



Monday, 1 February, 2:01 p.m.



With my shoulder pressed against the door frame, I watched my husband cradle our daughter to his chest. The most beautiful and tranquil smile on his handsome face. Ainsley slept without a care in the world. We had made it a safer place for her and countless other children. It was well worth not being able to sleep on the flight from Toro to Marcel, and all the times I ran to the lavatory to empty my stomach. Depravity stays with you. It changes you if you don't process it. We all have our ways of doing so. When I heard all the members of Mikolaj's circle were annihilated, I stopped needing to run to the onboard porcelain throne. A car accident here. A heart attack there. A broken neck after a fall down the stairs. An overdose on prescription pain medication, or fentanyl the predator had in his home. It's easy to cover up the truth.

The world learned of Ragnar's death and blamed Mikolaj for it. Everyone suspected he had an arsenal of biological weapons and bombs hidden somewhere. Who would've thought to look in the castle he had left his grandson? It seems no one in Bergia ever did. Astrid had suffered a heart attack upon hearing the news of her beloved son's death. Of course, the country mourned for both of them. Szymon had asked the world's media to give him and Ylva privacy to grieve for his wife and son. For now, he walked the line.

The princess didn't die with her brother; we never intended to kill her. However, in a few days Ylva would die in a small aeroplane crash in a remote area in an African country. That's what the media will report, but she will spend the rest of her days taking care of the poor, the sick, and the dying. It's amazing what plastic surgery can do to alter one's appearance. No one will ever know she's royalty. Except the person in charge of the organisation she'll be working for. An undercover Fortius operative.

"You didn't have to do it," Aidan whispered as I snuggled up next to him and pressed my lips to his cheek.

I stared at my beautiful daughter, her red hair not long enough to attempt her first ponytail. Heather had bought clips, a tiny glitter covered crown clipped into Ainsley's hair.

I didn't have a choice. "They deserve the truth. The worst part for any parent is not knowing where their children are, or what is being done to them. To tell the parents of the twenty-five victims the man responsible for ending their children's lives can never do it again, is the least I can do. They deserve closure."

I made untraceable and anonymous calls to every living parent, mother and father. They deserved to know justice was served, even though I didn't give them any specific details. Who would believe such a thing? A prince capable of murder. A princess who introduced her brother to the man who helped him fulfil his darkest fantasies. Piotr's involvement baffled me. In time he told me the truth; after we moved him out of the white room. He lasted two weeks, Ivana three. Ivar sat in hell with Mikolaj. Dmitry took care of him once we learned the truth about the man Ivana once loved. A man capable of trying to trade his own son to his paedophile boss in order to have a chance of getting out of the BSS didn't deserve to breathe.

Alicia Rideout would return to Ireland and finish her degree in Psychology. An anonymous donor had paid enough money into her account for her to fulfil her dream of becoming a psychologist. On the condition that she help other survivors of violent crimes.

"What's next for you, Mrs Walker?" Aidan turned to me and dropped his forehead against mine.

I didn't know, but I wasn't about to give up the fight. It's not who I am. Despite being a mother and a wife, I'll always be a warrior and a protector of the innocent. "I'm going to continue doing what we do best, but first Rowan owes me an answer." I brushed my lips against Aidan's and smiled against his mouth. "Commander Walker, I believe there's still the matter of me defying your direct order in Vienna. We haven't undressed it yet."

Mischief played in Aidan's eyes. He laughed without making a sound. "Working with you is going to be a challenge."

"Yes, it will be. We make one hell of a team, Commander Walker." I bit my bottom lip.

"That we do. And you're a good influence on Rowan and Liam. They both respect you as an operative and love you as a sister. They deserve to find what we have in each other."

"And they will, as will Quinn. I love you, Aidan Walker. Thank you for our life."

I leaned my head on my husband's shoulder. Ainsley's hair soft underneath my fingertips. Even though Aidan and I both came from good families and money, our parents had ensured we understood the importance of using our talents, abilities, and opportunities to better the world.

As I stared at my daughter, I hoped we can instil the same in her. The world is filled with people who look the other way. We must never be like them. Through our work and dedication to the vulnerable, Ainsley will see first-hand what it is to be a protector. If she decides to one day join Fortius, the decision will be hers to make.

After dinner Ryan and Heather informed the rest of the family – Fortius was Aidan's to command, with me by his side.

This was the first of a very long list of wars Aidan and I would wage against those who prey on the innocent. Men and women set on destroying nations and people.

They don't know Fortius exists, or that we are heading straight for them. We won't stop until their carcasses drift in our wake. One predator at a time.

No one is untouchable.