Chapter Twenty-One

She drove up to the hotel just after ten o’clock and found Martin standing outside on the pavement with a broad smile on his face.

He climbed into the passenger seat and reached over to kiss her. He looked and felt very good and he smelt fresh and clean. She relaxed against him and enjoyed what turned out to be a long, passionate kiss. In his arms, the doubts she had been experiencing seemed to melt away. When they finally separated, she kept tight hold of him and looked deep into his eyes.

‘I am so very glad you came to see me. Very glad indeed.’ And she meant it.

‘Me, too.’

She reached down and caught his left knee with her hand. ‘So, where would you like to go? Do you know Florence, or this part of Tuscany?’

‘Florence, yes. I’ve been there a couple of times; first on a school trip and the second time only last year.’ He grinned at her. ‘It was part of our rugby tour, so I maybe didn’t see quite as much of the historical stuff as I should have done. My lasting memory is of scoring a try under the posts. And, yes, we beat the crap out of them.’

‘So, how about this for a plan? If you haven’t seen it, you really should visit San Gimignano and maybe one or two of the other medieval towns nearby. We can stop off somewhere for some lunch and then, if you’re up for it, we’ll call back to the villa this afternoon for tea. That way, I can introduce you to Vicky.’ She squeezed his knee before releasing it ‘How does that sound?’

‘You are the best tour guide ever. I put myself entirely in your hands.’

The drive into the hills south west of Florence took them through Montespertoli where Tom had been staying. Katie even spotted their house off to one side as they drove through. She did her best not to think of any other men. Today would be all about her and Martin. The sky had returned to clear blue and the views were delightful. They drove straight to the hilltop town of San Gimignano and managed to find a space in the packed car park. Rows of coaches occupied the coach park and their occupants had spread throughout the town. Katie and Martin walked in through the old gates and fought their way through the crowds in the main street.

‘Popular place.’ Katie was hanging onto Martin’s arm, partly out of affection and partly so as to capitalise on his strength to bulldoze a way through. She smiled up at him.

‘Anybody who’s anybody has to visit San Gimignano. I tell you what, though; we’ll forget the idea of stopping here for lunch. Seeing as we’ve got the car, we’ll look for somewhere a bit quieter outside of town.’

‘Fancy an ice cream to be getting on with?’

They walked around the beautiful, if claustrophobic, town for almost an hour, ate ice creams and just enjoyed each other’s company. He was very impressed with the town and with her.

‘You love it here in Tuscany, don’t you? I can see you made a great career choice.’

She grinned up at him. ‘Yes, but I fear it’s going to be a very short career. The way Vicky’s taken to all things twenty-first century, I don’t think it’ll be long before she doesn’t need me any more.’ She paused, saddened by the thought. ‘I tell you this, though, Martin, I really hope she and I stay friends. I really do think of her as a very good friend, one of my very best friends.’

‘I’m looking forward to meeting her.’

‘I’m sure you’re going to like her.’

It turned out that Martin liked Vicky a lot.

After lunch in a little restaurant with magnificent views out over the Tuscan hills, and a visit to the smaller, but nonetheless very beautiful town of Certaldo, they returned to the opera singer’s villa at just before four o’clock. They found Vicky in the back garden, sunbathing on a sun bed. The tan she had acquired on the beach earlier in the week and the expensive bikini went very well together. Katie glanced across at Martin and saw that his eyes were out on stalks. She smiled to herself.

‘Hi, Vicky, here’s Martin.’ She led him across to greet her. ‘Mr Martin Lomas, Miss Victoria Chalker-Pyne. Say hello nicely.’

‘Hello, Martin.’ Vicky extended her hand. He took it and shook it formally.

‘Victoria, hi. Wow, Katie told me you were attractive, but she didn’t say how very attractive. I’m very pleased to meet you.’ Katie was delighted at how gallant he was being. For her part, Vicky looked charmed.

‘Well, if I’m allowed to compliment my friend’s boyfriend, I have to say that Katie’s description of you didn’t do you justice.’ She led the way back into the house and Katie couldn’t help noticing the way Martin’s eyes followed the sinuous movement of Vicky’s hips and bottom as she disappeared through the kitchen door. It’s always good when your friends approve of your choice of boyfriend and vice versa, but her pleasure was somewhat blunted by the expression on his face. It was not dissimilar to that of Dante when there was food in the offing.

