11 September 2001, 3, 15

Aconcio, Giacomo, 180

Adorno, Theodor, 4, 6

Africa, 224–26

After Babel (Steiner), 221

Albrow, Martin, 4, 20

alterity, 159, 166

and modernity, 15

Amato, Giuliano, 212

ancient culture, 134, 136, 148

Andenas, Mads, 218

Anders, Günther, 6, 24, 157

Anderson, Benedict, 30

Appadurai, Arjun, 31–33, 64

Modernity at Large, 32

Arab Human Development Report, 236

Der Arbeiter (Jünger), 11, 22

Arendt, Hannah, 130, 136, 138, 185, 208–9, 220, 230

Aristotle, 143, 229

Arouet, François-Marie. See Voltaire

Asia, 48, 61, 227–31

Asian values, 51, 54–55, 59–63, 217, 228, 230

Augé, Marc, 20, 70, 143, 231

Augustine, 20

Ayer, Alfred, 177

Babel (film), 222

Balibar, Étienne, 210

Barber, Benjamin, 28

Barbeyac, 89

Barthes, Roland, 222

Bataille, Georges, 136, 145, 149, 171

on Hegel, 145–46

The Notion of Expenditure, 145

on sacred and society, 149–50

on unproductive expenditure, 145–47

Baudrillard, Jean, 3

Bauman, Zygmunt, 28, 45

Bayle, 177, 179, 181–82

Beck, Ulrich, 19–21, 216, 242

being, 196–97, 245

Bellah, Robert, 160

belonging, 219

and citizenship, 76–77, 161

Bendix, Reinhad, 140

Benhabib, Seyla, 223, 235

Benjamin, Walter, 6, 25, 108

Benveniste, 172

Berlin, Isaiah, 66, 103, 165–68, 173

Bhabha, Homi, 231

Bill of Rights (US), 99

Bin Laden, Osama, 64

biopolitics, 24–25, 39, 97, 189, 191, 217

Bloch, Ernst, 26, 171, 209

Blumenberg, Hans, 110

Bobbio, Norberto, 97, 160

Boccaccio, 179

Böckenförde, Ernst-Wolfgang, 88, 96, 205–7

Bodin, Jean, 102, 113

Colloquium heptaplomeres, 180

body, 188–90, 192, 245

border, 185–86, 189, 191–92, 244

defined, 186

Borges, Jorge Luis, 64

Brague, Rémi, 210

Bretton Woods, 133

Britain, 37

and European Union, 218

Brunner, Otto, 96

Butler, Judith, 189, 245

Caille, Alain, 142

Caillois, Roger, 145, 149–50, 171

Calas, Jean, 176

Calvino, Italo, 178

Candide (Voltaire), 178

Cangiani, Michele, 133

capitalism, 16, 59–60, 131, 134–36, 138–40, 148, 162

and crisis, 132

and domination, 25

and individualism, 217

print, 30

spirit of, 57

as universal uprooting, 162

and unproductive expenditure, 146

Cavalieri, Renzo, 227

Cereno, Benito, 127

Charter of Fundamental Rights (EU), 199–201, 210–11, 215, 219

China, 34, 48–50, 53, 55, 57–58, 60–62, 70, 153, 180–81, 227, 229–30

identity in, 231

and modernity, 58, 60

choice, 234–35

Christianity, 55

and identity, 200

Ciampi, Carlo Azeglio, 200

Cipolla, Carlo, 227

citizenship, 39, 165, 183, 204, 207

and belonging, 76–77, 161


clash of, 15, 27, 46, 226, 230

plurality of, 29, 62

polycentric development of, 54

and religion, 15

See also Occident; Orient

civil law, 86, 99–100, 108n, 117, 170, 218

class, 161–63

Coca-Cola, 143

code, and nature, 191–92

Cohen, Jean, 104

collective, 163

collective democracy, 103

collective identity, 50, 164, 203–4

collective individual, 230

Collège de Sociologie, 142, 146, 149, 153, 171

Colloquium heptaplomeres (Bodin), 180

colonisation, 9, 51, 165–66

Columbus, Christopher, 9–10

the ‘common’, 197, 244–45

common good, 168

common law, 86, 89, 99–100, 108n, 169, 218

