Your heart rushes when he walks by. The blood pumps swiftly through your body as you watch him cross the room. He’s the guy you’ve been eyeing for a week, or has it been two weeks now? Oh, but then, who knows or really cares? What matters is getting this guy’s attention. You slip across the room, slyly easing your way towards the group of people he’s with. You pretend to notice him for the first time, raising your voice to a sultry level, as you say his name. He turns and smiles. You giggle, tease, and coyly compliment him as your banter proceeds. You know you’ve got him wrapped neatly around your finger by the end of the conversation, and that is exactly what you wanted. You feel good about yourself because he responded so wonderfully to your advances. Yes, it’s true: You have a lot of power over guys. With a few choice words, one deft touch, and a sexy outfit, you can send his mind racing through the cosmos. You have the power to make him feel like a man with something as seemingly insignificant as the look in your eyes. If he thinks you’re interested, he might pursue you. He might even ask you out. Then, a month later, when your affections shift, you have the power to break his heart. Few of us are quite this powerful, but most of us like to flirt (or at least want to). But is flirting bad? Or maybe the better question would be: What good does flirting do?
Amy McKoy, 18, Bryan College, Dayton, TN
God I want to be liked by guys.
I need Your help to know how to keep
my feelings from leading me to do things I shouldn’t.