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Access Hollywood video
Trump, Donald, response to
Trump, Ivanka, and
Agalarov, Aras
Agalarov, Emin
Ailes, Roger
America First
Americana hotel
The Apprentice
success of
Bannon, Steve
on campaign team
as chief strategist
Barrett, Rona
Barry, Maryanne Trump (sister)
Beame, Abe
border wall
Bossie, David
Brennan, John
Burnett, Mark
Bush, George W.
Bush, Jeb
Butina, Maria
campaign, presidential
announcement for
anti-Muslim sentiment and
business and
core message of
ethics issues in
foreign policy and
Kelly, M., and
“Make America Great Again” and
McCain war hero comments and
media and
misinformation in
Obama, B., at White House Correspondents’ Association dinner and
presidential debates and
Reform Party and
Republican nomination won by
Republican Party not supporting
Russian hacking comments in
on torture
Trump brand and
See also Papadopoulos, George
campaign rallies
Flynn at
payment at
violence at
campaign team
Bannon on
Clovis on
Conway on
family on
Gates on
Kushner on
Lewandowski on
Manafort on
Page on
Russia connections with
Trump, Donald, Jr., on
Trump, Ivanka, on
See also Papadopoulos, George
The Apprentice and
Barbizon Plaza Hotel and
beauty pageants and
Broadway show investment
Commodore Hotel and
Grand Hyatt New York and
legal scrutiny of real estate in
Penn Central real estate and
Plaza Hotel and
as president of Trump Organization
racist rental practices and
Trump Entertainment Resorts and
Trump name sold during
Trump Shuttle and
Trump SoHo and
Trump Tower and
Trump University and
USFL and
See also casinos; lawsuits; Russia
Carson, Ben
Carter, Graydon
Cash, Haywood
Bank Secrecy Act violation of
Federal Trade Commission and
Harrah’s and
Native American statements and
Trump Castle Hotel & Casino
Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts
Trump Plaza
Trump Taj Mahal
The Celebrity Apprentice
Central Park Five
Charlottesville rallies
Christ, Elizabeth (grandmother)
children of
Trump, Friedrich, marriage to
Christie, Chris
Clapper, James
Clifford, Stephanie “Stormy Daniels,”
Clinton, Bill
Clinton, Hillary
election loss of
experience of
imprisonment rhetoric for
Podesta emails and
popular vote won by
presidential debates and
Russian hacking emails of
Simpson working for
Clinton, Hillary, private email server investigation
Comey reopening
polling lead impacted by
Clovis, Sam
Coats, Dan
Cody, John
Cohen, Michael
Clifford paid by
Mueller investigation and
threats by
Trump Tower Moscow and
Cohn, Roy
career of
death of
Greenberg called by
Justice Department lawsuit and
at Le Club
Mafia and
Salerno and
Comey, James
firing of
President Trump meetings with
President-elect briefing on Steele dossier
private email server investigation and
Commodore Hotel
conflict-of-interest, business
emoluments and
travel as
conspiracy theories
on Cruz
Muslim training camps in America as
Constitution, US
emoluments in
First Amendment of
Fourteenth Amendment of
separation of powers and
Twenty-fifth Amendment of
Conway, Kellyanne
Crossfire Hurricane. See Russian election interference investigation
Cruz, Ted
DACA. See Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
death penalty
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
Democratic National Committee (DNC) hack
FBI investigation of
Simpson on
Trump, Donald, on
DeVos, Betsy
DNC. See Democratic National Committee
Dobias, Theodore “Doby,”
Duke, David
early life, of Trump, Donald
at New York Military Academy
sports in
teachers on
trust fund in
Vietnam War and
at Fordham College at Rose Hill
at New York Military Academy
at University of Pennsylvania
election day (2016)
electoral college and
popular vote on
Trump, Melania, on results of
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
EPA. See Environmental Protection Agency
ethics issues
facts and misinformation
building heights as
crowd size and
deception record as president
finances, and
heritage as
legislative victories as
New York Times list of public falsehoods
Nunes memo and
Obama, B., birthplace and
Obama spying claim as
voter fraud as
Fair Housing Act (1968)
Flynn investigation of
McCabe fired from
Mueller as director of
Page and
Papadopoulos and
private email server investigation of
Steele dossier and
See also Democratic National Committee (DNC) hack; Russian election interference investigation (Crossfire Hurricane)
Federal Housing Administration (FHA)
bankruptcies and
creditors and
deposition on
Deutsche Bank and
Forbes and
fraud of
Fusion GPS report on
misinformation on
net worth
O’Brien on
Playboy magazine on
President Trump secrecy on
trouble with
trust fund for
See also tax returns
Flynn, Michael
at campaign rallies
FBI investigation of
guilty plea of
Kislyak sanctions discussion with
President Trump on
resignation of
RT and
wealthiest Americans list
wealthiest in the world list
Freedom of Information Act
Fusion GPS report
income sources in
on Russian intelligence agency
See also Steele dossier
G7 summit
Gates, Rick
Giuliani, Rudy
Glassner, Michael
global warming
Goldstone, Rob
email to Trump, Donald, Jr.
