chocolate and jelly beans

“He is not here; he has risen, just as he said.
Come and see the place where he lay.”

MATTHEW 28:5–6

When I was a little girl I received chocolate and jelly beans for Easter. I remember bubbling with excitement as I ran into the kitchen on Easter Sunday to see what the Easter bunny had left on the counter. When I got a little older, I wondered why I didn’t get that excited about the true gift of Easter. Jesus’ Resurrection is the most amazing story in the Bible. Our risen Savior triumphed over sin and death in order to bring us broken and hurting people to life, hope, purpose, and joy. That is something to celebrate! Had Christ not risen from the grave, His sacrifice would have been meaningless and we would still be caught in the entangling grip of sin. That makes the Resurrection story the best, most incredible story ever. My question is, Do we allow this story to shape and affect our lives?

Jessica Runk, 19, Patrick Henry College, Purcellville, VA

Jesus I want to get excited about what
You’ve done for me, more excited than
I’ve ever been about anything else!