communication, 19, 27, 30, 33, 80–81, 84, 193, 195, 204

power of, 81, 84

See also media; technology

Communist Manifesto (Marx and Engels), 23, 163

community, 130

demand for, 30

democracy’s paradox, 173–74, 238, 244

imagined, 19, 30–31, 51, 58, 63–65

and colonisation, 51

in individual, 143–44, 193, 232

invention of, 65

return of, 72


and identity, 15, 17, 19, 41, 44, 64–65, 73, 96, 104, 220

interest vs identity, 104

and modernity, 237, 243

and neutralisation, 94–95, 120

Confucianism, 55–62, 227, 229–31

Constant, Benjamin, 121

constituent power, 205–9


in Africa, 224–25

as foundation of state, 202

no studies on making of, 209

without state, 219

See also Europe, constitutionalisation of

continental model, 10, 86, 94, 98, 100, 103, 170

contingency, 54, 68, 194

and difference, 243

and identity, 82–83


and discontinuity, 4, 20, 241–42

and identity, 196

corporate pluralism, 42, 103, 133, 136

cosmic exile, 233

cosmopolitanism of difference, 232, 239

Costa, Pietro, 87, 90

Crisma, Amina, 226

Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 186

Croce, Benedetto, 118

The Crown as Corporation (Maitland), 89

cultural differences and group identity, 32–33

culture, 167, 235

ancient vs primitive, 134, 136, 148

concept of, and supremacy, 49

and confrontation, 168

and difference, 31–32

global, 34

and identity, 223

importance of, 27–28

and perspective, 170

plurality of, 62

and subject, 103

US monopoly waning, 31

culture/nature, 189

Curtius, Ernst Robert, 109

cyberspace, 22

Dahl, Robert, 173

Dalton, George, 133, 138, 145

De Bary, William Theodore, 58

decisionism, 94, 107, 111–17, 123, 126

etymology of, 115

and law, 114, 116

and normativism, 90–91, 107

and political, 122

and sovereignty, 107, 111

and state, 117

and technology, 122

Declaration of Independence (US), 100, 226

Declaration of the Rights of Man (1789), 100, 226

The Decline of the West (Spengler), 11

Dee, John, General and Rare Memorials Pertaining to the Perfect Art of Navigation, 37

De jure belli ac pacis (Grotius), 180

Deleuze, Gilles, 38, 79, 196, 245

A Thousand Plateaus, 79

Delors, Jacques, 209

democracy, 167–74, 236–38

collective, 103

conceptual problems, 170–71

deliberative, 104

end of, 97

and marginalisation, 169

paradoxical community, 173–74, 238, 244

and subject, 167

and tolerance, 182–83

Denninger, Erhard, 220

Derrida, Jacques, 5–6, 21–23, 25, 70, 147, 210

determinate market, 143

diagonal sciences, 150

différence, 156

difference, 15–16, 30, 43, 77, 82–83, 185–87, 192, 236

and contingency, 243

cosmopolitanism of, 232, 239

and culture, 31–32

and history, 167

and identity, 18, 183, 192, 196–97, 212, 245

Europe between, 212

and modernity, 31, 33

normativity excluded, 104

politics of, 68, 72, 80, 104, 159, 217

production of, 33

sexual, 188–89

and universalism, 105, 161, 168, 170, 223, 243

and world, 196

Die Diktatur (Schmitt), 108

Discours sur l’histoire universelle (Bossuet), 180

disenchantment of world, 47, 54, 56, 58, 141

dispositif, 24, 41, 50, 93, 131, 135, 156, 159, 161, 172, 181, 191, 194, 197, 219