Trump Tower meeting of (June 9)
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gorkov, Sergey N.
Gorsuch, Neil
Graham, Lindsey
Grand Hyatt New York
Grau, Elizabeth Trump (sister)
Great Depression
Greenberg, Jonathan
Guthrie, Woody
Hicks, Hope
Hitler, Adolf
Homestead Act
housing discrimination. See lawsuits; racism
crude language on
family separations policy and
misinformation and
travel ban and
of Trump, Friedrich
violence and
See also undocumented immigrants
inauguration day
celebrities and
cost of
crowds at
inaugural address for
march protesting
Trump, Melania, on
Internet Research Agency
interrogation methods
“John Barron” character
Jones, Doug
Justice Department lawsuit, on housing discrimination
Cohn and
countersuit for
Fair Housing Act and
FBI interviews for
New York Times on
settlement for
Kasowitz, Marc
Kavanaugh, Brett
Kelly, John
Kelly, Megyn
Kislyak, Sergey
Flynn sanctions discussions with
Kushner and
Sessions and
Klemesrud, Judy
Ku Klux Klan
Duke and
Trump, Fred and
Kushner, Jared
on campaign team
Christie and
Gorkov meeting with
Kislyak and
at Trump Tower meeting (June 9)
White House position of
Cash bringing
contractors and
Justice Department
against O’Brien
statistics on
Trump SoHo
Trump Tower workers rights
Trump University and
Le Club
legal team
for business and personal matters
for Russia investigation
See also Cohen, Michael; Cohn, Roy; McGahn, Don
Lewandowski, Corey
Logan Act
Cohn and
Sater and
Scarfo family
Trump, Fred, and
Trump Taj Mahal and Russian
See also Salerno, Anthony “Fat Tony”
Magnitsky Act
“Make America Great Again” slogan
Manafort, Paul
on campaign team
Mueller investigation and
resignation of
at Trump Tower meeting (June 9)
Yanukovych and
Maples, Marla (wife)
Trump, Donald, relationship with
McCabe, Andrew
McCain, John
war hero comments on
McEntee, John
McGahn, Don
campaign and
journalism importance and
Steele dossier and
media war
fact checking and
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Miller, Stephen
Miss Universe pageant
racism at
in Russia
Miss USA pageant
Moore, Roy
Mueller, Robert
early life of
as FBI director
in Vietnam War
Mueller investigation
Cohen and
Gates in
indictments in
Manafort in
President Trump on
NATO. See North Atlantic Treaty Organization
nerve agent attacks
New York Military Academy
awards at
New York Times
housing lawsuit in
Klemesrud at
list of public falsehoods
on Steele reports
NFL players kneeling
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
North Korea
missile launched by
nuclear warheads of
Nunberg, Sam
Nunes, Devin
Obama, Barack
birthplace of
lying record of
Magnitsky Act and
President-elect meeting with
spying claim and
Trump, Donald, calling for
resignation of
Twitter attack on
White House Correspondents’ Association dinner and
Obama, Michelle
O’Brien, Timothy
Page, Carter
on campaign team
FBI investigation of
Palmieri, Victor
Papadopoulos, George
Australian diplomat meeting with
FBI and
guilty plea of
Kremlin meetings pushed by
Parscale, Brad
Pence, Mike
on Flynn and Kislyak meeting
at Hamilton
Penn Central real estate
physical and mental health
Twenty-fifth Amendment and
physical appearance
Playboy magazine
Plaza Hotel
Podesta, John
political views
on abortion
on death penalty
global warming and
in newspaper ads
in Playboy magazine
on torture
