the mess that was his office. He later met with Kallisto’s sidekick, Sergei. The man denied knowing anything about the break-in or the Gargoyle known as Crane. Rafael decided a little more time in the Pen would do the human good.

On the second day, Desirae began pacing the floor. When Michael couldn’t take it any longer, he loaded up the surfboards and dragged her to the beach. Well, drag might be harsh, but he had to pick her up and carry her to the Jeep. Desirae didn’t want to go. She wanted to stay by the phone, but Michael convinced her he would be able to hear his phone ringing even if he was underwater. He explained that he needed to get away. He was barely containing the beast, and this way he could let his shifter loose underwater. Since he wasn’t able to locate the one responsible for Desi’s disappearance, rip his head from his shoulders using his bare claws, and dump the body in the ocean for the sharks to feed on, Michael needed to expend this energy. His phone didn’t ring, and Desirae almost enjoyed herself in the chilly water, wearing her old wetsuit that still fit. It had been over twenty years since she’d sat atop a board, and true to Michael’s word, it was like riding a bike.

On the third day, Desirae grabbed her drawing pad and requested that Michael move the comfortable chair onto the balcony off their bedroom. While he and the Clan were making plans, Desirae sketched all day. Mostly pictures of Desi, but her favorite was of her son and Michael together. The way they stood in awe of each other before Desi took off for New Fresno was etched into her brain, and now, it was on paper, never to be forgotten.

On the fourth day, Desirae rose early. She’d tossed and turned all night long, so she figured she’d at least make some coffee. Michael’s house had felt like home ever since she walked in the door. Seeing some of her things scattered around made her heart smile. As soon as Desi was safely back with them, Michael was going to help her pack up the rest of her stuff and bring it there also. If Desi wanted to keep their old house, he could. If not, they’d sell it. Desirae didn’t need it. She had been ready to fly to New Atlanta to see Michael’s other home, the one he said would be good for raising children. Now, she couldn’t think about traveling or babies. Not until she got her baby home.

Desirae had just poured herself a cup of coffee when Michael padded into the kitchen. God, he was beyond handsome. His dark hair was slicked back from his shower. His shorts encased his lower body like a glove. “My eyes are up here,” he chided. Desirae couldn’t help but smirk. She’d never shied away from staring at his body, and she wasn’t about to start now.

“Hungry?” she asked, changing the subject. He had been kind enough to feed her the night before. It was only fair for her to cook for him. She began pulling stuff out of the refrigerator.

“I could eat,” he replied. “I just got off the phone with Sinclair. He’s gathering some of the Clan together for a search party. I’m tired of doing nothing, and since we’ve had no luck locating Crane, we’re going to begin looking around the area where Desi’s phone was found.”

“Knock-knock.” The side door opened, and two strangers strolled into Michael’s home as if they belonged there. By the way his face lit up, they probably did. The man was stocky yet utterly handsome. The woman was a breathtaking redhead.

“Gregor, Tessa! What are you doing here?” Michael asked as he pulled Gregor in for a man hug. When they released each other, Michael inclined his head to Tessa.

“Someone said your mate needed a little girl time, and since she wouldn’t come to us, I came to her. Wow, Sixx, she’s beautiful,” Tessa said as she gave Desirae a once over.

“Red, stop it,” Gregor chastised his female.

Desirae liked the feisty woman already. “You’re quite the looker yourself, Tessa. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” Desirae stuck her hand out, but Tessa pulled her into a hug.

“We’re family now. You better get used to all the hugging.”

When Tessa stepped back, Gregor fisted his heart, bowed his head, and said, “On my honor.”

“The honor is mine, truly, but you didn’t have to come all the way out here for me,” Desirae said.

Tessa stepped in front of Gregor, and he pulled her back to his front. It wasn’t necessarily possessive, but it was obvious they belonged to each other. “Sure we did. Your son is missing, and we’re here to help. Oh, I brought you something. I’ll be right back.” Tessa disappeared out the back door. When she returned, she had an overnight bag with her. She sat it on the kitchen table and unzipped it. She turned to Desirae and held out a mask of sorts. “Jonas is busy trying to find the cure for Jonathan’s cancer, but he took the time to make this for you. I’ll show you how to put it on later. You never know when you want to go sneaking around looking like someone other than yourself,” she said with a wink.

Desirae really liked Tessa. “Who is Jonathan?”

Michael answered, “He is Rafael’s manservant. He and his sister, Priscilla, have been taking care of the manor for many years. Priscilla is like a mother to us all, and Jonathan is like a father figure. Their families have been looking after Gargoyles for generations. Sadly, as brilliant a scientist as Jonas is, he’s having trouble figuring out how to cure Jonathan.”

“Can’t one of you, I don’t know, bite him?” Desirae asked.

“Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. Whatever makes Gargoyles what they are only affects their mates. It’s why we stop aging when we are bonded,” Tessa added.

