Chapter Fifteen

Late in the afternoon I sat in the Torcelli kitchen, drinking a cup of coffee while Susie polished silverware. I’d knocked on the back door when I’d discovered no one at home, but I already knew that. I’d made certain the house was empty. I knew Susie would be alone. “Mr. Larry is not home. Come back later.”

I wanted to talk to her. “Maybe you can help me, Susie. I’m talking to anyone who knew Molly.”

She let me in and immediately poured coffee.

“I always polish the silver when I am sad,” she told me. “It helps me.”

“These are sad days. For the family.”

She stopped polishing the silver and wiped her hands. “What’s gonna happen to Mr. Larry and the children? Miss Molly, well, she was the—the heart of the family. Mr. Larry is like a ghost, walking around, not speaking.”

I sipped the coffee. “Two sisters murdered.”

She looked at me, fiercely, right into my eyes. “You have to get the answer, right? Isn’t that your job?” She had a thick accent, made heavier by her mood. “I cry and cry, and now I stop. Now I’m angry.”

“But the police are stumped.”

A dismissive sound broke from the back of her throat. “Oh, the police. They don’t care. I know the police from when I lived in Hartford.”

“But Molly is a rich woman, married to a prominent businessman….”

She thought about that. “Well, maybe. When it was a simple drive-by, then they could say the people deserve it. But Mr. Larry tells me the police don’t know nothing. Nothing at all.” She got up, wiped her hands, and reached into a cupboard for some sugar cookies. “I make these. Try one. I bring them for the house but nobody got an appetite. Mr. Larry sits and cries, then talks to the wall.”

I bit into one of the cookies, savored the bite of sugar, and nodded my approval. Susie was watching me.

“So Molly had no enemies?”

She sat back down. “What enemies? Her and Miss Mary. Two good women, they don’t bother no one.”

“The big question is why they went to that dangerous square.”

She threw her hands in the air and clicked her tongue. “I don’t know. Mr. Larry says to me, over and over—tell me, why did she leave the house? What did she say to you? What can I say? I do my job, I leave, I catch the bus. I’m home watching TV when I get a phone call. Miss Molly is dead. I still can’t believe it. How that man suffers now. How he needed her. A good, good man.”

She went on extolling Larry’s virtues, his spirit, his generosity. The more I tried to steer the conversation back to Molly, the more Susie circled back to Larry as savior. I suppose it made sense, what with his mentoring of her son. While she respected Molly—“She no yell at me and always smiling at me, we go shopping together, like friends”—it was Larry who owned her unrelieved allegiance. “He is a great man, that Mr. Larry.”

“What did you think of Mary?”

“Very quiet. You know, I have trouble remembering her voice. Miss Molly did almost all the talking. It was like Miss Mary did not like the sound of her voice in these rooms. Like she didn’t feel she belonged here.”

“But she was always welcome?”

“Oh, yes, of course. Miss Molly seemed, well, crazy to have her come here, not like to show off or anything but to have her around. I think Miss Molly got a little lonely sometimes, the kids off in their world, Mr. Larry working, working, working all the time at the dealership, coming home midnight and tired.”

Idly, she picked up a piece of silver, examined it, breathed on it, and then vigorously rubbed it with a soft cloth. She held it up to the light, seemed satisfied, and laid it in a velvet-lined wooden box. “Miss Molly demanded the silver look a certain way,” she smiled thinly. “She watched Martha Stewart one night and said we did the silver all wrong. I tell her, I been polishing silver since I was a girl, but Miss Molly said Martha Stewart knew best.”

I smiled. “You don’t agree with Martha Stewart?”

“I don’t know who Martha Stewart is until I see them dragging her off to jail.”

I changed the subject. “You must be proud of your boy Danny.”

Immediately, as though I’d switched on a hidden light, her eyes got bright, her chin rose.

“Of course. A mother’s dream.”

“You must be thankful to Larry.”

“He gave my son a future. We had nothing.”

“You must have been scared when—you know—that business of drugs in prep school?”

The question caught her off guard and wasn’t welcome. I noticed her body stiffen, her eyes losing the dreaminess.

“That is old history.”

“Well, prep school.”

“What? Like eight years ago. You know how kids are in prep school. Try this, try that. I almost killed my Danny. I warned him about smoking weed. Is no big deal, I think, but Miss Molly was crazy about it. Her sister, too. Mary screaming and screaming. The walls of this house shook, let me tell you. I am so careful with my boy, sheltering him, hiding him from the world, but he likes to talk, get out, meet people, impress girls. High school boys. You know. But it is Miss Mary’s son Tommy that is an awful boy. Back then a troublemaker.”

“He got Danny into drugs?”

“What do you think? One time. Yes.”

“They all went to Chesterton together.”

She sighed. “A mistake, Mr. Larry paying for Miss Mary’s kids. Cindy is a dizzy girl with too much rock music in her head. Tommy is lazy drug boy, a bum, all loud cars and crazy haircuts. Even now.”

“So Tommy was behind it all?”

“Yes. Danny told me Tommy gave him the drugs. They smoke a little at home, but then they smoke in public.”

“And they were arrested.”

“I can’t tell you how I slap my Danny in the face that night. And how he cried. How sorry he was. I told him to stay away from Tommy.”

“And Larry took care of it with the police?”

“And for that I am always grateful. Always. That’s why I work for him even now that Danny is making money. He bought me a small house, and he lives with me, a good son. He works hard every day at the bank—more and more responsibility. Always busy. Every Saturday morning at the gym down the street. Like clockwork. Discipline, he tells me. Discipline is the answer. Body and mind.”

