All humans have a sinful nature because of one important event in the history of mankindaeAdam and Eve eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Before they sinned and disobeyed God, everything was perfect, and they were naive to everything other than good. I am reading a book that is second in a trilogy called The Circle, Red by Ted Dekker. The book talks about how the serpent twisted God’s words to make it sound all right to disobey what God had said. The serpent was very crafty, and he made it sound okay to eat the fruit. The woman said that God had told them to not eat it or they would surely die. Then the serpent said that they would not die but that they would be smart like God. Adam and Eve wanted to be smart, but what happened was far from imaginable for them. We should remember what happened to them when we are questioning Gods words. When we trust Him, good things will happen. But disobeying Him will never turn out well.
Ali VanMinos, 15, Oconee County Christian Academy, Seneca, SC
Lord, teach me to trust in Your Word no matter
what the temptation. I don’t want to be led astray.