Dizionario di politica (Bobbio, Matteucci, and Pasquino), 160

Dopo il Leviatano (Marramao), 93, 152, 243

Douglas, Mary, 172

Drake, Francis, 9

Dumont, Louis, 162–63

Durkheim, Émile, 170

echo chamber, individual as, 78

economic animal, 145

economy, 132, 135, 139, 143, 148

and modernity, 141

and society, 134, 136, 138

Eisenstadt, S. N., 48, 169

Elster, Jon, 170, 193–94, 209

Empire, 6, 38–40, 243

defined, 39

and sovereignty, 39

end, 7, 85

of democracy, 97

of history, 6, 71

of nation state, 97

of work, 21–22

of world, 7–8

enemy/friend, 118–19, 121, 126

environmentalism, 152

Enzensberger, Hans Magnus, 71

Epistle on Tolerance (Locke), 180

equality, liberty, fraternity, 157, 160–61

Essai sur le don (Mauss), 142, 147

ethics, 69, 73, 78–79, 84, 104, 164, 167


constitutionalisation of, 199–220, 245

Charter of Rights, 199–201, 210–11, 215, 219

constituent power, 205–9

Grimm on, 202–3

Habermas on, 203–5

between identity and difference, 212

cultural heritage, 218

defined, 212

and euro, 215

exception of, 50–51

and globalisation, 217

from protected to risk, 201

and United States, 203, 210

xenophobia in, 216

European Law Journal, 202

European Union, 199, 202–3, 210, 212, 215–16, 218, 225

and Britain, 218

Ex Captivitate Salus (Schmitt), 108, 125

excess, 141, 145–46, 149

fanaticism, 176, 181

feminism, 43, 77, 82, 104, 187, 189, 192, 245

Fernández, Macedonio, 3

Ferrajoli, Luigi, 101–2

Figgis, John Neville, 99

finitude, 12, 187

Fiorvianti, Maurizio, 87, 219

Fischer, Joschka, 204

flourishing, 234–35

Focus, 209

Fondazione Basso, 199, 201, 218

Foucault, Michel, 93, 145, 171, 187

Fraenkel, Ernst, 103

Fraser, Nancy, 235

fraternity, 160–61

free market, 132–33

Freud, Sigmund, 170, 221

friend/enemy, 118–19, 121, 126

Fukuyama, Francis, 6, 14, 153

fundamentalism, 19, 54, 64, 169, 183, 232, 235

business, 57

and community, 30

and market, 142

and Occident, 80

proliferation of, 33

fundamental rights, 99–100

Galimberti, Umberto, 24

Geertz, Clifford, 171

Gehlen, Arnold, 158

Gellner, Ernest, 233

General and Rare Memorials Pertaining to the Perfect Art of Navigation (Dee), 37

Gentili, Alberico, 95, 124

Giannini, Massimo Severo, 96, 107

Giddens, Anthony, 19–20, 209

Gierke, Otto von, 99

gift, 147–48

Gilson, Etienne, 6


criterion of, 25–26

false premise of, 131

as metanarrative, 20

as presence of the absent, 19

See also locality

global age, 2, 4, 20, 63, 126–27

globalisation, 1–68, 72, 97, 214–15

change in order, 1–3, 13

circumnavigable globe, 8–10

continuity/discontinuity, 4, 20, 241–42

and crisis of market, 131

and difference, 31

and Europe, 217

first use of, 13

and individualism, 230

lexicography of, 5

and locality, 35, 153

and modernity, 8–9

and mondializzazione, 5–8, 10, 12, 14, 25–26

originality of, 35

question of, 46

turning point of, 10–11

understanding of, 14

and unity, 27, 29

and unversalism, 215

and Western culture, 9–10

and world-picture, 8–9

See also localisation


circumnavigable, 8–10

and world, 5, 12–13

The Globe (Shakespeare), 37

glocal, 14–16, 26–29, 31, 33, 36, 72, 97, 153, 185, 214, 216, 242

defined, 34–35

glocalisation, 28–29, 32, 34

Gnoli, Antonio, 22

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 158

Gonzáles Iñárritu, Alejandro, 222

Gramsci, Antonio, Prison Notebooks, 143

The Great Transformation (Polanyi), 129, 133, 137

Grimm, Dieter, 202–4

‘Does Europe Need a Constitution?’, 202

Grossi, Paolo, 87, 90

Grotius, Ugo, De jure belli ac pacis, 180

Guattari, Félix, 38

A Thousand Plateaus, 79

Guéhenno, Jean-Marie, 97

Gutmann, Amy, 235

Habeas Corpus Bill (1679), 99

Habermas, Jürgen, 20, 35, 52, 66–67, 74–75, 140, 199, 202, 211–12, 214–15, 219, 228, 233, 243

on European constitutionalisation, 203–5

The Postnational Constellation, 199

Hamlet, 237

happiness, 234–35

Haraway, Donna, 82, 189, 192, 196, 245

Hardt, Michael, 38–39

Harvey, David, 26

Havel, Václav, 209

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 6, 8–10, 30, 103, 145, 167, 187, 197, 205, 221

Bataille on, 145–46

Lessons on the Philosophy of History, 48

on Orient/Occident, 48–49

Heidegger, Martin, 7–8, 11, 22–23, 52–53, 70, 84, 123, 187, 243

Heller, Herman, 117

Herder, Johann Gottfried, 6, 78, 103–4, 167–68

Hintze, Otto, 96

Hirschman, Albert O., 132

history, 6

and difference, 167

end of, 6, 71

faith in universal, 53

and Voltaire, 180, 182

Hobbes, Thomas, 13, 35–37, 40, 42, 89–90, 102–3, 109, 114, 124, 138, 159, 205, 211, 213–14, 219, 237

