


To my husband, Jeremy, for always believing in me and pushing me to pursue my dreams. Thank you for thirteen years of unconditional love. I am who I am because of you. You will always be my muse; my everything. I love you. I miss you. Always.

How do I even begin to say thank you to my family and friends for their continued support. You’re always first in line to buy my books and send commentary on Finley’s adventures.

My first pass readers: Maricka, Nicolina, Tania, and Yolanda. Thank you for continuing to share in Finley’s life and mine.

Maricka Jansen, thank you for taking it in your stride when I named an assassin after you. You might not be as lethal as Marika, but you’re every bit as impressive. Also for helping with the German words and sharing your knowledge of Russian cuisine.

Nicolina Pieterse, you never flinch when I ask for your help killing characters, no matter how disturbing my questions are or how late at night I get a new idea. Your medical knowledge is a cornerstone to making my novels more realistic.

To the following individuals for allowing me to use their names for some of the victims in this book: Dana Ichilov, Vesta Lamont (Merwe), Donovan Peo. A special thank you to Alicia Rideout for your enthusiasm about having your name in Fortius, even though you had no idea whether your character would be a victim or a villain.

Rolandi du Toit, I may have altered your name in such a way that very few people will realise a certain detective is based on you. You know, and I know, that’s all that matters.

Mariaan Opperman, thank you for helping me find the perfect spot to dig a shallow grave outside of Cape Town. May neither of us ever have to make use of this knowledge.

Marcel Koortzen, my editor and proofreader. Thank you for being with me every step of the way.

Shannon Jump, thank you for your constant support as a fellow author and friend, and for being the last pair of eyes on this novel.

Jana Barclay, thank you for helping to finish the cover design and for continuing with Jeremy's legacy. His work is in good hands.

Thank you to the readers for being a part of Finley's journey, as well as mine.

Most of all, to God. All I can ever offer in gratitude is my life, and it will never feel that it’s enough.

All mistakes are my own.