He’s first!

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart
and with all your soul and with all your mind
and with all your strength.”

MARK 12:30

Have you ever liked a guy so much that you cannot stop thinking about him, no matter what you do? Maybe at first you kind of liked him and wondered if he would ever like you. Next, you are shopping near where he works to try and “accidentally” run into him. Before you know it, you’re acting like a different person, just for his sake. I’ve definitely been there. My crush was so big and out of control. I spent more time in front of the mirror, thinking about him, and imagining scenarios with us together than anything else in my life. And then one day I woke up and I didn’t have a crush on him anymore. It was so odd, almost like God had just removed my desire to please this guy. Since then, this desire has been replaced with the desire to please God. I am free to think and do other things not related to this guy, and mostly, I’m free to be my genuine self. Looking back, I believe that God wanted me to focus on Him more than anyone else. Maybe for you it’s not a guy, but maybe it’s sports, hobbies, or even school that takes all of your attention. I think that God wants us to learn to be wise and balanced with the time He has given us, and more than anything, He wants to always be first in our lives.

Lindsay Oliver, 15, Cedar Hall School, Nashville, TN

Dear God, when I feel really busy today
(which I know I will), remind me that no matter how
Busy I am, I should always make time for You.