“And Danny hasn’t touched drugs since?”

She stood. “My Danny went to Harvard.” She walked to the refrigerator and poured herself some milk. Standing there, her back to the sink, she said triumphantly, “Danny will be rich some day. Trinh Xuan Duong.” She used his Vietnamese names. “My joy.”

I heard the front door open, listened as Kristen and a girlfriend chattered about something, then rushed up the stars. Susie and I were silent, both paying attention to the giggling, breathy girls, and I caught her eye. In that instance I realized how much she disliked Kristen.

Susie turned away. I asked her how Kristen and Jon were dealing with their mother’s death, but she was noncommittal. “Okay, I guess. They don’t talk much. I hear Kristen crying in her room.” And then she closed up. I could see she wanted me to leave, but I lingered, reaching for another cookie, examining it as if I’d made a wonderful archeological find. Susie packed up the silver polish and cloths, even though I noticed she was not done with the work.

“How does Danny get along with Kristen and Jon?” I asked.

She didn’t look happy. “Why you ask?”

“I mean, he’s like a member of the family.”

“When he was little, yes, playing with Jon, mainly.”

“But not later?”

She hesitated. “He didn’t care for Jon that much. Jon is, well, hard to be friends with.”


“Jealous of Danny’s looks, intelligence…”

“But,” I interrupted, “Jon has those things, too.”

“Danny wanted to be just like Mr. Larry. You see, my own husband, Danny’s father, he takes off to California, leaves me broke and living in a dump, when Danny was two or three. So Danny sees Mr. Larry as a father.”

“And Jon didn’t like that?”

She hesitated again. I thought she was going to say that Jon didn’t like anybody, but she seemed to remember her position in the household, sitting there in the bright kitchen. “Jon is all right.” She ended it.

“And Kristen?”

The corners of her mouth twisted slightly. “All the kids were friendly once. Kristen these days is into some boy at the country club. She is very pretty, you know. Boys chase her. She likes that.”

“You don’t.”

“Is not my business,” She turned away.

“Did Molly like Cindy and Tommy?”

“Let me tell you something,” she confided. “I have no business telling family business and it’s only because Mr. Larry tells me to cooperate with the police. And, I guess, with you, Mr. Investigator. But I don’t like this.”

“Say what makes you comfortable.”

“None of this make me comfortable.” She sighed. “Miss Molly put up with—yes, put up with—Cindy and Tommy because they were Miss Mary’s kids. But she hated Tommy. Hated him. She felt sorry for Benny because everything he touched turned to dust—and Cindy, who was, well, just there, like a rock. But Tommy had brought drugs into the family, and she hated that.”

“Did Mary know how much she hated Tommy?”

She ignored the question. “When the police arrested Tommy, Miss Mary sat in the kitchen with Miss Molly, and two of them crying and crying. They thought the family was in trouble. Miss Molly said one time that some relative back in Saigon years ago was ruined by opium, and it tore apart the family. A death that shattered the family—a beloved cousin. So the two sisters sat right there”—she pointed to the other side of the table—“while I poured coffee for them, and worried about their children.”

“But that turned out to be nothing.”

“How could they know that back then?”

“Well, let me ask you one last thing, and then I’ll go.” She was already rustling some baking tins in a cabinet. “If Molly hated Tommy for drugs, how did she feel about Danny, who was arrested with Tommy.”

Silence in the room. She stood there, a stone block, impenetrable.


She trembled. “That is a difficult question.” I waited. “Miss Molly and my Danny always had a little difficult relationship, you know.” She smiled a bit, but not happy. “I work for them for years, and little Danny, everybody knows and loves him. He is good boy. A favorite of Mr. Larry. And I don’t think Miss Molly liked that too much. Mr. Larry likes Danny more than Jonny, she tells me once, when the boys are six or seven. I say no no no. Oh yes, she says, and she looks at me.”


“Mr. Detective, I know you gotta hear the stupid stories, how Danny is Mr. Larry’s son. Everybody jokes about that. A horrible story, not true. Danny looks like his father, who ran away. I got pictures I can show you. I start work here after Danny is born. Danny is dark, true, like Mr. Larry, but it don’t matter if something is a lie sometimes…”

“Because people believe what they want to.”

She nodded. “Yes.”

“But Molly must have known the stories were false, especially after all these years.”

“Yes, true, but, you know, women have doubts and those doubts go on and on.”

“So Molly didn’t like Danny?”

“I’m not saying she disliked him. But after the drug thing with Tommy, Miss Molly put her foot down, Mr. Larry give him a lecture, and Danny listens.”

“But Molly still wondered?

“It sort of made her lose a little respect for him. He’s always been the…the overachiever. Danny always flattered her, thanked her too much. Too many times. I tell him enough. People think you’re sucking up. Keep quiet. But he was a boy, you know, and afraid all this would disappear.” She waved her hand around the kitchen, as though she owned the place.

“Did she compare Danny with her own kids?”

“Not Kristen, of course.”

“But to Jon?”

“I always felt that was a problem. Jon was bright, but Danny brighter. Jon good looking but Danny the heartthrob. Jon the loner but Danny charming, making friends. Danny was always one step ahead. The poor boy beating the rich in every race but one.”

“But one?”

“Money,” Susie said. “Jon always had more money than my Danny.”

“Not any more, maybe.”

Her smile was conspiratorial. “Not anymore.”