Leviathan, 89, 237

Hobsbawm, Eric J., 136

Honneth, Axel, 235

Hooke, Samuel, 171

human flourishing, 234–35

humanity, 158

human nature, 104, 135

Humboldt, Alexander von, 9

Hume, David, 196

Hunaidi, Rima Khalaf, 236

Huntington, Samuel, 14–15, 27, 29

hybrid, 232–33

Ianni, Octavio, 16

Ibn ‘Arabi, 231

identity, 233

Chinese, 231

and Christianity, 200

collective, 50, 164, 203–4

and conflict, 15, 17, 19, 41, 44, 64–65, 73, 96, 104, 220

and contingency, 82–83

and continuity, 196

crisis of, 189

and cultural differences, 32–33

and culture, 223

and difference, 18, 183, 192, 196–97, 212, 245

Europe between, 212

and Europe, 50–51, 205, 212

multiple, 193–94, 196

pluralism of, 42–43, 96, 232

politics of, 33, 44, 68, 104

proliferation of, 27, 65

and subjectivity, 193

and technocracy, 98

and universalism, 156

Identity and Violence (Sen), 233

imagined community, 19, 30–31, 51, 58, 63–65

and colonisation, 51

imperialism, 3, 39, 79

India, 34, 48, 50, 53, 55, 60, 62, 153, 230–31, 234

individual, 81–82, 130, 195

collective, 230

community within each, 143–44, 193, 232, 245

defined, 72

as echo chamber, 78

and technocracy, 98

individualism, 60, 143–44, 161, 163, 217, 230

industrialisation, 135, 152

industrial revolution, 24, 126, 190, 214

inside/outside, 18–19, 36, 38, 53, 241

International Monetary Fund, 40, 133

Islam, 29, 34, 43, 46, 54–55, 60, 225–26, 232

Jameson, Fredric, 64

Jaspers, Karl, 47–54, 243

Origin and Goal of History, 47

Jellinek, Georg, 100

Jonas, Hans, 24, 158

Jullien, François, 226

Jünger, Ernst, 2, 11, 123, 126

Der Arbeiter, 11, 22

Jünger, Friedrich Georg, 23

jurisprudence, 124–25

justice, 75

Kafka, Franz, 79

Kairós (Marramao), 190, 194

Kant, Immanuel, 6, 8, 35, 78, 103, 113, 164, 186–87, 234

Critique of Pure Reason, 186

Kantorowicz, Ernst, 99

Kelsen, Hans, 40, 91–92, 94, 107–8, 113, 116–17, 120–21, 167–68, 206, 211

Keynes, John Maynard, 135, 137

Kirchheimer, Otto, 120

knowledge, concept of, and supremacy, 49

Kojève, Alexandre, 146

Kroeber, Alfred, 32

The Labyrinth, 171

La Mothe le Vayer, 181

Lamprecht, Karl, 139

land, 109, 125–26. See also sea language, 78–79, 191

Lasch, Christopher, 160

latitudinarianism, 179


civil, 86, 99–100, 108n, 117, 170, 218

common, 86, 89, 99–100, 108n, 169, 218

and decisionism, 114, 116

jurisprudence, 124–25

and land, 125

negative conception of, 93

Roman, 86, 90, 108n, 117, 141

and Schmitt, 107–8

and sovereignty, 101–2

and state, 90–92, 99, 102

legality and legitimacy, 116, 205

Leninism, 162

Lessons on the Philosophy of History (Hegel), 48

Leviathan (Hobbes), 89, 237

L’Hôpital, Michel de, 105

liberty, equality, fraternity, 157, 160–61

life, 189

philosophy of, 115

See also biopolitics

lifestyle, 234, 241

limit-concept, 111, 114, 186–87

localisation, 5, 9, 19, 26–27, 35, 39, 72, 153, 189, 214–15.

See also global; globalisation; glocal; glocalisation


and globalisation, 35, 153

production of, 29–31, 33, 35, 242

Locke, John, 113, 177, 179–80, 182

Epistle on Tolerance, 180

logocentrism, 67, 156, 188–89

Löwith, Karl, 6, 123

Luhmann, Niklas, 17–20, 39

Lukes, Steven, 155–56

Lyotard, Jean-François, 20, 26

Maastricht Treaty, 212

Machiavelli, Niccolò, 89

MacIntyre, Alasdair, 160

Magellan, Ferdinand, 9

Magris, Claudio, 71

Maier, Charles S., 103

Recasting Bourgeois Europe, 137

Maimonides, 231

Maitland, William, 99

The Crown as Corporation, 89

Malinowski, Bronisław, 148

Marcuse, Herbert, 182

marginalisation, 169

market, 138–39

and capitalism, 134, 136

crisis of, 131, 135

determinate, 143

instability of, 132–33

religion of, 142

society irreducible to, 142–43

and state, 129–32, 185, 220

marketism, 139

Marramao, Giacomo:

