abandoned shells, 287

“according to,” 282, 285

ACORN faux investigation, 187, 188

Adams, Scott, 264–65

advertising, 5–6, 41, 44, 79, 88, 193, 295,

comments and, 96–7

headlines and, 125

impressions and, 40–41

newspaper, 108

partner links and, 200–201

rates for, 35

Afghanistan, Koran burning, riots 36–37

Agence France-Presse, 37

Allen, Woody, 266–67

Alterman, Eric, 144–45

alternative facts, 208

alt-right, xviii, 181, 192

American Apparel, 4, 7, 55, 63, 87–88, 124, 149, 150, 161–63, 165, 170, 171, 172, 174, 209, 229, 229, 246, 266, 297–98

Edwards and, 161–64

nail polish sold by, 170–74

Angelgate, 46

angle, finding, 156–58, 164

“announced today,” 66

anonymous and off-the-record sources, 62, 108, 175

AOL, 34, 41, 44, 46, 132

pageviews and, 132

Apatow, Judd, 179–80

Apple News, 204, 205

Arrington, Michael, 46, 47, 217, 228

Ars Technica, 44

Associated Press (AP), 15, 69, 160

astroturfing, 237

Atlantic, 89, 120, 291

attention gap, 203

attribution, 210

Autoblog, 50

Awl, The, 51

Axios, 148

Axon, Samuel, 140

backfire effect, 251

Ballas, Lambros, 65

Bannon, Steve, 187

Bardella, Kurt, 21

Becker, Gary, 143

Bennett, James Gordon, Sr., 106, 108, 109, 273, 273n

Bercovici, Jeff, 37

Berger, Jonah, 84

Berners-Lee, Tim, 145

Biggs, John, 157

blackmail and extortion, 227–30

Blakeley, Richard, 257, 257n Bleacher Report, 34–35

Blodget, Henry, 16, 53, 207, 208, 275–6 Blogger Bootcamp, 146

blogs, bloggers, 1, 2, 3, 4–5, 7

bounce rate and, 148

content creation, 26, 38, 91, 132, 146

economics of, 20, 141

fashion, 55

format of articles, 148–9, 153

hiring and payment structure for, 50

how to read, 281–84

importance of, 16–17

length of articles, 147–50, 152

manipulation and, see media manipulation; media manipulation tactics

marquee, 45

moneymaking avenues of, 39–48

news made by, 13–20

pageviews and, see pageviews pitching to, 151–52

political, 18–19, 226n

reverse chronological order as standard for, 145

sale of, 47

small, 27–28

as sources for journalists, 2324

speed in, 50

subscription model for, 115

toxic, 169–82

Trust Me, I’m Lying and, xx

updates and, 145, 203, 206, 212, 217, 220, 234, 247, 250. 251, 251n

use of terms, 15

Blumenthal, Sidney, 245

BNET, 161, 163

Bohannon, John, interview with, 316–20

Boing Boing, 23, 180n

Bonner, Bill, 13

Boorstin, Daniel, 116, 273

Borowitz, Andy, 198

bots, 160, 237

bounce rate, 148

Brand, Russell, 57

Brand Channel, 246

breaking news, 215–20, 282

Breitbart, Andrew, 184–88, 191–92, 231 Breitbart News, 16, 186, 192

bribes, 49–59

Brin, Sergey, 213

“bro” label, 263–64

Brown, Michael, 188

burden of proof, 211, 214

Business Insider, xvi, xviii, 16, 24, 53, 56, 151, 163, 207, 218, 219, 220, 275–76