“Well, that sucks.” Desirae didn’t know what else to say. Instead of trying to come up with something profound, she asked, “Are you hungry? I just started breakfast.”

“And I’ll finish it,” Urijah said as he stomped down the stairs. His jeans were sitting low on his lean hips, his man bun was askew, and he had forgotten to put on a shirt. Desirae averted her eyes out of respect for Michael, but damn if Urijah wasn’t a fine specimen. “You fuckers don’t know how to be quiet do you? Especially this one,” he joked, pointing at Tessa.

“What’s the matter, big boy? Not getting any like you thought you would?” Tessa jabbed back.

“That’s none of your business. Desirae, I suggest you watch yourself around Tessa. She’s a bad influence. Now, please, go do the couple thing outside and leave me to my gourmet skills.” Desirae hadn’t been in Urijah’s presence much. The last few days he had come home late and left early for the armory. When she had been around him, he was always serious. She rather liked this playful side of him. It must be the result of being around Tessa. The woman’s personality was infectious.

Everyone poured a cup of coffee and made their way to the patio just off the kitchen. It didn’t take Desirae long to figure out that Michael had been right. The Gargoyles weren’t just a Clan. They were family. And family took care of one another.

Urijah plated and served them all breakfast outside, and talk revolved mostly around the search for Desi. The males discussed the armory and how training was coming along. Desirae was fascinated at how easily all three of these alpha male non-humans listened to one another without their egos getting in the way. Every time she glanced at Tessa, the other woman was watching Gregor. Desirae could understand that. It was nearly impossible for her to look anywhere other than at Michael.

Tessa caught her attention and motioned inside. Desirae followed Tessa, who said, “I know this is new to you, but sometimes I need to get away from all the testosterone. What do you say you and I try out the prosthetic I brought?”

Desirae knew Tessa was using the men as an excuse to have some alone time, but that was fine with her. It had been so long since she’d had a girlfriend, she was almost giddy. If Desi hadn’t been missing, she would have found this to be exciting. They retreated into the master bathroom, and Tessa told Desirae her story. How she’d bumped into Gregor three years prior to actually mating with him. How Jonas had convinced the half-bloods to keep away from Gargoyles. She regaled of her job as a watcher within their family which led to her use of the same type of prosthetic she was putting on Desirae.

“I can’t imagine what you’ve been through, Rae. Can I call you Rae? Hiding out because some bitches thought you were botoxing it up? That just sucks. I could lie to you and tell you that in the future you won’t need a mask. But I won’t lie. Ever. We females have to be just as alert as our males, if not more so.” Tessa switched between telling Desirae about her adventures before and after Gregor and how to properly apply the mask. When she was done, Desirae couldn’t believe her eyes.

“Holy shit,” she whispered. She reached her hand up to her cheek. The prosthetic was so thin, she could feel her fingers. If she had a wig on, she’d be unrecognizable. The mask changed her features from a young twenty-something female to an older, fiftyish woman. Tessa didn’t ask permission. She just pulled a wig on over Desirae’s short hair.

“Holy fricking shit!” Desirae was staring at her mother in the mirror. “This is...”

“I know, right?” Tessa’s reflection beamed. “You can become anyone you want, whenever you want. Not that I would, if I were you, because you are beyond beautiful. And the ink? I’m so jealous. I only have two tats, but I’d love to have more. Do you mind?” Tessa asked, pointing at Desirae’s skin.

“Not at all.” Desirae explained the meaning behind the ones that had a story. She also explained the ones she’d gotten just because she felt like it. “My parents were the religious, overprotective sorts. As soon as I turned eighteen, the rebelliousness took root, and I never looked back.”

“Are you still close to them?”

Desirae snorted. “Not even a little. As soon as they found out I was pregnant with Desi, they cut me out of their lives. I don’t even know if either one of them are still alive.” Desirae shrugged. It had been tough, going it alone, but it made her strong. At least until the depression set in.

“I can’t imagine not having the support of my mother. Now my father... that’s another story completely.” Tessa told Desirae everything about her life, from Gordon Flanagan believing he was her father, to stalking Tessa and her mother up until Frey shot the man’s helicopter out of the sky. Desirae sat enraptured at all the beautiful redhead had endured at the hand of the madman, as well as her being cloned and having a brother out in the world she missed something fierce. Tessa’s only two tattoos were on her hips. One was dedicated to that brother, Tamian, and the other was for Gregor.

“Rae, Doll, we’re going to... What in the name of the gods?” Michael’s mouth was open as he stared at Desirae’s image in the mirror.

“If you weren’t a Gargoyle, this is what I would look like in a few years,” she explained.

“No offense, but I’m really glad I’m a Gargoyle. Tessa, that’s amazing. I knew you and Sophia were masters of disguise, but I never would have believed it if I hadn’t seen it firsthand.”

“What were you going to say?” Desirae asked.

“I wanted you to know we’re getting ready to head out.”