Dopo il Leviatano, 93, 152, 243

Kairós, 190, 194

Minima temporalia, 190

Potere e secolarizzazione, 20, 110

Die Säkularisierung der westlichen Welt, 110

Marsilio of Padua, 180

Marx, Karl, 16, 136, 138–39, 143, 162–63, 187, 227

Communist Manifesto, 23, 163

mass society, 136–37

Matteucci, Nicola, 160

Mauss, Marcel, 145, 148–50, 170

Essai sur le don, 142, 147

Mayer, Hans, 120

McLuhan, Marshall, 16–17, 30

media, 2, 4, 20, 30–31, 80–81, 203, 216

multimedia, 20, 73, 80–81

See also communication; technology

Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, Signs, 49

metaphysics, 196–97

Minima temporalia (Marramao), 190

Mirabeau, Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, comte de, 182

modernity, 8–9, 13–15, 19, 30, 162, 226

and alterity, 15

beginning of, 126

and China, 58, 60

and conflict, 237

decline of, 97

and difference, 31, 33

and economy, 141

and excess, 145

first to second, 20, 242

and nostalgia, 65

and Occident, 241

Polanyi on, 138

solid into liquid, 45

and sovereignty, 101

and state, 88, 90, 130

successive epochs of, 21

and tradition, 58

transition of, 223

as universal uprooting, 162

and unproductive expenditure, 147

and values, 148

Weber on, 59

and Westphalia, 36

Modernity at Large (Appadurai), 32

Mommsen, Wolfgang, 140

mondializzazione, 5–8, 10, 12, 14, 23, 25–26, 35. See also globalisation

Montaigne, Michel de, 180–81, 229

Morin, Edgar, 157

multiculturalism, 44, 77, 224, 232, 235

multimedia, 20, 73, 80–81

multitude, 243, 245

mundus, 5, 7, 10, 13, 24. See also global

Musil, Robert, 221

mythos to logos, 48

Myth and Ritual, 171

Nancy, Jean-Luc, 6

nation-state, 13

crisis of, 216

disorder after, 13, 35–36

end of, 97

and fraternity, 161

as imaginary community, 19, 31

and nostalgia, 64

and technology, 23

and world-modernity, 41

nature, 168–69, 181–82

and code, 191–92

concept of, 190

nature/culture, 189

Negri, Antonio, 38–39

Neumann, Franz, 137–38

neutralisation, 36, 41, 44, 73–75, 77, 94–95, 114, 120–24, 159

New Deal, 42, 137

New World, 9, 35, 214

NGOs (non-governmental organisations), 40

Nietzsche, Friedrich, 24, 69, 115, 197

Nobel Prize, 158

nomos, 125

Der Nomos der Erde (Schmitt), 94, 109–10, 125–26

non-places, 70–71, 143


and decisionism, 90–91, 107

difference excludes, 104

and rationalism, 138, 142, 150–51

nostalgia, 63–65, 72

Notion of the State (Passerin d’Entrèves), 89

The Notion of Expenditure (Bataille), 145

Nous et les autres (Todorov), 156

Nussbaum, Martha, 160, 234

object, and subject, 191


assertions of, 165–66

continental model, 10, 86, 94, 98, 100, 103, 170

and domination, 151

and fundamentalism, 80

heterogeneity of, 54, 62, 230–31

and modernity, 241

oceanic model, 10, 86, 98, 169

‘only in the West’, 140, 145

and Orient, 10, 15, 47–63, 158, 231

Asian values, 51, 54–55, 59–63, 217, 228, 230

European exception, 50–51

Hegel on, 48–49

mythos to logos, 48

and other, 50–52, 233–34

passage to, 4, 15–16, 65, 68, 241

supremacy of, 48–52, 63, 151

and technology, 50, 52, 80

two halves of, 86–87

See also Western culture; Western rationalism

ocean. See sea

oceanic model, 10, 86, 98, 169