See also campaign, presidential; presidency
Pompeo, Mike
popular vote
authoritarianism and
budget deficit and
Charlottesville rallies and
CIA Memorial Wall speech during
Comey fired during
Comey meetings and
conflict-of-interest during
financial secrecy and
Flynn and
G7 summit and
Gorsuch nomination and
hurricanes and
legislative victories during
lying record for
Mueller investigation and
NATO and
nepotism laws and
NFL players kneeling and
North Korea and
Obama spying claim and
Obamacare and
Presidential Records Act and
propaganda documents for
Putin and
Putin meeting during
Russian election interference and
secure communications for
self pardoning and
separation of powers and
Sessions and
Syria missile strike during
tariffs and
tax cuts and
timeline of
transgender military members and
travel expenses for
Twenty-fifth Amendment and
voter fraud claims and
See also immigration
approval ratings of
Comey briefing on Steele dossier
Obama, B., meeting with
tweets on Steele dossier by
on victory
See also Steele dossier
presidential debates
Presidential Records Act
Priebus, Reince
Pruitt, Scott
Puerto Rico
Putin, Vladimir
disinformation war and
finances of
Magnitsky Act and
President Trump meeting with
reelection of
Russian hacking and
Trump, Donald, relationship with
tweets about
See also Russian election interference
at Miss Universe pageant
Moore and
Native Americans and
NFL players kneeling and
Obama, B., birthplace accusations and
rental practices and
Trump, Fred, and
white supremacists and
See also immigration; lawsuits
accusation of Trump, Ivana
Central Park Five and
Reform Party
with Maples
with Trump, Ivana
with Trump, Melania
Romney, Mitt
Rosenstein, Rod
Agalarovs in
Butina and
Magnitsky Act and
Miss Universe Pageant in
nerve agent attacks and
RT in
sanctions on
Torshin and
Trump, Donald, business and
Trump SoHo and
Trump Taj Mahal and mafia from
Trump Tower Moscow in
Ukraine invaded by
See also Kislyak, Sergey; Mueller investigation; Putin, Vladimir
Russia connections
business partners and
campaign team and
Mafia as
Russian election interference investigation (Crossfire Hurricane)
Clapper testifying for
Goldstone and Trump, Donald, Jr., email on
Kushner and Kislyak meetings and
Nunes memo on
Papadopoulos meeting with Australian diplomat and
President Trump on
President-elect briefed on
propaganda and disinformation and
Rosenstein and
Trump, Donald, Jr, on
Trump Tower meeting (June 9) and
See also FBI; Steele dossier
Russian hacking
campaign on
Clinton, H., emails and
of DNC emails
Guccifer 2.0 and
Podesta emails and
presidential debates on
Putin on
Ryan, Paul
Salerno, Anthony “Fat Tony,”
Sanders, Sarah Huckabee
Sapir Organization
Sater, Felix
criminal record of
Mafia and
Trump, Donald, deposition on
Trump Tower Moscow and
Scaramucci, Anthony
Scarfo family
Scavino, Dan
Sessions, Jeff
Kislyak and
McCabe fired by
President Trump on
Simpson, Glenn
See also Fusion GPS report
Spencer, Richard
Spicer, Sean
Stalin, Joseph
Steele, Christopher
Steele dossier
BuzzFeed publishing
FBI and
media and
sex-based blackmail on Trump, Donald, in
stock market
Stone, Roger
“Stormy Daniels.” See Clifford, Stephanie
Supreme Court
Gorsuch on
Kavanaugh and
Swifton Village
tax cuts
tax returns
from 1995
from 1978 and 1979
refusal to release
Torshin, Alexander
transgender military members
