Toro, Bergia
Sunday, 31 January, 00:26 a.m.
I didn't say it, but I thought it. I'm too old for this crap. Tree climbing is for children. Yet there I sat, perched on a branch, cold bark pressing through my cargo pants and into my bum. I waited, watched, eager to get this over and done with and return home to my daughter.
Aidan had filled me in on the Neo-BSS during the drive from Szymon's country house to Ragnar's castle. While I had listened to his every word, I realised the immensity of the responsibility which would rest on his shoulders once he became the official head of Fortius. I vowed again to be by his side and help him in any and every way possible. Our work involves much more than just taking down the bad guys. My life had always been about the battle; now I needed to consider the strategic moves, the behind-the-scenes protection of the innocent. At Aidan's side my life might involve less bloodshed than I first thought, which isn't all together a bad thing. However, Aidan had promised to let me hunt down those who prey on children. With them, I can do as I see fit.
"Sitrep," Aidan's voice filled my ears.
"I'm sitting, and if we don't move soon my butt is going to freeze to this bloody branch." I kept my voice low, but ensured he heard my irritation and boredom. "Send in the strike drone and light this place up. We can take them out as they come running out."
"Again, your Plan C isn't mine."
"Commander Walker, I'm just going to say it: I'm bored. Piotr told you about the secret tunnel. Let's go."
Rowan cleared his throat. "The tunnel is rigged. Tripwire five metres in. You were right, Fin, he has his own agenda."
"How much longer?" I asked.
"Sight tight, Williams-Walker."
"You're making me crave a cigarette, F-one."
Aidan laughed. "F-one?"
"Yes, like bravo one. I'm shortening it as we aren't special forces, but we are a force. So, f is for force, not foxtrot or Fortius. You're F-one, Rowan is F-two, I'm F-three, and Liam is F-U."
None of them laughed out loud, but they did, I heard them. Of course, they all denied it later.
"F-U?" Liam's voice filled my head.
"Movement in the east corridor." I lied. Liam's come back would've made me laugh loud enough for the guards to hear.
"Initiate phase one," Aidan ordered.
"Copy that," Rowan and Liam said in unison. In time, I learned how to use all of Fortius' toys. Not the time to ask for on-the-job training.
I watched on the screen mounted to my left arm as the mosquito sized drone thingies took off and headed into the castle. Small enough to fly unseen, no irritating buzz sound either. We familiarised ourselves with the interior layout. The alterations weren't included in the 'official' building plans submitted. This building might've been a fortress during the Middle Ages, now it was impenetrable. To most. Not us.
Thirty minutes later, the tiny drones returned to their masters. Adrenaline pulsed through my every muscle fibre; it had been years since I last ran into combat. And my first time storming a castle. The darkness awoke from her slumber. If only she could've turned into a dragon, letting me ride her into battle instead of having to do it the boring way.
I stared into the black night. To my left, Aidan sat in his own tree. No giant eagles swooped down to help us.
Instead of voicing my disapproval of Aidan's plan, I held my tongue and rubbed my hands on my thighs. Gloves kept my hands warm; the rest of my body warmed by the familiar call. The darkness' battle cry.
I wondered how many people can say they had annihilated or apprehended a crown wearing serial killer. Then again, I'll never say it either. Whatever happened in the next few hours wouldn't be spoken about beyond those who needed to know. Myself, the three Walker brothers with me, Eli, Ryan and Heather. Oh, and Quinn. I had to tell my new best friend about this night. She's going to be so jealous.
Movement on the screen mounted to my arm caught my attention. Every hour, on the hour, the guards did their rounds and rotations. Their heat signatures visible on my arm, thanks to the strike drone circling high above us. Eight out of twenty wanna-be soldiers down gave us a much better chance of success. Piotr did a good job recruiting the members of this ragtag team called the Neo-BSS. Delinquents with no strong family ties. They spent most of their youths in prison or reform schools. The chips on their shoulders he lathered in a salsa consisting of hatred, perceived invincibility, and their chance to 'stand up to the man'.
The guards dropped like flies. Aidan's bullet never misses its mark. "Advance," he ordered.
I dropped to the ground and sank a few centimetres into the snow. I wished Bergia lay further south on the world map. Perhaps somewhere tropical where we could sip frozen margaritas after completing the mission.
With the butt of the rifle pressed to my shoulder, I scanned the surrounding area. I moved as fast as possible towards the eastern wall. What I did wasn't running; the soft snow didn't allow for a sprint.
Aidan placed his hand on my shoulder before we dropped to our knees and stuck two small gifts for the prince to the left and right sides of the iron gate. On the western side, Rowan and Liam did the same.
Aidan and I headed back into the darkness. The trees, the only living things aware of our presence. My heartbeat violent in my ears. We were outmanned, but not outgunned. On the other side of the stone walls a serial killer hid, as he had his entire life behind a title, money, and perceived power. The truth is – no one is bulletproof. There isn't a person alive who is above the law. If only those who hold the power to take such evil down had bigger balls or weren't themselves involved.
"Initiate phase two." Aidan grabbed the back of my head and pressed my cheek to his chest. The night no longer quiet. The heat of the explosion reached us, warming my face.
I lifted my eyes to my husband's and for a second, I considered shooting him in the knee and storming the castle without him. Nothing is more important than Aidan and Ainsley's safety.
"We're both coming out of this alive, that's an order, Mrs Walker. Now, go slay the prince, my lady."
"I'm no lady." I pressed my mouth to his and stormed the castle.
My primary objective for this mission? Keeping Aidan safe. To do that, I had to be through the C-4 created hole in the wall first. If the Neo-BSS aimed their bullets at me they might not see Aidan on my six.
Twenty-five people deserved to have their deaths avenged. Images of their faces, in life and death, filled my mind every time I squeezed the trigger. I didn't slow down. Bullets whizzed past me. One grazed my thigh. I ignored the pain. A single image held my focus – my daughter's face.
Rapid gunfire filled the quiet of the night; the silencers on our rifles didn't add to it. The screams of the men who swore to see Ragnar on the throne, and Bergia return to waging countless wars, became deafening. I ignored them; not that I understood their last words.
"Dammit, Fin, you're supposed to be behind me." Aidan breathed hard in my ears.
With my back against the wall, I pressed the release and reloaded. "We don't have time for this. Thank me later for the bullet I took for you." Liquid warmed my left leg. No time to assess the wound. If fatal, I would know soon enough.
"Sitrep," Aidan's voice hard.
"Three hostiles down," Rowan said.
Liam grunted. "Two."
If not for the bullets pounding into the other side of the wall I used as cover, I might've laughed. "Four."
"Two hostiles still active." Aidan cursed. "Grenade!"
I crouched down, using my arms to shield my head. Pieces of rock and wood rained down. To distract myself, I tallied our combined total. Aidan took out the eight guards and killed one more. If I didn't storm in ahead of him, his tally would've been higher. Look at me counting in the middle of combat.
I peeked around the corner; a gun barrel stared back at me. The man's words I didn't understand, but his intentions I did.