Businessweek, 85, 236, 296

BuzzFeed, 16, 71, 73, 81, 87, 97, 138, 189–90, 238, 239, 240

Cain, Herman, 20

Campbell, W. J., 107

Card, Orson Scott, 137

Carey, Drew, 246

Carmon, Irin, 169–82

American Apparel nail polish and, 171–4, 175

Apatow and, 179–80

The Daily Show and, 175–0

Caro, Robert, 112–13

Carpenter, Mathew, interview with, 345–48

Carr, David, 119

Carson, Ben, 199–200

Cernovich, Mike, 98

interview with, 305–15

Chamfort, Nicolas, 133

Chandler, Raymond, 103, 111

Charney, Dov, 162, 257, 266; see also American Apparel

Chartbeat, 112

Cheezburger Media, 44

Cheney, Dick, 278

Chicago Now, 32n

Chicago Tea Party, 89

Chicago Tribune, xvi, 3, 28, 32n, 150, 209

Chomsky, Noam, 111

Christian Science Monitor, 130

Churchill, Winston, 7

Chute, 75

Cicero, 220

clicks, 100–101, 148

Google and, 126

headlines and, 94–5, 100, 112, 120–24, 128, 156, 285

on links, 214

YouTube and, 198

see also pageviews

Clinton, Bill, 24–25, 239

Clinton, Hillary, 24–25, 127, 181, 199, 239

Clinton Foundation, 181

CNBC, 89–90

CNN, xvi, 26, 36, 126, 187, 200, 204, 205, 209, 272

iReport, 218

Money, 65

CNN effect, 205

comments, 156, 213, 214, 236

fake, 139

Huffington Post and, 139

lack of, 137–40

process for leaving, 96

concern trolling, 181–82

Condé Nast, 44

confirmation, see fact-checking and verification

conflicts of interest, 45, 46, 46n, 47, 55, 57

conspiracy theories and theorists, 54, 90, 162, 181, 238


creation of, 26–30, 33, 90, 133, 146

stacking of, 146

contributor programs, 52

Cooley, Charles Horton, 163

Cooper, James Fenimore, 196

Cooperman, Kahane, 176

corrections, 45, 97, 243–53, 297

backfire effect and, 251

of factual errors, 248–49

link economy and, 211

time for, 246–48

Couric, Katie, 30

Cowen, Tyler, 73–74, 296

Craggs, Tommy, 216

Cromer, Gerald, 256

Cruise, Tom, 43

culture of fear, 230–36

Curbed, 46

Curbed Los Angeles, 30–31

Curtis, Drew, 28, 156

cyberwarfare, 225–41

and culture of fear 230–36

implicit shakedowns, 228–30

repetition in, 236–38

weaponizing of information, 238–41

Daily Beast, 25, 99, 189, 238

Daily Caller, 25

Daily Intel, 219–20

Daily Mail, 159–61

Daily Show with Jon Stewart, The, 174–78

Daly, Carson, 33

Dana, Charles A., 273

Danone, 227

Day, Benjamin, 105, 107

Deadline Hollywood, 262

Deadspin, 35n, 216, 263, 323

de Becker, Gavin, 277

de Botton, Alain, 268

degradation ceremonies, 257–61

de Laive, Patrick, 201

Demand Media, 130

Denby, David, 261

Denton, Nick, 16, 42, 46, 94, 136, 147, 175, 190, 273, 291

Dershowitz, Alan, 266

Descartes, René, 207, 222

Detroit in ruins slideshow, 80–82, 84, 91

