Diana Cosby
This book is dedicated to Eric, Stephanie, and Christopher, my amazing children, who are truly blessings in my life. I want to thank each of you for being who you are, and for your service to our country. I’m proud to be your mom. God bless. I love each of you so much. *Hugs*
I am truly thankful for the immense support from my parents, family, and friends. My deepest wish is that everyone is as blessed when they pursue their dreams.
My sincere thanks and humble gratitude to my editors, Alicia Condon and Megan Records; my agent, Holly Root; my critique partners, Shirley Rogerson, Mary Forbes, and Michelle Hancock. Your hard work has helped make the magic of this story come true. A huge thanks as well to Joseph Hasson for brainstorming Highland Vampire with me and allowing the magic of this story to breathe life. A special thanks to Sulay Hernandez for believing in me from the start.
And, thanks to the Roving Lunatics (Mary Beth Shortt and Sandra Hughes) and the Wild Writers for their friendship as continued amazing support!