

Steven never thought he’d see the day when he went to bed with a cat, but there they were. He and Felina had curled up on the bed in their respective animal forms. They had made love -- several times -- after leaving Bertha to torment his Uncle Richard.

Pleasantly exhausted, utterly satisfied, they had assumed their animal forms for rest and simply fallen asleep. When Steven awoke, the familiar black longhaired cat was nestled snugly against his body. Unable to resist, he gently nuzzled her sleek fur with his nose. As he watched, this remarkable woman stretched, yawned, and immediately closed her eyes again.

Steven didn’t know what the future held for them, but he knew he would always be grateful for the time he had with Felina. With any luck, their future would be bright, beautiful, and prosperous.

With any luck, they’d be as content in fifty years as they were at this moment. He smiled. At the very least, he’d never have to replace the spare bedroom window ever again.