Digg, 77

DNC hacking, 227

doctored footage, 188

Drudge, Matt, 245 Drudge Report, 16, 25, 89, 134, 184n, 185, 245

E!, 175

Eater LA, 233, 133n

Ebner, Mark, 43

Edwards, Jim, 161–5

elections, see presidential elections, 45

Ellis, Bret Easton, 74

Ellsberg, Daniel, 124

e-mails, 96, 128, 204, 283

fake, 23, 32–33, 70, 139

leaked, 64–66

for sources, 67, 151

emotions, 84–85, 88, 285, 287

anger, 84, 86, 90; see also outrage

sadness, 85

valence and, 85–86, 88, 139

Ending the Fed, 199

Engadget, 50, 140, 146, 233

engagement, 96, 112–13, 196, 275, 52

Epstein, Edward Jay, 62, 75

errors, 208, 221, 244, 247, 248. 253

admission of, 234, 244

apologies for, 245

correction of, see corrections factual, 247–48

psychology of, 249–53

subtle untruths, 249

ethical standards, 141, 211

exclusives, 42n, 42–43, 284

experts, xv, 69–72

extortion and blackmail, 227–30

Facebook, xiii, 3, 7, 16, 26, 27, 56, 78, 79, 97, 97n, 99, 113, 126–27, 135, 137, 157, 197, 196, 199, 202, 203, 294, 205, 214, 226, 260

campaign against Google by, 226

news on, 128–29, 204

fact checking and verification, 27, 58, 67, 149, 158, 211, 215, 222, 231, 250, 297

breaking news and, 215–20, 282

link economy and, 213–15, 221–23

sources and, 26, 67, 78, 149–50

standards of, 181

Twitter and, 202

see also research

facts, 287

alternative, 208

errors in, 248–9; see also errors


accounts, 236–37

blurred line between real and, 277

comments, 121

e-mails, 23, 32, 70, 139

embracing, 275–76

events, 117, 277–79

news, xiii, 5, 7, 161, 198–200, 277, 291

quotations, 211, 212, 28, 156

fashion bloggers, 55

Fast Company, 24, 87, 123

Favre, Brett, 34–35, 35n

fear, culture of, 230–36

Ferriss, Tim, 77


Financial Times, 229

finding the angle, 156–58, 164

Finke, Nikki, 262–63

FishbowlLA, 30, 135

Fleshbot, 87

Flipboard, 67

Forbes, xvi, 37, 37n, 52, 135, 180, xvii, 28, 52, 99

Ford, Andrew, 37

Ford, Henry, 141

Fortune, xvi, 149

Fox & Friends, 205

Fox News, 26, 104, 126, 199, 208n, 291, 2, 184n

FOX Sports Interactive, 44

French, Christopher, 65

frovocation, 32

see also outrage

Fuller, Jack, 150, 152, 201

gaslighting, 182, 237

Gateway Pundit, 184n

Gawker, xiv, xivn, 32, 42, 43, 6, 47, 50, 51, 57, 63, 64, 71, 73, 94, 147, 159, 175, 178, 216, 217n, 247, 248, 291

Arrington and, 217n

compensation system at, 51

corrections and, 246–48

Cruise and, 43

Hogan’s lawsuit against, 191n, 293–94

Thiel and, 191n, 293–94

Gawker Media, 16, 42, 120, 208, 291, 293

stats of, 132

Gibson, Mel, 42

Gigaom, 147

Gizmodo, 76, 130, 146

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 261n Good Morning America, 185

