transcending peace

And the peace of God, which transcends
all understanding, will guard your hearts
and your minds in Christ Jesus.


This past summer I broke up with my boyfriend after dating him for three years. He was both my boyfriend and my best friend. God had been impressing upon my heart for about six months that He did not want us to be together. I did not like hearing that, so at first I tried to ignore it. That did not work, so I began to pray that my boyfriend would break up with me so that I would not have to break up with him. This didn’t work either. I went to work at camp and got away from the usual distractions and expectations of my life, and during that week God chose to speak clearly to me. By the time I went home, I knew I had to do it. God gave me a peace about it, and I truly felt His will and comfort. Ever since the breakup I have continued to feel that peace. It has been extremely lonely sometimes, but I know that it was the right decision. Sometimes it takes a quiet moment for us to hear God speak and to believe Him enough to do the hard thing. For me, it was SO worth it.

Rachel Thurman, 17, Cedar Hall School, Rockvale, TN

God, I want to really hear You.
Give me the silence I need to hear Your voice
and the strength I need to do what You say.