forever and always

Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.
Your people will be my people
and your God my God.

RUTH 1:16

Loyalty is something imperative in the Christian life. We need to be loyal to God above all others. So if that is one of the most important things: Why is it so hard? I haven’t really been tempted to turn on Christ since I go to a Christian school, but I can only imagine how hard it is for people in public schools! I pray my faith will remain strong once I leave our school and enter the “real” world. Christianity is so persecuted in the world today that is it just amazing. People don’t seem to care whether or not they go against the Lord. I have been blessed with a wonderful family and wonderful friends that encourage me to walk with the Lord and never even think about straying. And, quite frankly, I don’t want to. However … I know there’s still room for improvement. I’m sure that when I do leave school and go out into the world that my faith and loyalty will be tested. Not only the loyalty to my Lord but my family and friends as well. Like Ruth, in one of the most poignant stories in the Bible, I will try to stay loyal to everything and everyone that I love.

Kelsie Nygren, 15, Covenant Christian Academy, El Paso, TX

I want tobe a loyal person, Lord,
the kind of person people can always trust.
Help me to always keep my promises and never betray
the people I loveespecially You!