JOHN 8:12
Earlier in the summer I had the opportunity to go contra dancing (which is a little like square dancing) with one of my friends at a nearby college. Once we arrived I was able to see people of all ages dashing through the parking lot, water bottles bouncing, towards an old barnlike structure. Inside, twirling skirts crowded the building, and lively music filled the air with excitement and anticipation. Being a former ballet dancer, it was difficult for me to catch on to dancing with a partner. Fortunately, my friend has been dancing for a while, and he was able to guide me through the succession of complicated steps that the announcer sang out to the crowd. As the summer has progressed, I have come to realize that dancing is a wonderful picture of my relationship with Christ. Jesus is the ultimate lead dancer, and in order to make the dance work, it is imperative for me to follow in his steps. While dancing, it is easy to become disoriented and confused about where to go and what to do. At those times, instead of trying to go the way I think is best, I must trust that my partner will guide me in the right direction. Even when life gets tough and I don’t want to go on any further, I know that Jesus has his arms wrapped around me. He’s whispering, “C’mon, let’s dance …”
Meredith Koontz, 17, North Buncombe High School, Weaverville, NC
Lord, I want to learn lessons about You
from everything I do. I want to see You
in every activity, every day, so I can know You better.