Don’t work alone. Team up your air conditioner with a ceiling fan to spread cool air throughout the room. Using both at the same time lets you raise the air conditioner temperature by five degrees, which in turn lowers your cooling costs.
Stick with the program. Install a programmable thermostat for your air conditioner and cut down on your utility bill. Set it for several degrees warmer at night or when no one is home; you can save up to 10 percent on your cooling costs for every degree above 78 you raise the thermostat.
Don’t light up your thermostat. Keep heat-generating appliances like lamps, computers, and televisions away from your air-conditioning thermostat. Their heat will trick the air conditioner into running longer.
Keep it clear. Make sure your air-conditioning vents are not blocked by furniture or other obstructions. (You don’t want to pay to cool the back of your couch!)
Seal the leaks. Save on cooling costs by keeping the cool air you’ve paid for in your house. Seal or caulk dryer vents, pipes entering the house, and electrical outlets as well as drafty windows and doors. You’ll keep warm air inside in the winter, too.
Shoot for the sky. Aim the vents of your room air conditioner at the ceiling, and let the cool air float down to you. You’ll get more bang for your cooling buck (by cooling the room from top to bottom, rather than in just one spot), plus you’ll have better air circulation as the cold air drifts down.
Use a towel, not a spray can. Don’t spend money on chemical scents that make you sneeze! You can eliminate odors in your house by soaking a hand towel in white vinegar, wringing it out completely, and swinging it over your head like a lasso a few times. You’ll save the cost of air freshener and get a little exercise, too.
Make alternate arrangements. Surprisingly enough, alternative medicine—including acupuncture and massage therapy—may be less expensive than traditional treatments for some chronic health problems (depending on your insurance plan). Check your insurance policy for details.
Don’t be sour. Forget about spending money on antacid at the pharmacy. Next time you have heartburn, acid indigestion, sour stomach, or an upset stomach, simply mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda into 1/2 cup of water (4 fluid ounces) until the baking soda dissolves completely. Then drink up for more settled times.