Ockham, William of, 179

Oestreich, Gerhard, 96

Offe, Claus, 215

okzidentaler Rationalismus. See Western rationalism

Oppenheimer, Franz, 139


heterogeneity of, 54, 62, 230–31

as homogeneous, 61

and Occident, 10, 15, 47–63, 158, 231

Asian values, 51, 54–55, 59–63, 217, 228, 230

European exception, 50–51

Hegel on, 48–49

mythos to logos, 48

Western supremacy, 48–52, 63, 151

Orientalism, 62, 231

Origin and Goal of History (Jaspers), 47

Ortiz, Renato, 16

Osterhammel, Jürgen, 227

other, 82, 196, 231

and Occident, 50–52, 233–34

and politics, 237

outside/inside, 18–19, 241

Panikkar, Raimon, 234

Panofsky, Erwin, 9

Parfit, Derek, 83, 194

Reasons and Persons, 193

Parsons, Talcott, Structure of Social Action, 13

Pasqualotto, Giangiorgio, 227

Pasquino, Gianfranco, 160

Passerin d’Entrèves, Alessandro, 89

Notion of the State, 89

the people, 121, 163, 203–4, 207, 211

persona ficta, 90–91

persuasion, 159

Philoctetes (Sophocles), 82

Philosophical Dictionary (Voltaire), 181

Pizzorno, Alessandro, 171, 212

pluralism, 42–43, 62, 68, 167, 204, 232

corporate, 42, 103, 133, 136

Polanyi, Karl, 129–53

on capitalism, 136, 138

and economic, 138–39

on economy and society, 134, 136, 138

‘Economy as Instituted Process’, 139

and gift, 147–48

The Great Transformation, 129, 133, 137

on individualism, 60, 143–44

‘Our Obsolete Market Mentality’, 134, 152

Primitive, Archaic and Modern Economies, 145

on rationalism, 130

on sacred and society, 149–50

state and market, 129–32

themes in, 134–35

and unproductive expenditure, 145–47

and Weber, 134, 138–41, 150–51

the political, 40–41, 123, 126–27

crisis of, 2, 65

and decisionism, 122

defined, 118–20

justice, 75

and nomos, 125

vs political theology, 121

and state, 117, 119

terms, 90

Political Liberalism (Rawls), 44, 74–75

Political Romanticism (Schmitt), 108, 116

Political Theology (Schmitt), 111

political theology, 111–17

vs political, 121

politics, 68

bio-, 24–25, 39, 97, 189, 191, 217

and conflict of values, 67

deficit of, 215

friend/enemy, 118–19, 121, 126

and other, 237

and perspective, 170

and public sphere, 185

and religion, 13, 36

techno-, 98

and technology, 2

of translation, 238

without state, 219

Polybius, 6, 40

Popper, Karl, 182

postmodernism, 20–21

The Postnational Constellation (Habermas), 199

Potere e Secolarizzazione (Marramao), 20, 110

power, 70, 93, 100–101, 172–73

constituent, 205–9

Primitive, Archaic and Modern Economies (Polanyi), 145

primitive culture, 134, 136, 148

Prison Notebooks (Gramsci), 143

privatisation, 130

Prodi, Paolo, 87, 91

Protestantism, 56, 58, 60

public sphere, 66–67, 201

and politics, 185

Pufendorf, Samuel von, 89

Puritanism, 57, 60

rational behavior, 164–65, 167, 170

rational dialogue, 159

rationalism, 64, 67, 166–67

and crisis of state, 131

and economic, 139

Enlightenment, 112

and excess, 141

and norm, 138, 142, 150–51

Polanyi on, 130

polycentric development of, 54

vs religion, 47

vs tradition, 56

and unproductive expenditure, 147

utilitarian, 73–74, 142

Western, 45–48, 50, 55, 59, 110, 119, 123–24, 134, 140–41, 151, 157, 160, 171, 234, 237

