JOHN 16:33 (KJV)
Last year I got to play the part of a punk piano player for a mock trial at my school. I had so much fun, and the only hard part was that I could never be completely prepared for the cross-examination. I prepared a testimony from our information, but at the mock trial, the other schools did the cross examinations. They always seemed to bring up something unexpected. I soon found out how easy it was for the cross-examiners to manipulate my words and make me look like I was very biased and even that I might be lying. Even though this trial was completely an act and not real in any way, I had to keep reminding myself that it was okay if I messed up or didn’t have the most articulate testimony. It was comforting to remember that in the midst of the real trials and tribulations in life that I didn’t have to be perfect either. I know in the real thing, God is the One in control, not me, and after my experience at the mock trial at school, I realized that is a very good thing.
Calista Turner, 17, Donelson Christian Academy, Nashville, TN
Thank You, Father, for being in control.
If I were in control, I’d mess things up a lot.
I’m so glad You are taking care of me.