Google, 37, 56, 65, 66, 79. 113, 126, 227

citations and, 213

clicks and, 126

Facebook’s campaign against, 226

Google+, 67

Google Finance, 65

Google News, 28, 112, 126–27, 204, 205, 214

Google Trends, 130

gossip, 34, 106, 219, 226, 230, 240

Gothamist, 99, 112

Gould, Emily, 178

Grantham, Christian, 37n

Greeley, Horace, 106

Greenblatt, Richard, 100n

Grey, Sasha, 87

Guardian, 58, 79, 130, 199, 212, 213

Haley, Nikki, 25

Hall, Justin, 146

Hannity, 205 Harvard Business Review, 229

Hazlitt, William, 255, 257

HBO, 30, 57

headlines, 119–28, 148–49, 214

advertising and, 125

clicks and, 94–95, 100, 112, 120–24, 128, 156, 285

competition among, 125–27

curiosity gap and, 123

newspaper, 122–27

pseudo-events and, 116

questions in, 94–96, 171–72

in science reporting, 160–61

subscription model and, 124, 125

unbelievable, 252

writing of, 120, 126

“hearing reports,” “told reporters,” 66, 282

Hearst, William Randolph, 108, 120

Hedges, Chris, 90,

Help a Reporter Out (HARO), xv, 69–71, 75, 286

Hilton, Perez, 42, 210

Hippeau, Eric, 234

hoaxes and pranks, 75–76, 101, 161, 214, 218–19

Hogan, Hulk, 191n, 293

Houston Chronicle, 99

How to Make It in America, 30

Huffington, Arianna, 16, 44, 127, 235, 239

Huffington Post, 4, 16, 22, 23, 24, 31, 44, 55, 66, 69, 79, 80, 99, 108, 119, 136, 139, 140, 147, 152, 159, 160, 161, 175, 185, 200, 226, 234, 235, 236, 239, 272