Tessa put her hands on her hips and asked, “Who drew the short straw?”

Desirae had no idea what the woman was asking, but Michael obviously did. “Uri’s taking the first shift. He’s not happy about it, only because he wants to be out in the field.”

Desirae knew better than to argue. There was no way Michael would leave her alone unguarded, even with a half-blood like Tessa. She was strong, but she was no match for a full-blood Gargoyle male. “Okay, come give granny a smooch,” Desirae said, puckering her lips.

“If I didn’t know it was you under there, I might have to say a big no thank you.” Michael pulled Desirae to her feet and kissed her. With a lot of tongue. “There. Maybe that will hold granny ‘til I get back home.”

“Please call me if you find anything.”

“I will, Doll. You two have fun playing dress up, and don’t give Uri too hard a time, Tessa.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” she huffed.

Michael laughed at Tessa then kissed Desirae again before heading out to look for Desi.

Desirae asked Tessa, “What about Gregor? Aren’t you going to tell him bye?”

“Oh, don’t worry. He’ll be here in...” she cocked her head, listening. “Three, two, one...”

“Red, come tell me bye,” Gregor commanded from the bedroom. Tessa grinned at Desirae and sashayed out of the bathroom to her mate. Desirae couldn’t help overhear their words of endearment nor the naughty words of promise for later. She really hoped the other couple stayed in the guest house, or Urijah was going to get an earful later on.

Once the men were gone, Tessa showed Desirae how to remove the prosthetic. They returned to the patio, where Tessa answered all her questions. Nothing was off-limits, and Tessa was the most open and honest woman Desirae had ever met. She really liked the woman, and already considered her a friend.



Desi opened his eyes again. How long had he been dead?

Four days, and we’re not dead.

What the fuck? Desi now knew it didn’t take long for the mind to begin to break after dying.

I told you, we’re not dead. You need to wake the fuck up.

Who are you?

I’m you, dumbass. And I’m tired of being stuck here, so wake up and pay attention.

Was that his shifter talking to him? He thought they were one and the same being. How could it talk to him? So I’m not dead.

If an invisible part of a person could mentally roll their eyes, his shifter did it. Loudly. No. You were poisoned. You’ve been here for four days. I imagine your father is looking for you, but we’re going to have to help him find us. Now, concentrate.

This is like having a split personality, only I’m not crazy.Desi’s chest rumbled, and his head felt like it was going to explode. What the fuck?

Fucking concentrate!

Okay, okay. Jeezus. Desi did his best to concentrate. On what, he wasn’t sure. He stared at the darkness until a sliver of light came into focus. He narrowed his eyes and let that little bit of light help him to see what was around him. Wood. That was good. No. No, it wasn’t. The wood was way too close to his face to be a room. Desi turned his eyes to the other side and stared until they adjusted to the darkness. More fucking wood. Goddamnit! I’m in a fucking coffin!

Calm down. If this is true, we need to conserve oxygen. Considering there is light coming through the crack, the dirt isn’t packed down. More than likely we’re in a shallow grave, and whoever is responsible was in a hurry. This bodes well for us.

And the fact I can’t move anything except my eyes? How does that bode?

It could be worse. At least you are conscious and can try to reach out to our mate. If you can contact her, there’s a chance she can get help.

How do you know all this?

I’m Gargoyle.

That’s it? You’re Gargoyle?

That and I paid attention when your father spoke of the other mates being in trouble. Now concentrate on Simone. Picture our beautiful female in your mind.

That Desi could do. The fact she didn’t care for his attitude didn’t detract from her looks. He had a feeling under her bossy sass was a heart of gold. He didn’t know how to contact her. Did he just think about her? Simone. Simone Campbell, can you hear me? This felt like a fucking séance. Chains clattered and ghosts danced in his head. Woooo. Wooooooo. His shifter rattled his head again. Would you stop that?

Would you fucking be serious? I’ve only been alive for a year, and I’ve got big plans for us. Now fucking concentrate!

Desi had to remember who was actually in charge, and it wasn’t him. Instead of calling out to his mate, Desi pictured Simone the way she looked the last time he saw her. Her curly hair was pulled back from her face with a scarf tied around her head. The paisley material was the same pattern as her hippie style dress. Her white knee-high boots were a stark contrast to her cocoa skin. If his body wasn’t frozen, he’d probably be sporting a boner just thinking about how pretty she was. Fuck, I can’t wait to get my hands on her.

That’s not helping.

Hey, you said concentrate. That vision right there will keep her glued to my brain for hours to come. Now shush. Surprisingly, his shifter left him alone with his thoughts. Desi willed his mind to keep Simone front and center instead of his pretty mother, who was probably worried sick about him. If he’d been missing for four days, his mother knew it by now. Tyson would have called her when Desi didn’t show up for sound check. His mom would’ve told Michael, and his father had surely rallied the Gargoyle Clan. Still, he had to do his part. Back to his female.