the Christmas
story retold

The virgin will be with child and will
give birth to a son, and they will call him
which means, “God with us.”


We have all heard the Christmas story a hundred times, and although it is wonderful, sometimes it is sort of boring because we have heard it so many times and could probably write it out from memory. At least that’s how I felt until my volleyball coach shared a new perspective with me one night. Imagine that the room you are sitting in is the entire universe. That little speck of dust in the corner is a galaxy called the Milky Way. Now, in a tiny, tiny corner of the Milky Way is a little solar system. And in a little corner of that solar system is the planet earth. Sometimes the earth seems pretty big, but not when you think about it like this! Now, remember that God, who is bigger than the entire universe, with all its galaxies and solar systems and planets, looked down to miniscule earth and decided that we really needed help. So he sent his ONLY Son down to live and to die for us in this little corner of the universe. That really kind of gives the Christmas story a new twist! Immanuel: “God with us.” Even though we are so small, so insignificant, He came down to be with us because His love is infinite!

Kimberiee DeGroot, 14, Petra Academy, Bozeman MT

Jesus, I want to really stop and think what Christmas means
this year. This season goes by so quickly.
I just want to slow down and think about how
amazing it is that You came to earth to save me.