business model of, 39

comments and, 139–40

Detroit slideshow in, 79–81

sale of, 44

Super Bowl story in, 136

unpaid contributions to, 235

Huffington Post Complete Guide to Blogging, The, 147

Hughes, Scottie Nell, 276

I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell, 2, 30–31, 33

information, 286–87, 299

cycle of, 16, 35

practical purpose of, 297

weaponizing of, 238–41

InfoWars, 199

Instagram, 54, 137

interviews, 305–55

Bohannon, John, 316–20

Carpenter, Mathew 345–48

Cernovich, Mike, 305–15

Johnson, Charles C., 321–31

Maddox, 349–55

Young, Peter, 332–44

Is Twitter Wrong?, 243

iterative journalism, 215–20, 244–46, 249–50, 253, 298

Jackson, Michael, 42

Jarre, Maurice, 211–13

Jarvis, Jeff, 202, 210, 216, 221, 222, 253

Jay, Ricky, 123

Jenkins, Henry, 78 Jezebel, 24, 63–64, 87, 99, 124, 148, 164, 152, 169, 171

American Apparel nail polish and, 171–4, 175

corrections and, 21011

The Daily Show and, 175–79

Jobs, Steve, 218, 218n

Johnson, Charles C., 187, 188–90, 192

interview with, 321–31

Jones, Alex, 181

Jones, Terry, 36

journalism, xiii, 105–6, 112, 221–22, 273

ethical standards in, 140–41, 211

experience in, 50

iterative, 215–19, 244–45, 249–50, 252–53, 296

pageview, 130, 135, 141

professionalization of, 110

journalists, 173, 221

breaking news and, 215–20

delegation of trust and, 192, 209–13, 222–23, 249

editorial guidelines and, 209, 210

and finding the angle, 156

Schopenhauer on, 216

sources for, see sources Juvenal, 8, 101

KCCI Des Moines, 35

Kennedy, John F., 42, 266

KFDM-TV Beaumont, 99

KGO-AM San Francisco, 99

Kickstarter, 22, 75

Kierkegaard, Søren, 203, 284

Kissinger, Henry, 59

Know Your Meme, 44

kompromat, 230–31

Koran, 36–37

KVUE-TV Austin, 99

Laughing Squid, 23

laurel leaf illusion, 286

lawsuits, 266–67

threat of, 234

Lazarsfeld, Paul, 202

leaderboard strategy, 131, 135

leaked documents, 4–5, 62, 63–64, 240, 282

Lehrer, Jonah, 258, 259, 260

Lewinsky, Monica, 245, 258, 260

Lewis, Jerry, 263

libel, 241, 294 Lifehacker, 148

Limbaugh, Rush, 119

links, 213–14

clicks on, 214; see also clicks

credibility implied by, 213

economy of, 210–12, 213, 215, 221–23, 283, 286

partner, 200–201, 146

Lippmann, Walter, 125, 271, 278, 65

local media, 27–28, 157, 160

Los Angeles Times, 39, 67, 74, 210

Top of the Ticket, 127

lynch mobs, digital, 256

Maddox, interview with, 349–55

Made in USA, 170

Magnum Photos, 870, 85

Malcolm, Andrew, 127

Malik, Om, 147

Malone, Noreen, 80

manipulation, see media manipulation; media manipulation tactics

Marginal Revolution, 73, 74

Mashable, 50, 136, 140

Max, Tucker, 2–3, 31, 33, 54, 68, 84, 98–99, 116, 181n, 191, 256–57

McBride, Kelly, 61

McCain, John, 190

McCarthy, Eugene, 212

McCarthy, Megan, 248

McCarthy, Ryan, 39

McClure’s, 155

McLuhan, Marshall, 144

Mediabistro, 30, 32, 157 Mediagazer, 149

media manipulation, xv–xvii, xx, 1

manipulator hall of fame, 183–93

patterns of, 174–80

rebirth of, 111–15

toxicity of, 169–82

media manipulation tactics, xvi, 48, 170

bribes, 49–59, 135

deception, 93–101

giving them what spreads, 77–92

headlines, 119–28

making news, 103–17

making stuff up, 155–65

pageviews, 129–41

telling them what they want to hear, 61–76

using the technology against itself, 143–53

Media Matters for America, 184n

Medium, 16, 47, 58

Meet the Press, 278

memes, xiii, 17, 30

Mendelson, Brandon, 135–6

Merton, Robert, 202

metrics, 134–7, 141, 108

Mill, John Stuart, 49

mistakes, see errors

MIT Technology Review, 227

Mobile World Congress, 56

mockery, shame, punishment, and humiliation, 89, 90, 255–69

Monde, xvii

Montaigne, Michel de, 255

Monty, Scott, xvii

Morozov, Evgeny, 255n

Motley Fool, 65

Motolese, Fernando, 227, 228

Moylan, Brian, 94, 77, 243

MSNBC, xv, 180

Munsterberg, Hugo, 155

narcotizing dysfunction, 202

narratives, 187, 203

creation and control of, 170–74, 176

pseudo-events and, 116–17

simple vs. complicated, 81–82, 85, 90, 150

NASA, 235

national press, 29

National Report, 199

NBC, 33

NBC New York, 87

New Orleans Times Picayune, 72, 73, 111

New Republic, 80

news, xiii, 2, 5, 103–17, 156, 273, 286, 298

addiction to, 204–206

blogs’ creation of, 13–20

breaking, 215–20, 282

cable, 144

cycles of, 16, 18–19, 35, 204, 273,

on Facebook, 126, 203

fake, xiii, 5, 7, 157, 198–200, 277, 291

filters and, 273

presentation of, 144

as pseudo-environment, 278–79

specious present and, 250

unexpected and, 273

newspapers, 26–27, 103, 104, 111–12, 160, 196, 248, 256, 273

advertising in, 109

blogs of, 28

headlines in, 122–27

One-Off Problem and, 106, 107, 108, 120

party press, 105–6

purchase of, 125

Schopenhauer on, 216

stable period of, 109–11, 127

subscription model for, 104, 105, 109–115, 295–97

yellow press, 7, 104, 105–108, 109, 120, 125, 132

Newsweek, 24n, 28, 130

New York, 24, 218, 268

New York City media set, 29

New York Daily News, 99

New Yorker, 133, 198, 261, 305

New York Evening Journal, 121

New York Herald, 106

New York Observer, xviii, 14n, 75,

New York Post, 3, 25, 257

New York Sun, 105, 183

New York Times, xvi, xvii, 18, 26, 40, 62, 69, 77, 79, 109–11, 119, 127, 201, 208

