learning obedience

Everyone must submit himself
to the governing authorities, for there is no
authority except that which God has established.
The authorities that exist have been established by God.


Why should we obey our parents? In Romans 13:1 Paul tells us to be subject to, or to obey, authority. Since God placed us in our particular families with our particular parents, if we disobey them, then we are disobeying the authority God has put over us. It’s really hard for me to accept this when I think my parents are wrong about something. But really, the only good reason not to obey my parents is if they tell me to do something that goes against God’s word. Other than that, if I have a different opinion on something or really want to do something, that is not an excuse to disobey. If we are truly serving God, we should be obeying our parents. And if we cannot obey our parents, who we can see, how can we obey God, who we can’t see?

Tiffany Heetderks, 15, Petra Academy, Bozeman, MT

I know I should obey my parents, Lord.
People tell me that all the time. Help me to not
roll my eyes when I hear this. Help me to really
respect my mom and dad.