
The Best Gift Ever


One day while missing her real hard he opened the pink box  while on vacation and Charlie Wilson “You are” played in the background he began to read her letters. It took him a week to read each letter and when he reached the last letter dated December 25th. He opened it and he could smell her, he could feel her arms holding him close and her kiss on his lips. He ran his fingers across the envelope and began to read it.

DEAR Deandre,

Remember the day we saw each other again, I saw you first several days before but was so afraid to approach you. Some things are meant to be and when my bag broke I knew it was only God giving me a second chance at your love. It was him  placing us in the same place because he knew I needed you in my life. In my most difficult times you have made them my happiest. Because of you I now know what real love is and that there are men like you who love with your heart and not your eyes. Thank you for loving me, making love to me, making me feel beautiful even when I didn’t see it for myself. The days you fought for my life harder than I did. I will forever love you for that.

Today I took off my clothes and looked in the mirror I could see nothing but the beauty of me. Scared, bald and with one tit I conquered my fears. I felt beautiful, I felt loved, and it was because you taught me that beauty was all over me and it overflows from my heart. I am honored to have had your love in my life. In a time when I felt so unloved you show me differently. You catered to me and treated me like a Queen. I can remember you crying while shaving my hair and rubbing my back on the days I would vomit all over the place. The days after I had a mastectomy and I had emotional break down you said,

“I’m still going to make love to you. I am still going to kiss that empty space and you’re just so damn hot.” I thought to myself how blessed I am to have a man still see me sexy with one boob, no hair and a big cry baby. I knew then as I do now you are love.

You never forgot to kiss me, greet me good morning and good night. Many of days I would wonder why God chose me to have such a wonderful man. I realized I prayed for you and God answered. What a blessing it is to know that I met an angel. I now can die in peace knowing I am Beautifully Me undefined and no one can ever take that away. I can accept fate and know that I am liked and loved.

It is hard to say goodbye to my soul mate, my friend, my lover, and my husband in spirit. I planned to spend forever with you and it was just not in God’s plan. I know that God has chosen me to watch over you as you did for me on earth. I can protect you, care for you, and always shield you from harm. I know eventually you will join me and we can spend the afterlife together at least I pray. I am no longer in fear to die because I found someone to love me and teach me that it does not have a waist size.

Deandre, I ask that after I am gone you continue to love. In a world where people's hearts are built with stone you out of all people always had a soft spot. You restore my faith in life and that within itself is the best gift a woman can receive from a man. Thank you and even after I am gone I will continue to love you. When you are afraid, sad or hurt I will be there cheering you on. You are my hero and I pray I can be your Shero in your darkest hour. I love every inch of you but most of all I love your soul.

Your Loving wife,

Pamela Karamella Jones-Jackson

He wiped his face, kissed her picture and smiled.Mission accomplished and on this day he knew she died loving every inch of her body, heart, mind and soul. He would honor her commitment to love by finding a cure by going back to college and becoming a doctor. He would lead the pact ensuring every man is a caregiver would never be alone.He was gifted an angel and knowing she was by his side he knew he could accomplish anything.

The End.

©2014/2017 Tamyara Brown- Tamluvstowrite

Please show your support to these wonderful organizations who are in the thick of it all. They are the wind beneath our wings from educating, ensuring that women are getting their mammogram, knowing they are not alone and survivorship.Each of these remarkable organizations work endlessly to ensure no woman is alone. Our Curls, Inc.



Our Curls Inc,

Wig Program

​Our wigs are designed with women of color in mind that represent our unique style and culture BUT we serve any woman and are dedicated to having an extensive line of wigs in various styles, colors, textures and lengths.  We provide free ethnic wigs and free wig trimming.  ​

For more information please call TEL: 716-218-3592  EMAIL: CURLS@TWC.COM


Pamper Me Program

WOMEN OF COLOR HAVE unique skin tone and texture.  We are here to ensure that you continue to look your best even while going through the toughest time of your life!


for our daughters.pngFOR OUR DAUGHTERS, Inc. was founded in 2012 after the founder, Mercedes Wilson, was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer at the young age of 28. It was at this time that Mercedes learned just how much she didn’t know about her own family history. It was through this ordeal that For Our Daughters, Inc. was birthed!

As a 501(c)3 organization, our aim is to assist young women between the ages of 11-19 with living longer, healthier lives by taking the reigns on their health. We believe that every young woman should know her family history and be proactive in speaking up when something isn’t quite right with her body. This is accomplished by going into both middle and high schools all over western New York, spending time with young women in an effort to show them how to open up dialogue with the loved ones in their lives. We talk about not only the importance of learning ones own family history, but also to become comfortable talking about their own health.

Lack of knowledge kills too many young women today, and For Our Daughters, Inc. is on a mission to help change this. For Our Daughters, Inc. is aiming to play a large part in seeing young women all over WNY live long, healthy lives. Our efforts have allowed us to be featured in several news pieces over the years and in 2014, For Our Daughters received the “Community Angel Award” from Women’s Health radio.

For More information please visit their website

Phone number: 716-960-9345

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The National Witness Project® programs are presented in churches and community centers by Witness Role Models (WRMs) and Lay Health Advisors (LHAs). WRMs are African American women who are breast or cervical cancer survivors. Their presence as survivors is seen as a blessing and proof that cancer is not a death sentence.

LHAs are not cancer survivors themselves, but are women who want to work with the project to organize and publicize programs, network with community people, answer questions about cancer screening services and available resources, teach BSE, and encourage preventive health services (mammograms, clinical breast exams (CBEs), pelvic exams, Pap tests, and BSE).

During a Witness program session, WRMs witness by talking about their experiences with cancer, stressing the importance of early detection and answering questions about their personal experiences, fears, and concerns. Witnessing is done by 2 to 5 WRMs (at least 2 WRMs to avoid the appearance of a "token" survivor).

The educational session addresses the fears and beliefs many women hold about cancer, demonstrates that the diagnosis of cancer is neither a death sentence nor a punishment, and provides participants with accurate, personal information about cancer, early detection and treatment methods. During the session, LHAs give breast and cervical cancer facts, inform participants of available cancer screening resources in the community, and following each session teach BSE using ethnic breast models.

Steering Committee: The original WRMs and LHAs serve as an executive-style committee that meets monthly to achieve project objectives. This committee structure allows team members to maintain ownership of the project, as well as to contribute personal experiences and guidance for its success. Steering committee members provide valuable social, cultural, and personal networking expertise.