In the lives of many girls today, feeling beautiful and accepted is a major problem. We need to measure up to the world’s standards of being pretty. Having the most popular clothes, wearing the right makeup, being slender, and even having a tan complexion seem so important. If we aren’t fitting in with the world, we can easily lose our confidence and feelings of worth. Through breakups and tough friendship problems we can feel as though we are no longer good enough or worth anything. It can seem that nobody deeply cares about us and how we feel. Through these tough times God wants us to lean on Him and know that He truly cares about each one of us. He thinks we are all beautiful and what he notices is our inner beauty and our relationship with him. We are worth more than any amount of money or prize in His eyes. Being accepted by God is the best that it can get and that is what we should truly strive for.
Stacey Krieger, 16, Nebraska Christian High School, O’Neill, NE
It seems like so many things that happen
just bring me down and make me not like myself.
Thank You, God, far being the one thing that
always makes me feel better.