This glossary consists of selected words and phrases and slang that were used in the story. They are defined below as they were understood then in the early 1800’s. When a word has several meanings for that time period, I’ve provided only the definition of the word that fits into the context of the story.
D = Dutch
E = British English
F = French
Ge = Genoese dialect
Gr = Greek
I = Italian
L = Latin
N = Nottingham dialect
P = European Portuguese
S = Spanish
Sc = Scottish
Sw = Swiss German
A bênção meu avô – A blessing, my grandfather (P)
Adesso ti mangio – I’m going to eat you (I)
Adeus – goodbye (P)
Adufe – square-framed drum (P)
Adufiera – adufe player (P)
Ahora te como – I’m going to eat you (S)
Alla salute! – To your health! (I)
Allez! – Gee up! (in reference to a horse) (F)
Amô – love (Ge)
Anjinha – little angel (P)
Apre! – Hey day! (P)
Arre! – Gee up! (in reference to a horse) (P) (S)
Aweel, aweel – Well, well; used for introducing a remark (Sc)
Bardy bairn – mischievous, impertinent child (Sc)
Barouche – a four-wheeled horse-drawn carriage with collapsible hood over the rear half (E)
Basquiña – petticoat (S)
Basta! – Enough! (S)
Bâtard – bastard child (F)
Bât-man – an officer’s servant (E)
Bebê – baby (P)
Boba – fool (P)
Bolsa – a purse; a pouch for traveller to store his necessaries (S)
Bom dia – good day (P)
Breeched – to put a boy into breeches when he reaches a certain age, usually five; prior to that, the custom was that children of both sexes were dressed alike in gowns (E)
Bres drume – brass drum (Sc)
Broo of broth – the liquid part of broth (not the vegetables or other substances) (Sc)
Brood – bread (D)
Bruxa – witch (P)
Bubbies – breasts (E)
Buckskins – breeches made of buckskin (E)
Buenas tardes – good afternoon (S)
Burrinho – little donkey (P)
Cabriolet – a light, hooded two-wheeled chaise drawn by one horse (F)
Cagg – a solemn vow by a soldier not to get drunk for a fixed amount of time (E)
Caixa – a drum used by the Portuguese military (P)
Calai-vos – shush, be quiet (P)
Calash – a light carriage with low wheels and folding hood, drawn by one or two horses (E)
Callidus – crafty, cunning, sly (L)
Capa – cloak (P)
Caza de pasto – public-house (P)
Cerveja – beer (P)
Chum – food (Sc)
Cicisbeo – gentleman escort (I)
Clout – to cuff, to give a heavy blow with the hand (E) (N)
Come ti chiami? – What’s your name? (I)
Con muito gusto – With pleasure (P)
Cortejo – gentleman escort (S)
Court-martial – noun: a judicial court (either military or naval) for the trial of military or naval offences, or the administration of martial law; verb: to try by court-martial (E)
Coxcomb – a foolish, conceited, showy person; a fop, a dandy (E)
Dandy – a man who is excessively concerned about dressing elegantly and fashionably (E)
Derring-do – daring action or feats (literal meaning: daring to do) (E)
Diabo – devil (P)
Dios mío! – My God! (S)
Domingo – Sunday; also, a man’s name when he’s born on a Sunday (S)
Drumhead court-martial – an urgent court-martial held in the battlefield for offenses committed in a military action (E)
Ear trumpet – a small trumpet-shaped device that is held to the ear to help a person hear (E)
En route, hi! – Gee up! (in reference to a horse) (literal meaning: on the way) (F)
Fatigue duty – labour assigned to military men (E)
French courage – French brandy (E)
Gallego – Galician (a person from Galicia in Spain) (P)
Gaol – jail (E)
Gendarme – soldier employed in police duties (F)
Gewgaw – bauble, toy, ornament (E)
Gitanos – gipsies (S)
Gli italiani – Italians (I)
Gooseberry fool – a dish where pureed stewed fruit (gooseberries) is folded into sweet custard (E)
Goose-grog – author’s slang for gooseberry fool dessert awarded to Sofia-Elisabete; grog being a naval term for a drink that is part rum, part water, a daily ration of which was given to sailors (E)
Graça – grace (P)
Hackney – a horse-drawn carriage for hire (E)