bestseller list of, xviii, 54, 67

Carson and, 199–200

Cheney and, 278

concern trolling and, 181–82

The Daily Show and, 174–78

mission statement of, 109–10

Most E-mailed list of, 84, 85, 91, 95

Pawlenty and, 14, 15

subscriptions to, 296

vaping story in, 71

Vietnam story in, 124

Washington Post on, 156–58

New York Times Magazine, 93

New York World, 106, 120

Next Web, The, 53n

Nielsen, Jakob, 149, 150

Nixon, Richard, 225

Nolan, Hamilton, 57

NPR, xvii, 187, 188, 204, 214

Nyhan, Brendan, 251

NYMag, 152, 84

Obama, Barack, 36, 119, 127, 165, 185, 188, 190, 208, 228n, 239, 262

Sherrod and, 184–85

Ochs, Adolph S., 109–10, 296

Oculus Rift, 238

O’Donnell, Christine, 159

O’Keefe, James, 187–88, 192

One-Off Problem, 106, 107, 108, 112, 120, 286

Onion, 198

opinions, 202, 248, 287

fake supporters and, 236–37

Orlean, Susan, 133

Orwell, George, 100

Outbrain, 201

outrage, 32, 83–84, 90, 98, 165, 179, 182, 262

American Apparel ads and, 87–88

I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell campaign and, 1–4, 30–33, 36, 232–33

Owyang, Jeremiah, 225

Page, Larry, 213

pageviews, 1, 3, 19, 29, 99, 100, 129–141, 293, 295, 296

AOL and, 132

comments and, 96–97

compensation systems based on, 50–51, 53, 57

corrections and, 216

goals for, 135

journalism and, 140–41

revenue from, 40, 41, 44

silence and, 129, 137–40

statistics on, 130

see also traffic

PandoDaily, 159

Pariser, Eli, 85, 112

Park, Robert E., 250, 273

Parr, Ben, 50

Pascal, Amy, 259, 260

Paterson, David, 218, 219–20

Pawlenty, Tim, 14–15, 17, 18–20

Pence, Mike, 263

Pentagon Papers, 124

Peretti, Jonah, 16, 81, 97, 138

Perry, Rick, 99

Pew Research Center, 64–65, 126

Phillips, Tom, 243

Pittsburgh Tribune Review, 25

Pizzagate, 181–82

Planned Parenthood, 98–99, 116

Playboy, 42, 90

Political Insider, 199

Politico, 16, 18, 20, 148, 226

Cain and, 20

Pawlenty and, 14, 17, 18–19

Portlandia, 3

Portland Mercury, 87

Poynter Institute, 37, 61

pranks and hoaxes, 75–77, 101, 161, 214, 218–19

PR, 233

battles and crises, 226–28, 234–35

presidential elections:

