gaining an identity

(part 1)

For God so loved the world
that He gave His one and only Son.

JOHN 3:16

At my father’s house, I had to deal with a lot of verbal abuse throughout my childhood. I vividly recall both my father and my stepmother telling me that I was stupid, lazy, worthless, ugly, fat, and so on. After a while I began to listen to their insults and believe that they were true. My thought life consisted of self-abuse. I hated me and everything about me. When I was fourteen, my mom became very concerned because I kept getting more and more depressed. She took me to a Christian counselor who talked with me about my identity in Christ. During one session, the counselor said, “I’m selling you my car, and you offer to pay me $15,000 for it. How much is the car worth to you?” I responded, “$15,000.” He said, “No one pays more for something than it’s worth. What did God pay for you?” I said, “Christ.” Then he said the words that have completely changed how I view myself. He said, “Then in God’s eyes, you are worth Christ.” I am worth Christ because God paid His Son for me (Romans 5:8). God also paid the same price for you. “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son.” My dear sisters, we are worth Christ to God!

Wendy McCain, 17, Grace Academy, Asheville, NC

Jesus, You were willing to give Your life for mine.
It’s hard to believe I’m worth that much to You …
but I am so thankful that I am.