and domination, 151

and jurisprudence, 124

liberty, equality, fraternity, 157, 160–61

Rawls, John, 42, 44, 66, 165, 232, 243

Political Liberalism, 44, 74–75

A Theory of Justice, 74

Reasons and Persons (Parfit), 193

Recasting Bourgeois Europe (Maier), 137

recognition, 44–45, 151, 159, 165, 183, 217, 223, 235–37

indifference towards, 159

and tolerance, 183

Reflections on the World Today (Valéry), 1–3, 12, 53

Relectiones (Vitoria), 102


and civilisations, 15

of market, 142

and politics, 13, 36

vs rationalism, 47

of redemption, 56

universal, 56

See also tolerance

Resta, Eligio, 219

Revue du Mauss, 142

rex, 172

Rifkin, Jeremy, 22

rights, 97–100, 102, 165, 168, 182, 209, 219–20, 224–26, 228–29, 236–37

and belonging, 161

and sovereignty, 100

and technocracy, 98

ritual, 172

Robertson, Roland, 26–28, 34

Rodotà, Stefano, 97, 215

Roetz, Heiner, 48

Roman law, 86, 90, 108n, 117, 141

Romano, Santi, 88, 99

Rome, 6

Rorty, Richard, 160

Rusconi, Gian Enrico, 215

sacred, and society, 149–50, 170–71

Said, Edward, 50, 62, 230

Die Säkularisierung der westlichen Welt (Marramao), 110

Salsano, Alfredo, 130

Sandel, Michael, 160

Sassen, Saskia, 17

Schluchter, Wolfgang, 140

Schmitt, Carl, 2, 6, 37, 91–92, 94–95, 107–27, 148, 204, 206, 208

books by, 109–10

Ex Captivitate Salus, 108, 125

Die Diktatur, 108

and Hobbes, 109

and land, 109, 125–26

and law, 107–8

legality and legitimacy, 116

Der Nomos der Erde, 94, 109–10, 125–26

‘Nomos Nahme Name’, 125

Political Romanticism, 108, 116

Political Theology, 111

on sovereignty, 112

‘Der Staat als Mechanismus bei Hobbes und Descartes’, 109

on state, 110–11, 124

thought of, 110

and Weber, 116

‘Das Zeitalter der Neutralisierungen und Entpolitisierungen’, 121

Schmitter, Philippe, 35, 213

Schröder, Gerhard, 204

Schumpeter, Joseph, 136

sea, 10, 37, 109, 119, 126–27. See also land

secularisation, 13–14, 18, 33–34, 37, 46, 86, 95, 102, 110, 121, 123–24, 141, 171, 226, 232, 242