cycles of, 16–18

of 2008, 239

of 2012, 14, 15, 20

of 2016, 14–16, 187, 204–6, 236

press releases, 64–67, 128, 283

science and, 160

Price Is Right, The, 246, 23

ProFootballTalk, 35

Project for Excellence in Journalism, 64–65

propaganda, 172, 176

PRWeb, 65

pseudo-events, 116–17, 227–29

pseudo-exclusives, 42

Pulitzer, Joseph, 106, 108, 109

Pulitzer Prize, 106, 112

punishment, mockery, shame, and humiliation, 88, 90, 255–69

Quickish, 35n

quotes, 283

fake, 211–12

taken out of context, 34

Racked NY, 149

Rao, Venkatesh, 100

ReadWriteWeb, 151

reality, 150, 152

blurred line between fake and, 277

extreme versions of, 82–86

and simple vs. complicated narratives, 81, 85, 90, 150

unreality, 203, 231, 271–79

reality television, 97–98, 276

Recode, 148

recursion, 211, 221

see also trading up the chain

Reddit, 4, 17, 23, 29, 99, 272

RedEye, 3

Refinery 29, 87

Reich, Robert, 55

Reifler, Jason, 251

Religion News Service, 36

replication, 222

reporters, see journalists “reports,” 282, 283

reputation, 230–36, 259, 294

research, 27, 58, 148, 160–61

Wikipedia and, 67

see also fact-checking and verification; sources

Resnick, Gideon, 189

Reuters, xv, 39, 69, 251n

Richards, Michael, 42

right-wing conspiracy, 25

Rihanna, 42

Roberts, Roxanne, 243

Robertson, Lindsay, 24, 152

robots, 160, 237

Romney, Mitt, 20

Ronson, Jon, 232n, 258–259

Rosenberg, Scott, 145

RSS, 113, 115

rumors, 217–19, 235, 248, 252, 277n

Russia, 237–39

Trump and, 239

Rutten, Tim, 39

Sacco, Justine, 258, 258, 260

sale of blogs, 44–45, 47

Salon, 99, 175, 180, 180n, 83, 131

Samsung, 46

San Francisco Chronicle, 209

Santelli, Rick, 89–90

satire, 198

scandals, 266–69, 273

Schopenhauer, Arthur, 216

Schulberg, Budd, 20n, 298

Schulz, Kathryn, 221

Scoble, Robert, 67

Scobleizer, 151

scrolling, 147

infinite, 295

Seattle Times, 237

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), 65, 162, 232

Seeking Alpha, 51, 216, 66

Shafer, Jack, 32

shakedowns, 228–30, 241

Shankman, Peter, 69

Sherman, William Tecumseh, 93

Sherover, Max, 24

Sherrod, Shirley, 184–87, 191, 191n, 192

Ship Your Enemies Glitter, 23

shitposting, 2237, 238

Siegler, M. G., 159

Sikh Religious Society, 25

Silicon Alley Insider, 219

Silicon Valley, 46, 228

Silver, Nate, 55, 139

Sinclair, Upton, xix, 120, 243, 251

Sitrick, Michael, 33–34

Slashfood, 56

Slate, 178–79, 200, 32

slideshows, 78–80, 81, 81n, 91, 163

Smith, Ben, 190, 238, 239

Snapchat, 54

snark, 156, 164, 256, 261–63, 265, 268

Snyder, Gabriel, 120

Sony Pictures, 227

Sorkin, Andrew, 208

Sound and Fury: The Making of the Punditocracy (Alterman), 144

sources, 62, 75, 282

anonymous and offhe record, 62, 140, 175

blogs as, 26–27

e-mail and, 67, 151

expert, xv, 69–72

Help a Reporter Out (HARO), xv, 69–71, 75, 286

leaked documents, 4, 62, 63–64, 239, 282

press releases, 64–67

requests for, 70

verification of, 27, 67, 75–76, 149–50

Wikipedia as, 67, 275

Spencer, Richard, xiii

Spicer, Sean, 208

SportsCenter, 156

Starbird, Kate, 237

stocks, 7, 65–66, 216, 219, 233, 234

Stern, Remy, 159

Stewart, Jon, 174–78

Strauss, Neil, 129

Strong, George Templeton, 107

StumbleUpon, 135


blog, 114, 115,

death of, and rebirth of media manipulation, 111–15

headlines and, 123, 125

newspaper, 9104, 105, 109–11, 296, 146

Sullivan, Andrew, 115

Super Bowl, 136

Swinton, John, 183

SXSW, 248

Taboola, 201

Taleb, Nassim, 58, 66

Target, 66