travel ban
Trump, Barron (son)
Trump, Donald
See also specific topics
Trump, Donald, Jr. (son)
birth of
business and
on campaign team
criminal investigation of
Goldstone email to
on Presidential advisory board
on Russian election interference
Torshin meeting with
Trump Tower meeting of (June 9)
Trump, Eric (son)
birth of
business and
on Presidential advisory board
Trump, Fred (father)
Beame and
Cash lawsuit and
construction business of
death of
FHA and
financial fraud and
frugality of
government accusations against
grocery store of
Justice Department lawsuit and
Ku Klux Klan riot arrest of
Mafia and
mortgage service business of
racism of
real estate business of
Trump, John, clashing with
Trump, Mary Anne, marriage to
women and marketing tactics of
Trump, Fred, Jr. (brother)
alcoholism of
as pilot
Trump, Friedrich (grandfather)
business ventures of
children of
Christ marriage to
death of
German citizenship denied for
Germany army and
immigration to America by
as justice of the peace
in Kallstadt
real estate and
recorded name of
wealth of
Trump, Ivana (wife)
Grand Hyatt interior design and
Plaza Hotel run by
rape accusation of
Trump, Donald, relationship with
Trump Castle Hotel & Casino and
Trump Tower interior design by
work ethic of
Trump, Ivanka (daughter)
Access Hollywood video and
birth of
business and
on campaign team
criminal investigation of
on Presidential advisory board
Trump, John (uncle)
Trump, Mary Anne MacLeod (mother)
health problems of
Trump, Fred, marriage to
Trump, Melania Knauss (wife)
election day results and
on inauguration day
Obama, M., speech and
Trump, Donald, pursuing
wedding of
Trump, Robert (brother)
Trump, Tiffany (daughter)
Trump Castle Hotel & Casino
Trump charity foundation
Trump Entertainment Resorts
Trump Hotels and Casino Resorts
Trump Management Inc.
Trump Nation (O’Brien)
Trump Plaza
Trump Shuttle
Trump SoHo
criminal investigation of
Russia and
Vance campaign donation and
Trump Taj Mahal
junk bonds and
Russian Mafia and
Trump Tower
air rights for
Bonwit Teller building and
legal scrutiny of
profits from
Salerno and
Trump, Ivana, interior design of
worker’s rights lawsuit and
Trump Tower meeting (June 9)
Trump, Donald, Jr., statement on
Trump University
Twitter account
Clinton, H., tweets on
democracy attack by
Iran war threat on
Obama, B., tweets on
Putin tweets on
Sessions and
Steele dossier and
Russia invading
Yanukovych and
undocumented immigrants
asylum and
criminal prosecution for
DACA and
United States Football League (USFL)
University of Pennsylvania
Vance, Cyrus
Vanderbilt, Cornelius
Veselnitskaya, Natalia
Vietnam War
Mueller in
Trump, Donald, and
violence, incitement to campaign rallies and
immigration and
Walsh, Joe
White House Correspondents’ Association dinner
White House staff and appointments
advisory board for
turnover of
See also specific topics
white supremacists
Charlottesville rallies of
Ku Klux Klan and
Spencer and
See also Democratic National Committee hack
women, treatment of
Access Hollywood video and
Clifford and
harassment and assault accusations and
Kelly, M., and
march protesting inauguration and
Moore and
rape of Central Park jogger
Republican Party and
Trump, Fred, marketing and
Trump, Friedrich, and
Yanukovych, Viktor
Yates, Sally
firing of
Flynn investigation and
Yunaska, Lara