mirrors of Jesus

Let your gentleness be evident to all.


We are called to be gentle, compassionate, and tender people. As we interact with our friends and family, this must be at the forefront of our minds. It’s easy for me to say harsh words when my friend gets on my nerves or to lash out at my brother who is being annoying, but I can’t get rid of the feeling that this callousness and anger is not what God has called us to. As Christians, we are watched closely by the world, and everything we do is a reflection of Christ. Sometimes my actions and attitudes surely do not represent a true picture of God to others. I have seen in the Bible that God is compassionate, merciful, and gentle, and Jesus embodied these traits while on earth. Hundreds of people came just to hear Him speak; He had compassion on them and healed many. Christ wasn’t obligated to show gentleness, but He did. As an ambassador for Christ, am I presenting the Gospel as Jesus lived it? Do my words convey God’s love or are they harsh, biting, and sarcastic? These are important questions to ask because the only Jesus some people know is the Jesus that they see in me and you.

Jessica Runk, 19, Patrick Henry College, Purcellville, VA

Jesus, I must remember that people get to know You through
me. That’s a big responsibility for me to have,
and I want to make You proud. Amen.