freedom (part 2)

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.
Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be
burdened again by a yoke of slavery.


My counselor helped me to find my identity in Christ, and this brought incredible freedom in my life. For me, freedom in Christ means letting go of the negative memories and harmful experiences of the past and refocusing my thoughts on Jesus and His truths. I used to struggle with bulimia because, if you remember, I hated everything about myself, including how I looked. One night when I was having a particularly difficult time, God reminded me that I am His child, that He is the King. It hit me that a princess does not spend her evenings with her head over a toilet, making herself throw up her dinner. For so long I had thought so poorly of myself that I had to relearn who I was to God. I had to “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5). Look in the Bible and discover the truths about who you are to God for yourself (John 1:12; John 15:15; Romans 8:1-2; Romans 8:35-39; 1 Corinthians 3:16; Ephesians 3:12). By reaffirming these truths in our minds, our lives begin to change and the power of Christ becomes more evident in our lives. Seek out who you are in Christ and you will soon know freedom and show your true identity.

Wendy McCain, 17, Grace Academy, Asheville, NC

Father, I want to know who I am in You.
Only when I know that will I be the best person
I can be.