One night my house caught fire as I slept, and the smoke detector screeched. Our kitchen was burning. My mom woke me up. I was scared, so I ran to the kitchen and then went to my handicapped sister’s room. I tried repeatedly to get her to come with me before the house was consumed, but she refused. I ran outside to the neighbors’ house and pounded on the door. I told them to call 911 and that my mom and sister were stuck in the fire. They were trapped in my mom’s room. Then I ran to my aunt’s house and after I told her, she took me back to my house. There were firefighters, fire trucks, and ambulances. My mom was not as burned as my sister, who had been hypnotized by the fire. Once they rescued my mom, they took us by ambulance to the hospital. I was praying throughout this time. At 10 a.m. my sister was taken to a burn unit in another town, and she stayed there for eight days. She couldn’t open her eyes or talk. Before that, we were not in contact with my dad. My relatives on his side came in and helped us with food, money, and clothes. The fire united my family. It was something I was praying for. Even though it was difficult, God put us through it for His glory and our good, and not for any bad. It is weird how the Lord answers our prayers, but it is awesome!
Amanda Liegi, 17, Nebraska Christian High School, Columbus, NE
A tragedy can be a blessing?! God, it amazes me how
You can take our imperfect world and make it
into something that glorifies You!