Heigh-ho! – exclamation to express a yawn, a sigh, weariness or disappointment (E)
Hey day! – exclamation for wonder, surprise, gaiety, frolicsomeness (E)
Ho fame – I’m hungry (I)
Hoezee – huzzah (D)
Hoyden – boisterous noisy girl; rude, ill-bred girl (E)
Inglaterra – England (P)
Jongetje – little boy (D)
La luna – the moon (S)
Lapin – rabbit (F)
Laranjeiras – orange trees (P)
Laudanum – alcoholic tincture of opium (E)
Lei una strega – She’s a witch (I)
Libertas – freedom (L)
Looby – awkward, stupid, clownish person (E)
Lusitano – Portuguese horse breed related to Spanish Andalusian horse (P)
Lusty – healthy, strong, vigorous (E)
Maan – moon (D)
Majo/Maja – the beaux and belles of the lower classes, with their elaborate dress and cheeky manners, who were imitated by the privileged classes in a show of Spanish nationalism (S)
Mangiamo! – Let’s eat! (I)
Mantilla – veil (S)
Me chamo – My name is (P)
Merci – thank you (F)
Merci vielmal – thank you very much (Sw)
Middling sort – middle class (E)
Minestra – soup (I)
Mira! – Look! (S)
Mon Dieu! – My God! (F)
Mora – an Italian game where each player simultaneously extends any number of their fingers and calls out a number; the player who successfully guesses the total number of fingers revealed by all players combined scores a point (also, Morra) (I)
Mr O. P. Umm – author’s slang for laudanum (E)
Musitioner – musician (Sc)
Namorado – beau (P)
Não – no (P)
Não entendo – I don’t understand (P)
Não vás – Don’t go (P)
Necessary House – privy, latrine (E)
Niños – children (S)
Niver – never (N)
Nobiltà – nobility (I)
Nunca – never (P)
Och! – exclamation of surprise, contempt, annoyance, impatience, or disagreement (E) (Sc) (also, Irish slang)
Oh-lah pa-pai ah-deh-oosh – phonetic spellings for ‘hello papa goodbye’ in Portuguese (P)
Pão – bread (P)
Parritch – a well-known Scots dish, hasty pudding (a porridge of oatmeal or flour boiled in water) (Sc)
Pico – peak; also, a nickname for a man with a big nose (S)
Pobrecito – poor thing (expressing pity for) (S)
Polenta – boiled cornmeal and/or other grains (I)
Por qué? – Why? (S)
Post-chaise – a horse-drawn carriage with postillion, used for carrying mail and passengers (E)
Postillion – rider mounted on horse or one of a pair of horses to guide a horse-drawn coach or post-chaise (E)
Potage au macaroni – macaroni soup (F)
Public-house – pub, tavern (E)
Quality, person of – nobility, high birth or rank, good social position, e.g., a man of quality (E)
Que bella menina – What a beautiful girl (P)
Que estranho – How strange (P)
Qué mal olor – What a bad smell (S)
Qué maravilla – How wonderful (S)
Quizzing glass – a monocle; a single eyeglass with or without a handle (E)
Rum ’un – odd, strange person (E) (N)
Rusticate – to stay or live in the countryside (E)
Sábado – Saturday; also, a man’s name when he’s born on a Saturday (S)
Sardinha – sardine (P)
Scì – yes (Ge)
Sedetevi, per favore – Sit down, please (I)
Sí, cómo no – Yes, of course (S)
Siéntese! – Sit down! (S)
Silencio! – Silence! (S)
Sim – yes (P)
Sofia-Elisabete – our girl hero’s name is pronounced Soo FEE uh Ah lee za BET (P)
Summat – something (N)
Tamborilera – drummer (S)
Tatterdemalion – a person wearing ragged and dirty clothing (E)
Tengo hambre – I’m hungry (S)
Tonto/Tonta – fool (S)
Torero – bullfighter (S)
Très bon – very good (F)
Treacle - molasses (E)
Turnspit – a dog used to turn the roasting-spit; the dog runs in a tread-wheel connected with the spit (E)
Vaarwel – farewell (D)
Valza – waltz (P)
Vete! – Go away! (S)
Villano – villain (S)
Viva! – shortened version of “ora viva!” or “hello there!” (P)
Voto a Dios – I swear to God (colloquial); I vow to God (literal) (S)
Whoam – home (N)
Xanthippe – a nagging, scolding person (Xanthippe, the shrewish wife of Socrates) (Gr)
Yahoo – a filthy, primitive and coarse being described in Gulliver’s Travels (E)
Yi – yes (N)
Zigeuners – gipsies (D)
Zuinig – economical, efficient (D)