While Vicky went off to put on some clothes, Katie busied herself making the tea. She felt Martin come up behind her and kiss her neck. ‘What a cracker!’

‘I hope that’s me you’re talking about.’ She half-turned towards him. ‘It looked like you were about to climb into Vicky’s bikini out there for a moment.’

‘She does look rather good in it, I’ll give you that.’ He kissed her ear. ‘But I was very definitely talking to you.’

She gave a happy sigh and then, gently, pushed him away. ‘Now, get out of the way and let me make the tea.’

Vicky reappeared in the short denim skirt and the new T-shirt with Snoopy on it. Katie studied it critically. Yes, it was a good fit. Martin was also studying it. He was doing his best to read the words in Italian that were written just below her breasts. ‘Snoopy contro il Barone Rosso. Even I can understand that. Cool T-shirt, Vicky!’

‘Chosen by Katie.’ She turned to Martin. ‘Would you believe I’d never heard of Snoopy until a few short weeks ago? That’s just one of innumerable things I have to thank her for. It’s amazing how much has happened in the past twenty years that I’ve still got to discover.’ She leant forward, her elbows on the table. ‘So what do you do, Martin?’

‘I’m a lawyer.’ He smiled across at her. ‘I didn’t have a lot of choice in the matter. My father’s a solicitor and so’s my brother. I’ve been at it now for almost ten years.’

‘Do you enjoy it?’

‘I suppose I do. I do company law, rather than the more exciting stuff, but I suppose I do quite enjoy it. What about you? Have you considered a career?’

Victoria smiled at him. ‘I’ve decided I want to go to university. I’ve been studying history, languages, literature and art all my life so something different might be a challenge. Do you think law might be the answer?’

‘If you’re not afraid of books and you’ve got a half decent memory, I’m sure you’d enjoy law. Any idea which university?’

They chatted more about universities and then Martin changed the subject to Katie and her future. ‘So, Katie, what about you?’

She looked across at Vicky. ‘Before too long, you aren’t going to need me any more, Vicky. Like Mary Poppins, my job is almost done.’

‘Mary Poppins?’

Katie immediately saw that this was another in the Snoopy category. ‘A film. Probably not in the top 100 you need to see. Anyway, like I say, I have no doubt you could hack it on your own in the big wide world quite easily now, or if not now, then before very long.’

Vicky looked worried, the old insecurity still visible in her eyes. ‘Hack; it means manage, right? Oh I’m not so sure about that. You’ve done ever so much in a just a few weeks, but there’s still a good long way to go.’ Vicky suddenly remembered something. ‘By the way, Rosina came along just after lunch to say that it looks as though the paparazzi have finally moved on. She and Nando think we could go home tomorrow.’

Katie was glad that the conversation had veered away from her future plans.

‘Anyway,’ Vicky addressed Martin. ‘I thought we could maybe have a little celebration lunch here tomorrow, before we go. I’ve invited another English friend of ours called Paul. He says he can come. Would you like to join us, Martin? You’d be very welcome.’ Katie had already asked him about this, so he was primed.

‘I’d love to, thank you.’ Martin glanced at his watch and pulled himself to his feet. ‘After our lunch today, and with the prospect of another big lunch tomorrow, I need some exercise. If you don’t mind, I think I’ll pop off now and run back to the hotel.’

‘Run all the way there?’ Katie looked at him in amazement.

‘It’s not that far and I’ve got to stay in shape, after all. You joining me for dinner this evening?’

Katie nodded. ‘Something small, light and non-fattening.’

He grinned. ‘Well, I’ll see you later on. Vicky, it was great meeting you and I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow.’ They shook hands formally. Katie picked up the remote control and accompanied him to the gate.

‘Are you quite sure you want to run all the way there in this heat?’ He nodded and gave her a smile.

‘I need the exercise.’

‘So do I, but I’m not crazy enough to go running when it’s this hot!’ She gave him a kiss and watched as he jogged off down the road.

Back indoors, Vicky was clearing the cups into the sink.

‘You didn’t tell me he was so handsome. And a lawyer, too. Brains and beauty. Not bad at all.’

‘You left out brawn. He plays rugby. Rugby players aren’t renowned for their delicacy.’

‘He was very well behaved. He didn’t crack any bones when he shook hands with me and the cup handles are all intact.’ She turned towards Katie. ‘I hope he and Paul get on well tomorrow.’

‘I’m sure they will.’ Katie found herself wondering whether that would turn out to be the case.