READ Psalm 132:11–18. 11 The LORD swore an oath to David, a sure oath that he will not revoke: “One of your own descendants I will place on your throne— 12 if your sons keep my covenant and the statutes I teach them, then their sons will sit on your throne for ever and ever.” 13 For the LORD has chosen Zion, he has desired it for his dwelling, saying, 14 “This is my resting place for ever and ever; here I will sit enthroned, for I have desired it. 15 I will bless her with abundant provisions; her poor will I satisfy with food. 16 I will clothe her priests with salvation, and her faithful people will ever sing for joy. 17 “Here I will make a horn grow for David and set up a lamp for my anointed one. 18 I will clothe his enemies with shame, but the crown on his head will be adorned with a radiant crown.”
ASSURANCE. The emphasis of this psalm is on God’s oath, which he cannot fail to keep. God promised that a descendant of David would bring God’s presence into the world in a way David could hardly ever imagine (verse 11; cf. 2 Samuel 7:11–16). Jesus, the greater David, has indeed come, and he has brought the presence of God into our lives—making us the dwelling place (1 Peter 2:4–10). We are his dwelling place not because we have worked and earned it but because we were chosen by grace (verse 13). You will get no comfort from your salvation if you are not sure you have it. God’s promise assures us that he will never leave us.
Prayer: Lord, “the soul who on Jesus does lean for repose, you will not—you will not—desert to its foes. That soul though all hell should endeavor to shake, you’ll never, no never, no never forsake.”138 I ask that your Spirit speak this truth to my heart (Romans 8:16). Amen.