the purity problem

For women who claim to be devoted
to God should make themselves attractive
by the good things they do.

1 TIMOTHY 2:10 (NLT)

It’s hard to not have sex until marriage. There are so many reasons NOT to wait. If you think you really love someone and he really loves you, then you might feel like having sex is okay. And you might think since you’re using protection, you won’t have to deal with pregnancy or diseases. But safe sex isn’t always safe … and the “love” you two feel might not be as strong as you thought. The only real way to stay safe is to wait until marriage. The Bible tells us many times to remain pure. But maybe you’ve already had sex, so you figure you might as well continue. That is not true. You can stop, and it might mean breaking up with a boyfriend, which definitely is not easy. But God wants us to obey Him first and foremost. Purity is a great gift that we have received and that we can give to someone someday. But when it comes down to it, none of us is pure in every aspect or to every degree. We are always making excuses about doing things we shouldn’t. Despite all our mistakes, the most amazing part of all this is that, if we let Him, God makes us truly pure, in mind, body, and soul.

Jessica Morel, 17, Riverdale High School, Rockvale, TN

Jesus, thank You for dying on the cross.
Thank You for shedding the blood that
washes away my mistakes.