Tea Party, 789, 186

tech blogging, 138

TechCrunch, 44, 46, 66, 151, 159, 209, 216, 217, 228, 277n, 292

Techmeme, 130, 248

TED, 260

TEDx, 199

television, 144, 145, 196–97, 291–92

reality, 97–98, 276

10, 000 Words, 157, 120, 201

TheWatchLounge, 229

Thiel, Peter, 191n, 293

thumbnail cheating, 197–98

Time, 24, 79

TimesPicayune, 72–73, 111

time stamps, 146

tipsters, 107, 256

TMZ, 41–43, 240

Today Show, The, 26, 69

“told reporters,” “hearing reports,” 66, 282

Tolstoy, Leo, 281

Top of the Ticket, 127

toxic blogging, 169–82

Toyota, 234–36

trading up the chain, xvi, 21–38, 211, 277, 286

for charity, 22, 29, 38

entry point in, 27–28

I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell campaign, 2, 30–31, 33

legacy media in, 28–29

national level in, 30

Sherrod story and, 191n

traffic, 78, 91, 98, 134, 136

buying, 135

data on, 120

direct, 113

headlines and, 94–96, 100

leaderboard strategy and, 131, 135

as money, 40–41

referring sources in, 113

scoops and, 41–44

see also pageviews

TreeHugger, 44

trolls, trolling, xviii, 96, 98–99, 161, 181, 188, 190, 226, 237, 256

concern, 181–82

disinformation via, 237

Trow, George W. S., xv, 285–86

Trump, Donald, xiii, xv, 15, 17, 19, 20, 38, 64n, 90, 165, 187, 189, 204, 208, 231. 236, 237, 239, 240, 265, 265n, 278

free publicity given to, 17

Russia and, 239

University of California and, 38

trust, 275

delegation of, 209–13, 223, 297

in written word, 257

truth, 207, 208–209, 230, 272, 281, 296

Turgenev, Ivan, 281

Twitter, xv, 15, 16, 17, 26. 27, 30, 54, 56, 75, 84, 112, 113, 130, 135, 150, 157, 159, 199, 202, 203, 204, 205, 218, 222, 229, 230, 238, 258

airline pilot and, 229–30

fact-checking and, 208, 209

fake accounts on, 236–37

retweets on, 211, 208, 222

Uber, 47, 238

University of California at Berkeley, 38

unreality, 203, 231, 271–79

updates, 146, 203, 212, 243, 244, 247, 248, 250, 251n, 282

see also corrections

Upworthy, 82–84, 85, 123

USA Today, 35, 199, 226

Usenet, 137

user engagement, 96, 112–13, 275

valence, 85–86, 87–88, 89, 139

VandeHei, Jim, 18, 148

Van Veen, Ricky, 199

Vener, Scott, 30

VentureBeat, 47, 264

Verge, 24

verification, see fact-checking and verification

Vice, 16, 57–58

Videogum, 24

videos, 194

see also YouTube Village Voice, 33

ViralNova, 44

Vox, 16

Vox Media, 31n, 233n

Vulture, 24

Walker, Rob, 89

Wallace, Ed, 236, 296

Wall Street Journal, xvi, 25, 28, 129, 130, 175, 251, 296

Warner, Kurt, 34

Warnock, Bryan, 137

Warnock’s Dilemma, 137–38

Warren, Robert Penn, 290

Washington Post, 3, 23, 32, 47, 121n, 126, 156–57, 215, 226, 243, 245

on New York Times, 156–57

Washington Times, 25

Weblogs, Inc., 44, 50, 225–16

Wemple, Erik, 215, 190

Western Journalism Center, 25

What Would Google Do? (Jarvis), 210

White, Charlie, 157

Wikipedia, 284

iterative process in, 249, 252

as source, 67–69

vandalization of pages on, 4, 226

Wilde, Oscar, 256

Williams, Brian, 258, 259

Winchell, Walter, 219, 263n Wired, 28, 100n, 195, 28

witch trials, 256

Wolff, Kurt, 77


substance, 284

written, 253, 284

Yahoo!, 36, 127

Yahoo! Finance, 65

Yahoo! News, 37, 130

Yardbarker, 44

yellow press, 6, 104, 105–108. 112, 120, 125

Yelp, 58, 58, 218,

Yglesias, Matt, 196

Yiannopoulos, Milo, 38, 192

Young, Peter, interview with, 332–44

Young & Sick, 158

YouTube, 22, 54, 184n, 185, 196, 197–98, 230, 292

Partner Program, 198

thumbnail cheating and, 197–98

Zinsser, William, 214