security, 21

self, 81–82, 193–96

as echo chamber, 78

Sen, Amartya, 59–63, 66, 153, 217, 228, 231, 233

continuity thesis, 4

Identity and Violence, 233

on stereotypes, 61–62

Serres, Michel, 68, 70

Severino, Emanuele, 23

sexual difference, 188–89

Shakespeare, William, 37

Sieyès, Abbé, 207–8

signification, 7–8

Signs (Merleau-Ponty), 49

Sinibaldo dei Fieschi, 91

Sloterdijk, Peter, 8–9

Smith, Adam, 135

society, 17–19, 130

and economy, 134

irreducible to market, 142–43

mass, 136–37

and sacred, 149–50, 170–71

and unproductive expenditure, 146–47

Sociology of Religion (Weber), 51, 54, 57, 59, 140, 227

Sombart, Werner, 136, 139

Sophocles, Philoctetes, 82

Soros, George, 131–33

sovereignty, 13, 72, 86, 88, 90–92, 171, 173, 205, 207, 243

and decisionism, 107, 111

defined, 112–14

dispersal of, 212

and Empire, 39–40

erosion of, 41

fragmentation of, 97

and interiorization, 38

internal/external, 101–2

and law, 101–2

manager as, 98

and modernity, 101

neutralize conflict between subjects, 94–95, 120

and persona ficta, 90–91

pluralisation of, 103

and political, 119

and rights, 100

and state, 90, 93, 131

and subject, 103

twilight of, 85

as unproductive expenditure, 146

space-time compression, 19, 26–28, 63, 65

Spengler, Oswald, The Decline of the West, 11

Spinelli, Altiero, 205

state, 13, 35–36, 40–41, 72–73, 124, 137, 170

before and after, 152, 216

and class, 162

constitution as foundation of, 202

and decisionism, 117

decline of, 94–95, 98

defined, 88

early uses of, 89–90

inside/outside, 36, 38

and law, 90–92, 99, 102

and market, 129–32, 185, 220

and modernity, 88, 90, 130

and nature, 169

neutralize conflict between subjects, 94–95, 120

and nomos, 125

and nostalgia, 64

and political, 117, 119

politics without, 219

and rights, 100

Schmitt on, 110–11, 124

society without, 90, 96

and sovereignty, 90, 93, 131

and technology, 23–24

Welfare, 19, 42, 130

without constitution, 219

world, 35, 38, 40

Steiner, George, After Babel, 221

Stiglitz, Joseph, 131

Stirner, Max, 115

Structure of Social Action (Parsons), 13

subject, 97, 194–95

artificial, 90–91

and culture, 103

and democracy, 167

as multitude, 245

and object, 191

production of, 242–43

and sovereignty, 103

state neutralizes conflict between, 94–95, 120

and technology, 122

subjectivity, 79, 192, 242

and identity, 193

production of, 242–43, 245

suffering, 238

symbolism, 67, 132, 167–68

Taubes, Jacob, 6

Taylor, Charles, 160

technocosm, 24

technocracy, 98

technology, 11–12, 14, 20, 22–25, 46, 72, 80–81, 84, 122, 124, 127, 152

and compression, 27

and decisionism, 122

as destiny, 84, 122

and domination, 24, 126

Earth as spaceship, 126

metaphorical power of, 81

and nation state, 23

and Occident, 50, 52–53, 80

and politics, 2

and state, 23–24

and subject, 122

and work, 22

See also communication; media; time-space compression

technopolitics, 98

techno-science, 23

telephone, 80

Tenbruck, Friedrich, 140

theology, political, 111–17

A Theory of Justice (Rawls), 74

Thom, René, 18

A Thousand Plateaus (Deleuze and Guattari), 79

time-space compression, 19, 26–28, 63, 65

Tocqueville, Alexis de, 162

Todorov, Tzvetan, Nous et les autres, 156

tolerance, 176–83

and democracy, 182–83

in Encyclopédie, 182

and human condition, 182

in Philosophical Dictionary, 181

and recognition, 183

Tönnies, Ferdinand, 139

totalitarianism, 136–38, 209

Touraine, Alain, 20

Toynbee, Arnold, 123


invention of, 30, 65

and modernity, 58

Traité sur la tolérance (Voltaire), 175–79, 181, 238

Tu Wei Ming, 58

uncertainty, 25, 45

United States, 14, 75, 104

American Dream, 78

Bill of Rights, 99

Declaration of Independence, 100, 226

and Empire, 39

and Europe, 203, 210

monopoly waning, 31

nation of citizens, 204

neoconservative ideology, 232

New Deal, 42, 137

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 226

universalism, 139–40, 142–43, 151, 153, 226

big chill of, 159

citizenship vs belonging, 161

and class, 161–63

and destiny, 169

and difference, 105, 161, 168, 170, 223, 243

and globalisation, 215

liberty, equality, fraternity, 157, 160–61

paradoxes of, 155–64

and universal uprooting, 162

and values, 155–56

See also Western culture; Western rationalism

universal uprooting, 31, 84, 162

unproductive expenditure, 145–47

utilitarianism, 73–74, 142–43, 149, 164

Valéry, Paul, 38

Reflections on the World Today, 1–3, 12, 53

values, 66, 83, 167, 209–10, 224

conflict of, 74–76, 155, 164–66

and modernity, 148

and politics, 67

rules supplant, 98

and universalism, 155–56

and universal uprooting, 162

Vattimo, Gianni, 194

Veca, Salvatore, 25

Vitoria, Francisco de, Relectiones, 102

Volpi, Franco, 22

Voltaire, François-Marie Arouet de, 96, 175–83, 237

Candide, 178

and history, 180, 182

latitudinarianism, 179

motifs in, 177

Traité sur la tolérance, 175–79, 181, 238

Zadig, 178

Wagner, Richard, 85

Wallerstein, Immanuel, 27, 34

Wall Street Crash, 135

Walzer, Michael, 76, 160

Wang Bin, 231

Weber, Max, 16, 47, 50–51, 54–60, 115, 123, 136, 145, 150, 153, 162, 170–71, 227, 242

legality and legitimacy, 116

marketism, 139

on modernity, 59 ‘only in the West’, 140, 145

and Polanyi, 134, 138–41, 150–51

and Schmitt, 116

Sociology of Religion, 51, 54, 57, 59, 140, 227

Welfare State, 19, 42, 130

West. See Occident

Western culture, 140–41

ancient vs primitive, 134, 136

and globalisation, 9–10

origins of, 134, 141

supremacy of, 48–52, 140, 151

See also Occident; universalism

Western-Eastern Divan, 53, 158

Westernisation, 10

Western rationalism, 45–48, 50, 55, 59, 110, 119, 123–24, 134, 140–41, 151, 157, 160, 171, 234, 237

liberty, equality, fraternity, 157, 160–61

See also Occident; universalism

Westphalia, 13, 35–37, 41–42, 94, 213, 216, 233

and modernity, 36

Williams, Bernard, 73, 165–66

Winckelmann, Johannes, 140

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 11, 191, 193


end of, 21–22

homogeneity of, 26


change in order of, 1–3, 13, 245

circumnavigable, 8–10

and difference, 196

disenchantment of, 47, 54, 56, 58, 141

end of, 7–8

finite, 12, 38, 53

and globe, 5, 12–13

modernity, 14–16, 34, 41, 46, 58, 63–64, 230

notion of, 5

picture of, 8–9

sense of, 7

society, 17–19

state, 35, 38, 40

system, 27, 29, 34

World Bank, 40, 133

World Conference on Human Rights (Asia), 228

Wright, Georg Henrik von, 92

Zadig (Voltaire), 178

zoon politikón, 143

economic animal, 145